I saw another UFO recently.

in writing •  5 years ago 

So... I saw another UFO the other night.

I was out filming and watching to see if a storm was going to come within range. And I saw a lil sparkle way off in the distance and kept watching in that area.

Then I noticed a light fly straight overhead and right when it got above me it flashed at me just once or twice.
Not like other planes which flash regularly, in fact there was an actual plane not far from it which was flashing normally and after it passed there was another plane that flew by in the same area flashing normally.

This was once again the kind I see most often which look like moving stars, they appear to have a constant glow and emit some kind of light.
I have seen some weird flashes at night before, but this was the first time I had seen one emanate directly from a UFO.

It reminded me of a video I've seen on YouTube of a lady in Sedona who does paranormal tours and in one of her videos on YouTube she is filming a UFO and asks it to "power up" and right after she does it flashes at her in a similar way that I saw.

Interestingly enough if I remember correctly this lady claims to have met aliens before and actually have been on their ships.
I doubt I could afford to go on one of her tours, but one of these days I plan on trying to contact her just so I can talk to her about the subject and ask her more about it since I'm so fascinated by this topic.

Maybe she knows something that could help me make better contact...? Also, I think I've seen more UFOs in the last year or so than any other year in my life, plus with other people as witnesses too!

Throughout my life I've been alone every other time I've had a sighting except maybe once or twice when I was with a woman I fell in love with who lived in Flagstaff and we were out watching the stars a few times and I saw a few things but those ones might have been satellites as they sort of moved by rather slow and didn't really do anything special that would tell me for sure it was something different.

Around this time last year, I saw one of the most powerful sightings when I was out hiking with my brother and there was one in the distance doing crazy maneuvers for around a whole hour!

Then I just recently in the last couple of months had a WILD experience with my other brother that I'm saving to discuss on my new podcast idea I'm working on and then saw like five one night with my father shortly after that when we were out filming the stars and he saw a couple of them and then one night when I was out with my friend telling him about the WILD experience I had with my brother, my friend pointed to the sky right when I finished the story and there was I think two flashes of light?

In this last year, I went from pretty much only having seen these things by myself to having experiences with both of my brothers, my father and my friend and I'd say I've probably seen like... Probably 15-20 UFOs in the last year or so.

I've lost count of how many I've seen total, but I'd say it's probably up to around 50 sightings by now throughout my whole life. If I saw around 20 this year, then that's close to half of all of the sightings I've seen in my whole life in just one year of time! So crazy!

I can't help but feel like things are speeding up or building up to something. I was kinda hoping for a physical meeting this year and I think I might still be too scared to have a direct physical meeting, but... The wild story I mentioned that I had with my brother that I'm saving to discuss till later may have been something really close to that.

I'd like to make it clear that I'm still not convinced these things are aliens and I can't prove what they are, maybe it's classified human technology or time travelers, or spirits or something else entirely, I don't know.

BUT... I feel like I can say I do know something mysterious is flying around in the skies and I do believe based on my research of the subject that some of them are probably intelligent beings from elsewhere.

I guess we'll see what happens, though I more and more feel like I'm getting really close to being brave enough for a physical meeting and that maybe that will happen one day.
It would be quite a fascinating experience, lol...
Was nice knowing you all if they abduct me and I disappear never to be seen again! <3

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

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Encounters of the 3rd kind, that's what I'm talking about! I've seen some stuff better than any videos of ufo's I've ever seen. Same time seen jets flying around using afterburners too. I described these jets to some military guys since these weren't the ones that usually flied around the area, they said they were NORAD jets. These guys are national security armed to the teeth. And they weren't chasing the object/objects, almost flying in a grid pattern possibly just observing?

Wow that's a lot of sightings. Arizona and the mid and south west of the U.S. has always been sort of a hotspot for sightings it seems. They sound like interesting experiences. I've never seen anything that I thought was a UFO so it's pretty cool to hear another persons experience.
I didn't know that you were making a podcast. That's exciting. It seems like something you would be good at too. You always research interesting topics and you have a good radio voice (a good narrators voice). Anyway, good luck with that project. Sounds awesome!

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