An article about politics and some etymology.

in writing •  6 years ago 

Going through my notepad and found another article I had previously shared to Facebook, but not to steemit.
This one I think is really interesting, however.. I posted it after one of the recent mass shootings so it was a bit sensitive at the time, especially because there appears to be a lot of people in the vegan movement who support gun control and I wanted to try to get through to them that I personally don't think it's a good idea.

Anyways.. On to the post, it's below if you'd like to read it.

This is going to be a long post, read it only if you are genuinely interested.. I'm going to both touch on a little bit of etymology AND.. I want to get some thoughts off my chest after debating quite a few people for much of the day yesterday who want to ban guns.

Okay, so.. I want to start a bit more calmly with the etymology and then I'm going to get into the more umm.. Passionate ranting kind of stuff. The words we are looking at today are.. "author-ity" "w-riting" "juris-diction" and "govern-ment".

First.. Govern-ment.. Govern essentially means control and ment almost certainly means "mind" or "mental" though etymology suggests in this case that it means the "state of being" either way though in my mind.. Government by it's own wordage implies "mind control" since the state of being originates from the mind and in hermeticism which the occult is decently rooted in "all is mind, all is mental".
Plus.. If you think about.. Government doesn't really exist outside of the minds of those who believe in it.

If you wanna believe in their "authority" and basically be slaves.. That's up to you. -.- I wanna be free. And I want others to be free too, including the animals. :)

Next word is "authority". Which if you take apart we have the word "AUTHOR" here's some history.

"From c. 1300 in the general sense "legal validity," also "authoritative book; authoritative doctrine" (opposed to reason or experience); "author whose statements are regarded as correct." From mid-14c. as "right to rule or command, power to enforce obedience, power or right to command or act."

It looks as if the word authority has a lot to do obedience without consideration of reason and also with.. "Writing" so to speak.. Just like an author of a book writes a story, the authorities are sort of.. Writing our stories to an extent.

Next the word "writing" which if you take the W out we have "riting" which is the action of a "ritual". This is more word splicing than etymology in this particular case, but.. I think it makes a lot of sense if you look at words as "worlds" themselves and "spells".

And.. When we "spell" our words, are we not "spelling"? When we use grammar, is that not akin to using a grimoire? What's a grammarian?

late 14c., "writer on (Latin) grammar; philologist, etymologist;" in general use, "learned man," from Old French gramairien "wise man, person who knows Latin; magician"

So.. A grammarian is a magician essentially.. People who learn how to properly use words are.. Wizards, I humble you to reverse the letters of the word WIZARD in the alphabet and replace them all with their opposites letters like A with Z and B with Y.. And.. Just digest the potential implications of that for a while.

I could go a lot deeper here, but.. This is essentially just a sort of quick summary and I'm trying to add context as quick as I can for people not as literate at this.
NEXT.. Is.. juris-diction.

Juris is.. "mid-15c., "one who practices law;" 1620s, "a legal writer, one who professes the science of the law," and then diction has to do with language. "from Late Latin dictionem (nominative dictio) "a saying, expression, word,"

So the jurisdiction of any government is essentially the legal language of the authoritative dominators in a given society and they write spells and rituals to enslave people using the mind control of "govern-ment".

Hopefully that all makes some amount sense to you, and if you're new to this.. I suggest you dig deeper yourself, don't take my word for it.. Look it up, learn about the history of words or the "TRUE MEANING" of words.

The reason I add all this context is because.. I got into a feisty debate the other day about people wanting to ban guns, and I want to try to show you that.. Government is basically mind control.

And when you are trying to invoke government.. You are showing that you are mind controlled and invoking some of the most ruthless evil people the world has ever seen and MOST people are still under their spell. Let's talk on anarchy a little bit before I get into the gun control stuff.

"No truly awoken person has ever not been an anarchist"

It's immoral to rule over others, thus government is immoral. Anarchism is "no rulers". How could anyone be against no rulers? It's TRUE freedom.

You are essentially arguing for your own enslavement and the enslavement of others if you believe in government, which is immoral and not loving to yourself or others.

"Belief in Government is a mental illness"

The brainwashing is so strong for some of these people they don't even realize they are advocating for unjust violence when they advocate the government try to ban and take weapons/self defense away from millions of people.

Government is VIOLENCE AND FORCE. It is NOT PEACE AND LOVE. It is intolerance and there is a gun pointing at someone behind every law, if you do not comply you will either be put in a cage or murdered for resisting.

Those who advocate government intervention are not advocating peace and love they are advocating intolerance, and violence even to the extent of murdering people who have a different opinion on life and refuse to give up their inherent freedom.

I literally was called a child murderer numerous times yesterday for simply believing in the concept of self defense and that it is a right to be able to defend yourself and it is wrong try to go around violently taking away the ability of millions of people to defend themselves.

I sometimes wonder why so many people want to give up their guns and ability to defend themselves to governments which have killed LITERALLY hundreds of millions of people..

DEMOCIDE, look it up. Probably the #1 cause of unnatural death in the history of the world is.. GOVERNMENT, IE MIND CONTROL. There would be no Hitler's if there were no followers.. Both are guilty to their own extents, but.. You don't have horrible tyrants without supremely ignorant and immoral people who obey and do what they say, or "spell" into existence.

I don't think most people understand JUST how evil the people in power are.. WHY would you give even more power to these people who are the biggest and most ruthless killers in the history of the world?!

This is coming from a place of love.. Please wake up, and when you do, don't use the word "woke" to describe yourself as some cliche "popular" BS, most people who use that word to describe themselves have absolutely no clue what's going on in the world.

You wanna give your guns away when some schools get shot up, YET.. You seem to ignore the countless schools our governments bomb the shit out of? smh

Does it only matter when it hits close to home? What about those people in a far off land YOUR GOVERNMENT JUST MASS MURDERED??

Many of you only seem to cry when kids close to home die, yet don't give a FUCK about little kids dying in much higher numbers by your own government in far off lands.


And if you think your government is different or somehow an exclusion to the rule and is "benevolent", you're wrong. They are virtually all controlled by the same occult groups and the idea of government is inherently wrong and immoral in the first place.

Do you really think it could never happen again in terms of your government only killing people in far off lands and not you? While they bomb the shit out of countless innocent people all around the world for more power and wealth and greed?

You think you're government really cares about you? Seriously? Do you..? I WISH more of you would genuinely research the occult world and what's really happening in geopolitical history.
I think this is an important quote to consider and.. Digest a bit.

"Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it, OR.. Learn from history and be doomed to watch others repeat it"

I know people who want to ban guns are doing it out of the goodness of their heart and they want less people harmed, but.. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and it doesn't matter what your intentions are if your results are potentially leading us to hell and the possibility of forever losing our freedom in terms of true individuality among the common people.

We're going into a dystopian future, whether you see it or not. If you take away our guns, we're even more fucked than we already are. What is happening if you pay even a MODICUM of attention to the world is like something out of the Terminator or The Matrix, and I'm not kidding.. You do not want to give any more power or freedom away to these "people" these "occult forces"..

We need to make a stand and demand more freedom for all. Or else we might all turn into batteries in some kind of robotic future. -.- As if we're not already batteries enough at this point in time the way most people are enslaved and barely ever have any free time working multiple jobs and who are in debt for the rest of their lives, free range slavery..

For you vegans among my list, you should realize this more than most.. The powers that be treat us like sheep, like livestock, and you think you're free? If so.. That's just cause you're free range and you've been given the illusion of freedom.

These people who wanna ban guns so bad are going to kill a lot more innocent people if they try. Most people who TRULY believe in self defense aren't willing to give our ability to defend ourselves up for ANYONE, EVER.
And there's millions of us. It would be like a literal civil war if you tried. Please remember that.. Put yourself in the shoes of others.

You may have grown up in a big city somewhere where you feel protected by corrupt cops and "government", but many of us who live out further in the wild really understand the importance of self defense. And you should too, cause really the city is not much different and no one needs guns to seriously harm others.

One guy killed and maimed hundreds with cow manure, others used planes to kill thousands, cars have been used to kill similar amounts as shool shootings, I mean.. The problem is not the tool being used, the problem is the psychopathy and sociopathy of the individual involved.

I'm trying to be more peaceful in my language, but.. How fucking stupid do you gotta be to think disarming millions of innocent people and giving their weapons to the biggest tyrants and war mongers in the world who are murdering millions of innocent people and who are trying to take over the world is a good idea?

It's like... They wanna give the worst killers in history our guns and ability to defend ourselves. What kind of reasoning could lead to this? Only ignorance in my opinion.. Only ignorance of history and what's happening now and just how evil the people in power are and how little they care about us.

It's kinda frightening how ignorant so many people are to the reality of the world, government wants a monopoly on physical force and many people wanna give it to them even though they've been killing millions and are MUCH worse killers than the ones who sparked the debate!

Some people who are violently mentally ill are using unjust force on the population and then some of the population wants to use the unjust force and power of the government to further terrorize even more innocent people who just want to defend themselves? Wow..

People say we need to ban guns cause the world is a dangerous place, yet.. They totally ignore the ones who are making it a dangerous place and want to even give their guns away to those same forces who are making the world a dangerous place!!! sigh

True love is defending yourself and others and not letting tyrants just rape and murder you and those you love without even trying to resist at all.

If Jesus was a real historical person, even he used violence to try to whip the money changers and animal sellers out of the temple, and he was crucified for it.. He was crucified for defending the innocent animals. Yet you wanna join the forces of those doing the crucifying and those who are sacrificing the animals..? Really...??

If there ends up being a civil war in the US it's gonna be nasty. We are the most well equipped with the most technology and like Rome each person is suppose to be a part of the Militia, we are made up of soldiers and that's one of the keys to a truly free society is to not allow a monopoly on force, and.. You don't want that. You really don't!

Please.. Please, PLEASE Stop trying to take guns. People aren't evolved enough yet, we still need to defend ourselves, it's better than being defenseless victims.

If you think the war zones in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and elsewhere are bad.. Then please don't bring a much worse war back here, cause that's what will happen if you try to ban peoples guns.

And to be clear, I'm not talking about minor regulations here or there, I'm talking about a TOTAL BAN which some people are literally naive enough to believe in and think is a good idea.

I'm going to wrap this up shortly with something I said in response to someone yesterday that I think people should be aware of and contemplate. And also.. Sorry if I don't respond for a while or if I don't even get back to some of your comments at all, there's way too many to even keep up with.. I just am too busy and I can't keep up with all the people trying to talk to me.

Now.. Please consider putting yourselves in the shoes of anything you want government to do.. Are you willing to personally bust someones door down to stop them from doing drugs or having guns? Are you willing to drop bombs on little kids overseas? If not, then don't advocate your government do it either. In my opinion it makes you a hypocrite at the very least.

As long as you feel like you can control other peoples lives you are going to be in conflict with true freedom and love.
If you think you can protect others by taking away everyone's ability to defend themselves.. You are also very mistaken.

Would YOU personally rush into someones home to murder them for not giving up their weapons? If not, I'd suggest you don't have the government do it for you either.

But.. If you really believe in taking guns away from people THAT MUCH.. That you would personally bust down some innocent persons door and steal their ability to defend themselves and risk your life in the process of that.. Then.. I guess we can just agree to disagree.

I would not break down someones door and try to forcefully take away their ability to protect themselves, so I will not advocate that others do that either, in fact I will speak out against it like I am.

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Could you save me some time and tell me what will happen if we do what you say with the letters in wizard?

It essentially shows the word wizard mirrored in the alphabet.
Some people think it's just a mathematical coincidence, which I admit is possible. I can't prove it 100% for sure either way. It just seems much much more likely to me that it was intentional. Especially since the occult is heavily centered around language and "magic" and often refer to themselves as wizards and magicians and even warlocks.

No, that makes sense to me. A wizard then, is a whizz with words- just as the sound of the word suggests.

Rather interesting when you apply the same method to the word sorcerer. Sounds like "source error." I can think of a few things that could mean, but I think I have just got an overactive imagination at times. I'm probably reading way too far into this.

Those are both clever, however as you pointed out.. Probably just an overactive imagination in this case. However "whiz" is probably related to wizard, and it is believed that wizard comes from "wise".
Lemme check whiz real quick.

"whiz (n.)
"clever person," 1914, probably a special use of whiz "something remarkable" (1908), an extended sense of whizz; or perhaps a shortened and altered form of wizard."

So yeah, that's interesting. Looks like you were right. Though almost certainly a more modern version of the word. But sorta means the same thing and is possibly directly related to the word wizard.

The source error one is funny! Though searching for a way to make it make sense is difficult, lol. Maybe I could fit it into a poem somewhere, hope you find mind! I think it's clever.

Perhaps not..

One "errer" meant "to err" and comes from the Latin "errare," meaning "to wander" or "to err." The second "errer" meant "to travel," and traces to the Latin "iter," meaning "road" or "journey."

It sounds more like source errer than source error if we're going to be honest. And this could be translated as one who has traveled or wandered into (or from) the source? Or perhaps it means "road to the source," or "journey to the source."

Interesting. Though, perhaps not very applicable.

Hmm.. That's really interesting! Thanks for sharing. Maybe there is more to it. I'll have to ponder on it more.

Well if you ever notice any interesting things with language, feel free to share them with me.