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Trying to make ethics "flexible" leads to moral relativism. For example, "little white lies... it's not bad as long as nobody gets hurt." This absolutely wrong! Truth is not relative and when you lie, you do hurt someone- yourself.

One thing you can always count on from me is the truth... you might not like it- or you might not like me... But I like myself and that's what really matters. All you have is your word, and if people know you lie (no matter how trivial the circumstances) it means nothing!

It's not that you have to lie. There is a simple rule: "Do not say, do not do and do not think about what you are not asked for." It is necessary to respect the desire or unwillingness of another to hear the truth. But what is the silence of truth? In fact - this is a lie. And what is the truth? Everyone has their own subjective truth, but the objective truth is one. Thanks for the comment! I respect your opinion and it's interesting to me!

Two sides to everything just like a coin flip


Wow nice text. Are you writing for living or just as hobby ?

Thank you:) Sometimes I write for living but not in English:)

What I think is that it's better to speak lie if your truth can do more harm. For instance, if your lie can save someone's life you should speak it.

Yes, it's rather complicated problem :)

Interesting, Thanks for all of this important info, I read all your post it's so good, you are a good Blogger

Thank you:)

U are welcome bro

Since human beings love to forge new concepts for their "misbehavior", society created the "white lie" to cover everything they do wrong. Lie is lie, and I don't care if it is white, black, purple or orange, it is a lie. Lie is lie and that is it!

Partially I agree with you. But let's imagine. A two-year-old child says that he saw a tiger on the street. It's a lie? If from the point of view of morality, then this is certainly a lie. Does this mean that the child has acted badly? But children often fantasize. They do not want to harm anyone, they just create their magic world. Or the question for adults. You see your friend's wife in a cafe with a man. They ordered wine. On the table is a vase with a rose ... How will you do? Will you tell your friend about this? Morality says that it must be said and that it will be true. But maybe your friend and his wife already have certain agreements concerning their private life that they do not want to tell everybody and you will put them in an awkward position. Questions of truth and lies (especially lies as silence) are not as simple as they seem ... Thank you for your comment!

I can understand you and I must add that for children there must be a "certain" exception. I say "certain" because it is possible to observe behaviors and there are children and children. But when it comes to adults, sorry, lies are lies and that is it. Purple, yellow, black or even blue lies, there is no exception for adults! (But this point is really very "sensitive" and we will get lots of ideas about it!)

Yes, it's a rather complicated topic. For example, in our country, according to the law, a doctor has the right to hide information about the patient's health from the patient if he believes that this can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition. That's such a "lie in the law."

I can understand it. Here is the same, but I don't know if it is a law here or not. But stay with the truth all the time, for many human beings, can be really hard, but this is something everyone must do, no matter what. (Unfortunately, this is my utopic world, where everything is right. I say utopic because it should be the right world to live in, but men themselves made it unreal and surreal to live in. This is so sad!) :'(

Oh, absolutelly! Stay with the truth all the time can be really hard! Thank you! I really appreciate your opinion:)

Always with you @animal-shelter! You are amazing for all you do!

Good point for discussion:)

Seeing good in all. @fawadsolangi

Truth is always important. If there is a lie on someones mind (e.g. on my girlfriends mind) then in that case i will notice that she is acting different which then will cause friction in the relationship somehow because she might be distant or w/e else having that lie on your mind brings.

Truth always.