Had one of the most epic adventures of my life and UFO experiences as well!

in writing •  6 years ago  (edited)

Had one of the most epic adventures yesterday!
Me and my brother have been looking for a ruin that my father took us to many years ago and while we still weren't able to find it.. We did find some other ruins and.. Some other neat stuff happened too.

We hiked close to 20 miles, I'm cut, bruised, sunburned, have cactus needles in my elbow and am quite sore.. Though it was well worth it. Just to get out and have an adventure with my brother, yet.. In other ways as well!

I'd like to start by saying that.. On steemit and Facebook I talked about the last adventure and how my mother told me to look for my "spirit guide" and how I'm a bit skeptical of such but I came across the path of a fox and looked online some of the pages and it said that foxes are spirit guides, they walk the physical and spiritual world.
It was just so weird that like a couple days before we went my mom told me to look for such and I've only seen a few foxes in my life so it was a rather rare encounter..
Anyways.. The reason I mention that is to help add context to the story.. I felt like there was something to learn out there because of the encounter with the fox and I wanted to go back.

As we started getting close to the mountain range we were looking for, we started to see what looked like fox tracks leading us in the direction we were going, I suppose it could have been a coyote.. Though they were smaller and it really made me think it was a fox.
So it was neat how it seemed like I went back there because of the fox and then we had fox tracks leading us to where we were going..
After hiking up into the mountain for a while I finally found a wall on the side of a really steep cliff and my brother was catching up to me when I turned around to greet him.. I saw a whole nearly intact building behind him.


He was walking towards me asking about the wall and then I was like.. "Look behind you! Whoa!" I don't remember if that's what I said, but.. It was that kind of energy and we ran into the area and there were numerous structures, a small lil village or community and most of them were mostly intact minus the roofs.
What I mean by that is oftentimes you'll see structures broken into piles of rubble because I'm assuming either invading settlers or rival tribes destroy them and knock them down after they move though.
Yet these.. Very little damage, it was the biggest and most impressive ruin I've ever personally found myself. I can't remember exactly but I'm guessing between 5 and 8 structures in that spot and a few more nearby.

We continued on and found a couple more ruins and I found some rockart which was one of my goals, not very much and it's faded but at least I found some!
After that and when we started heading back I saw an elk! I've never seen elk down around Sedona before.. Only up in Flagstaff and more Northern Arizona.
I just looked and apparently the elk represents endurance, patience, stamina and strength. All of which were extremely fitting for the long adventure which started at 6:00 AM for me and didn't end until like.. around 11:30 PM.


Story isn't over yet though.. Actually.. Perhaps the most amazing part of the story is yet to come.
We had been heading back to the car for a while, maybe an hour or so? And we stopped to take a lil break and..
I started scanning the sky as I often do at night looking for UFOs or anything interesting, then I saw it.

A star unlike the others, it was moving. I pointed it out to my brother and he saw it too.
It didn't take us very long to realize this was not a drone or a plane or helicopter or anything that is not classified tech, and that perhaps it was even offworld or.. Something else.
This is not my first time seeing UFOs, I've seen so many in Sedona now that I've lost count.. Probably somewhere between 30 and 50 sightings in my life.. And I've had some pretty amazing experiences in the past, however.. This was one of the most significant and perhaps one of the most compelling examples I've seen.

I had my GoPro and coulda got a night timelapse of the UFO but.. Unfortunately I left my tripod earlier in the journey cause I didn't wanna weigh myself down and I was not able to capture the UFO to share with others.. Was frustrated about that, though.. It was a long hike and I was exhausted as is, if I had carried the big tripod the whole way.. Might not have even seen the UFO in the first place.

We watched it there for probably at least a half an hour, maybe longer we had both sort of lost track of time a bit and were just mesmerized watching this thing.
It would keep flying way up and then way down and then way to the left and right, almost like it was drunk and just having fun flying around in a sort of.. Aimless way for lack of a better word.
I suppose it could have been on some kind of job, but it just looked like it was out "joyriding".

It was also flashing lights at times but not like plane lights, and it had a sort of "comet trail" behind it when it would go really fast.
This was my brothers first sighting and he was kinda flipping out as well like not really believing what he was seeing.
I started trying to call the UFO down saying we're peaceful and please don't abduct and test on us and kill us and stuff like that, lol.. And then my brother opened up more and started flashing his lamp at it.

And.. I'm not sure if it was aware of us or not, it didn't necessarily come closer but it sorta felt like it was putting on a show for us.
Eventually we were so tired and had numerous more hours to hike out of there so we decided to leave. I woulda stayed and watched it longer if by myself, though my brother wanted to go so we did.
I kept turning around to see if it was still there, and it was.. BUT.. It looked like it was way further away after we started walking away, like perhaps maybe there was a connection and when we left, they/it started leaving too?

I dunno.. Weird! Yet.. About an hour later, or more into the hike back I looked back and up and.. It was still up there!
Then I saw a shooting star fly RIGHT UNDER IT.. When I told my brother that he told me that he saw a shooting star next to it back when we first saw it.
And I have this personal theory that sometimes shooting stars might be more than shooting stars. This further made me wonder about that.

I didn't see the UFO again after that, It may have still been up there.. I just didn't see it again the rest of the night.
Wow though. One of the most amazing experiences of my life and this time there was actually a witness as well, my brother.. Pretty sure all of my other sightings were alone? It was a great validation to finally have someone else there when I saw one.

I had a feeling we might see something too, we were WAYYYY out there and I told my brother how there's a connection with Sedona where some of the natives believed the "star people" visited here in the past and that this was a special sacred sort of place and also that some native peoples consider a meeting with a UFO or ET being as a great honor, and not something to be scared of..

I hope that's true, yet. We hear stories of bad/predator or negative aliens as well so while I was a lot less afraid than in the past, I still have to wonder.. Like.. How would we know if they were truly friendly or not? I'm reminded of that old Twilight Zone episode where aliens come down and offer us all this technology and act like they wanna help and then eat us. So.. There's still some apprehension on my part I suppose.

This is getting long, I just want to finish by saying.. Both when my mother told me to look for a spirit guide and when I talked about it on steemit and Facebook I joked about how I thought my spirit guide was an alien from elsewhere.
And then last night a while after the encounter with the UFO I put 2 and 2 together and was like whoa.. Maybe the fox spirit guide helped lead me back there to discover my alien spirit guide?
It could have been some kind of classified human technology, might not even be alien or a spirit! Who knows! Yet.. I just gotta say.. The way it all lined up like that.. Really makes me wonder.. Was that a spirit guide?

I still think some day I'm going to have an actual physical meeting, I think perhaps there's still too much fear on my end even though I'm not really so scared of dying.. There's still some kind of fear there. I think perhaps it has to do with the limitations of my belief system and how it would just change my perception of reality permanently.
Maybe all the recent spiritual revelations I've had made me more open to this? Hmm.. Maybe I need to let go more? Stop trying to fear the unknown so much?

Anyways.. Thanks for reading all that if you did! Definitely one of the most epic adventures I've ever had and possibly the best UFO sighting in my life as well. I mean I've seen some other cool ones, but as I mentioned this one was witnessed for over an hour and I had another witness with me.. Pretty freaking awesome.. Just watching it fly through the night sky.. So cool. K. I'ma end this now. Peace!

A picture on our walk out of a very beautiful place in my opinion.

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It sounds like you had very special adventure with your brother.I'm so happy you did it! Dad

Indeed! It's a great memory. Thanks dad. :)

Sounds like you had a great time out there! And a UFO sighting to boot! I bet you would be an excellent nature tour guide out there in Sedona. Maybe you can make some extra income doing something like that for groups once in a while. And a possible UFO sighting with a group of people would be pretty cool!

I haven't been on here much lately but it's nice to see you are in good spirits.

Yeah it was a blast! :) And hey.. You know.. That's actually a really good idea.. There are already UFO tours and stuff like that here in Sedona, and I have thought of doing some sort of photography tour.. But never thought of doing the UFO ones.. There's actually a lot of money in that and it's not a lot of work.. You basically just go out and watch the sky at night.. I mean.. That's not so bad, heh. Would probably be pretty fun.

Yeah I had checked your page a number of times and noticed you weren't around, it's good to see you again! Thanks for stopping by and for the positive sentiments.. I am doing better. Had some revelations recently. It's been quite a journey but I feel like my outlook has improved. Hope you're doing well friend!

Wow, so many synchronicities @apolymask, what an amazing and fantastic experience. I believe you because there are UFOs and ETs visiting Earth. I didn't know that beautiful Sedona was so full of UFO sitings.
Your day's hiking sounded fun and handwork.

Yup! A bunch of synchronicities for sure. And it was quite a special experience. I'm not sure if ETs are visiting but I do believe they are, I've seen a lot of evidence and it's very compelling. And yeah Sedona is a major hotspot, some people think it's the number #1 hotspot in the whole world, or at least in the US. I've seen people throw numbers around and I dunno which is true but it definitely is a hotspot in my opinion.