What was the one highlight of your trip?

in writing •  5 years ago  (edited)

You would be surprised to hear how many times friends have asked that question since returning from Latin America and Antartica. Or maybe you would not because you have heard it too after a fun adventurous tripping to a number of countries holiday. It is highly likely you struggle answering it as much as I do!

Why do people ask such a hard question?
Finding only one highlight out of a jam packed three weeks of a fun journey, where we had a lot of fun intermingled with a few challenges here and there is like finding teeth in a chook's mouth. I remember staring at the friend who first asked this question. "Go on, just give one highlight," the friend insisted.

So, of course I had to say that the expedition trip in Antartica was the highlight. It was like being cornered with no way out. But, I felt a little guilty at not choosing or even mentioning Santiago, Buenos Aires or Valparaiso because each of these cities were fantastic to visit.

I really thought that the experience of the cold water pipe breaking down in the hotel in Buenos Aires was a highlight, particularly when I was in the shower at the time. Or being tear gassed in Valparaiso, that had to be a highlight. Or perhaps arriving at our first hotel in Santiago and finding it shut because it was in the protest area of the city. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Ushuaia in Argentina too, it was our first experience walking in falling snow, a real treat for Queenslanders living in the subtropics.

I was put on the spot, a tricky place to be. Choosing Antartica was the winning answer because my friends nodded and smiled, yes the lights flashed and the bells rang.

Looking at my photo snapped by the Zodiac driver on one of our trips around the islands and icebergs I have to say that my time in Antartica was the best part of the holiday. I get a giggle when I look at this photo, I couldn't resist the pose. I even have a glove off because I had been busy taking photos.

Perhaps it is one that can be framed and put on the sideboard for a constant reminder of the best highlight of our latest adventure.

Cheers and Blessings



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You have been 🙏 curated by @njord

Hello @njord and thank you.

What a great photo Angie. I’m happy you got to experience the snow and cold weather.

Thank you Redheadpei, it is a fun one. I so loved the snow and cold weather, I so wish there was a bit of that weather here at present.

Haha! What wonderful memories and that photo has to be one of your best, it's great, a picture says a thousand words!

It makes me laugh when I see it janton, I see myself back on the Zodiac when I posed for it. Why does the time go so quickly?😐

Yeah time goes too fast. Except for when the price of steem goes up, we need that to speed up!