When you write you may be happy, sad, or even apathetic. These things can also be a part of your writing processes. Trying to get into a specific mindset so that may be a character comes off the page as being on edge. Some writers try to clear their heads so that they can convey without having their own minds change the flow of a scene, if they are trying to pick up where they left off. We all have our own flow from word to page.
Emotions change your writing. They can bring all kinds of different things to your character including depth. The one pitfall that can happen is when you try to pull back from your own emotions you make your character seem flat.
One thing that I do when I’m writing if I want to feel a specific feeling for a character. Like to get into their mindset and feel what they are going through. I use music for mood modification. This is one of the ways I can get into character, per say. There are times I need to clear everything out so that the character is raw.
What is your process? Is there something that you do specifically that helps you in your writing? Or do you just try and get the words onto the page and see where they fall? There is no wrong answer to this. Just use what works best for you.
(Picture from https://pixabay.com)