Saw the first UFO in a while last night...

in writing •  5 years ago  (edited)

I saw a UFO for the first time in a while last night.
Though it was really far away and faint and only saw it for a few seconds before it was gone.

Warning... This is going to be a long read, so because of that and the fact it's a weird/fringe subject I don't expect many people to read it all.
I will be thrilled if I get even a single comment, lol...

It looked like it flew up into space when it disappeared.
I doubt it had anything to do with me, but I've noticed a trend that when I see these things they often disappear shortly afterward.

Often I see the UFOs when I'm having certain thoughts, powerful thoughts, usually thoughts of love towards women I'm thinking of.
But, sometimes just thoughts about the future of humanity and new technology and fascinating things like that.

AND... Oftentimes when I notice these things in the sky, they will disappear almost immediately after I see them.
Like... They knew I saw them or something? It's uncannily weird.

My father told me once he was watching TV a LONG time ago and felt the urge to get up and walk outside on the porch which he couldn't explain and right when he did a UFO flew over and flew through a cloud and left a hole in it.
Also I've heard quite a few similar stories from quite a few other people in regards to their sightings and experiences so I just really tend to think and wonder and even believe that there is or may be some kind of telepathic connection going on here and that somehow they can read or hear or listen to our thoughts even from long distances away.

If that's true.. What the heck does it mean?! I've no clue.
Maybe it's a spiritual thing as some of these people think the UFOs are related to God and Jesus and that they are angels and stuff like that, or perhaps it could be some kind of advanced human technology that is able to pick up on brainwaves?

Or maybe it's neither of those things and something else entirely...
Yet it really does seem to me like there's something telepathic going on from my experience and what I've heard from others.

Also, I had an interesting dream recently.
I've been wanting to meet an alien in my dreams for a while and it finally happened! :D

It started out with me sleeping in some kind of futuristic tent in a dry creek near where I live and I saw flashes of light outside so left the tent thingy and went to check it out...
Then I saw a sort of red ball of light coming towards me and I started to get scared, it felt so real.. I was like.. "This is it... It's finally happening, I'm finally going to encounter an alien".

I realized I had to overcome my fear if I wanted the meeting to happen and somehow managed to do it and accept it.
I sort of "dug in" metaphorically so to speak and... The details get a lil foggy at this point, but I wrote in my dream journal that the being was small and childlike.

I remember it asking me for help, but I don't remember what kind of help it asked for?
It gave me some kind of technology that allowed me to fly and I had the impression that me traveling somewhere was part of how I was supposed to help, and... Then I woke up.

Was epic! It felt really rewarding and positive and I think gave me courage in regards to potentially someday meeting an alien in real life.
I feel like all the sightings I've had over the years, so many I've lost count.. Have been building up, and that I'm eventually going to meet them in person.

However I feel like my fear is holding me back still, so I've been psychologically preparing myself for a while... And I think I'm getting pretty close!
I admit I'm still scared, though more and more I believe I'm getting closer and closer to being ready for an actual meeting.

To be clear I don't even know if aliens really exist, yet I have heard a lot of testimonials from people who claim they have met other beings and some natives consider it an honor to meet the "star people".
There was even a study done recently about people who reported encounters and most of them reported it to be a positive experience.

I doubt they are all hallucinating or lying.
I have seen many UFOs, probably between 30-50 and I'm certain there's some kind of technology or something unknown flying around in the skies, I just dunno who or what is piloting these things.

Could be advanced human technology that is classified, or time travelers, or spirits, or aliens, or something else entirely?

Additionally, I've been watching more vids on YouTube about people who claim to summon UFOs and have found a few more individuals that I didn't know about before.
There's probably around 5 different people that I've learned about who claim to be able to do it..

Yet none of them have ever provided 100% hard evidence that they ever met any beings and the footage they have is always of craft or phenomena from far away similar to what I've seen with my own eyes.
I do think something is going on with this as they also report some kind of "telepathic" relationship and I've experienced that numerous times with my sightings as well.

One of these guys who claims to be able to summon UFOs who I saw on YouTube claimed in an interview that he did have some kind of personal experience or meeting with these beings and he claims they are here to help us.
He claims we are killing ourselves and our planet and they are trying to step in and intervene, I wonder if that's true?

If it is, why are they only talking to weird fringe individuals? Lol.
You would think they would make themselves known to large amounts of people and not just odd people here and there, heh.

I have personal suspicions that they might not be benevolent at all, that they might be predators like Don Juan talked about assuming Don Juan was even a real person, whatever the case...
There are many examples of this idea in history even going back to an old Twilight Zone episode where aliens come down and try to befriend humans and give us all this helpful technology and then take some of us back to their home planet to eat.

There's even a non-official air force insignia belonging to one of the most famous squads the 509th Bomber Wing which echoes those sentiments and has a grey alien sort of wrapped around a stealth bomber with the words.
They dropped the nuclear bombs on Japan, were stationed at Roswell and I seem to remember reading they were part of Shock and Awe, but I'm not seeing that now... Anyways the slogan on that insignia is Gustatus Similis Pullus which translates into "Tastes like chicken".

(Source = Google images and fair use for educational purposes)

It makes me wonder, maybe some of the aliens eat us like so many humans eat the animals? As above, so below?
How would we know for sure? I think this is one reason it's difficult for me to meet them, I'm so skeptical of how others present themselves and there's so many human liars out there why wouldn't aliens be similar in that they might lie as well? And that fear I think is a blockage for me and perhaps preventing me from meeting them.

Anyways! I digress and this status update is getting long... I was thinking the other night that even if I never see another UFO or shooting star again, I still love watching the stars! It's so beautiful where I live it's almost unreal and unbelievable that such exists...
It's like looking at a dream world or something with the Milky Way and everything, it's so clear here where I live it's just one of my favorite things to do...

I could get lost watching the stars for a long time and never get bored of it, it's awesome, I love it.
I hope someday I can meet a woman again in a romantic sense who would want to watch the stars with me, those memories I have of doing that with one particular lady who broke my heart are some of the best memories I have...

But on another hand, maybe it's good I'm alone and that way if I get abducted and they are malicious aliens I'm the only one who gets harmed.
Maybe it's better I do it alone...

I'm getting to the point where I want a meeting to happen. I think I'm ALMOST ready.. Maybe I'm still a lil too scared and distrusting, however... I think I'm super close and almost ready!
So... If I disappear one of these days and no one ever hears from me again, it was nice knowing you all! Lol... Seriously though... Thanks to all of you friends for being my friends and family and I love you. <3

If I get abducted, hopefully they are good aliens and they give me technology and superpowers and things to help save humanity and the planet.
And if they're bad predator type of aliens, then... Damn. It will probably not be a very fun encounter. Curiosity killed the human? Time will tell, I'll probably never even meet them... Maybe they don't even exist. I think I'm ready to try though! :D

I don't know what's going on. I just know there's weird stuff flying in the sky that most people never see cause they're too busy watching TV and playing video games or working or whatever and rarely go out at night to watch the stars.
Or maybe it's cause I live in Sedona? Some claim it's either the #1 UFO hotspot in the whole world or in the United States and while I tend to think you can see these things almost anywhere on the planet, maybe Sedona is much more active...?

Whatever the case, I just love watching the stars.
I have so much fun looking at the sky at night, it's such an amazing impressive thing. I look forward to more evenings staring at wonder into the mysteriousness of the universe.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

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Does meeting an alien have to be physical and in person or could it be on a consciousness level? I wrote a post a while back about a theory of alien sightings and abductions. It discussed the possibility of them being caused from a spontaneous release of DMT in the individuals brain. DMT experiences are often very similar to alien abduction experiences. So perhaps aliens communicate with humans on another realm of consciousness or perhaps individuals are actually communicating with parts of their own subconscious that manifest itself into other beings. Something that I find interesting to think about is that people used to have sightings of fairies, pixies, nymphs, sirens, leprechauns...etc but not anymore. Perhaps aliens are the same beings as the ones in those other experiences but they are just manifested in a different way that suits this point in time.

These are just questions and speculations and alternate theories on the subject. Of course, I'm not suggesting that physical real life aliens do not exist and that sighting arent possible. They could be for sure. I'm just brainstorming.

Have you ever looked into DMT experiences or read the book DMT: the spirit molecule?

I feel like you probably would know a lot about the subject if DMT so I'm just wondering about your thoughts on the DMT - alien connection? If you agree with it or disagree.

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Hey leaky20! Thanks for reading and for the interesting thoughtful comment.
I think an alien encounter could totally be psychological or in one's mind or due to an affect/effect of an entheogen or hallucinogenic drug. I've heard many reports of such, I think certain drugs might make people much more receptive to seeing such and perhaps even open gateways to speak to specific entities, or it could just all be an illusion and part of our own mind tricking us into thinking we're talking to other beings when it's our own consciousness the whole time.

In regard to DMT, I think that's possible though when I dug deep into DMT it seemed to be like it's a theoretical chemical and that no science has ever actually proved it exists naturally within the body, yeah there's the chemical you can ingest, though in regards to it occurring in dreams, birth and death or highly traumatic or intense experiences like some people say, I'm not sure if there's any truth to that or if it's just theory. I'm certainly open-minded to it though and it does make a good amount of logical sense to me that some kind of extreme chemical is released when extreme things happen, we are very chemical creatures.

In regards to fairies, pixies, nymphs, sirens, leprechauns etc I think maybe those beings did exist and went extinct or perhaps they were psychological hallucinations, or maybe they were alien beings from elsewhere? Reminds me of Aleister Crowley when doing his witchcraft occult stuff reporting meeting a being that looked a lot like a grey alien.
I forgot his name, I think it was Ian or Iam or LAM.. Lemme see if I can find it on Google real quick.


To answer your questions, I have looked into DMT a bit, I haven't read the book but I watched the documentary. It's a fascinating subject.
And to echo what I said above, I'm very open-minded to it. I dunno what's true, but I do know that numerous people in the occult world including numerous I've spoken directly to use entheogens to talk to what they believe are Gods or beings from elsewhere... And when I asked if they were open to the possibility it was just in their mind, like the effect of the drug they took, they said "No" they absolutely believe it was a real being separate from them that was communicating with them.

Really makes me wonder, but I admit I don't know.

I heard that as well - that DMT is naturally produced in humans (and many other plant and animal species), with the biggest punch of it happening during birth and death. However, I do not know where I read that so I cant say for certain that it's true or just a theory - so that's a good point you raised.

My understanding is that it is constantly produced in humans in extremely small quantities but that's it's also metabolized pretty much immediately by a certain enzyme. Under high stress the body might stop producing the enzyme that breaks it down and the brain might get flooded with a high dose. This is exactly how ayhuaska works. The ayhuaska vine inhibits the enzyme (monoamine oxidase I believe) that breaks down DMT so people get a long, slow burn, dose of DMT.

People who experience aliens and other beings while on DMT state that their experiences are real and that even though they know they took DMT, that they truely met with the other being somehow. Possibly on another realm of consciousness?

The clinical trial research on administering DMT to patients that was done by Staussman (author of the book mentioned) is super facinating. I wrote a research paper on the subject and submitted it to one of my 4th year psychology classes. Surprisingly it was well recieved by the instructor. I was a bit worried because it's such a fringe subject. I posted it on steemit a year or so ago for fun lol.

Anyway, its an interesting subject. If you do get abducted by real aliens I hope they bring you back so you can tell us about the experience

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whoa, nice one.. never thought about that

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Just a thought and theory :)

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Posted using Partiko Android

ok, at first I thought the alien story was a metaphor for steem... but the story turned into meeting an actual alien.. crazy... it gets even more crazy where you seem to hint at a potential, alien girlfriend? 🤔

check out one of Joe Rogan's recent podcast.. he's got Bob Lazar on one of em from last week..

appreciate the story.. was an interesting read cause I've always been into the topic. p.s. I read it all 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for reading! To be clear I never hinted at meeting an alien girlfriend, I think you read that part wrong. I was talking about meeting a human woman in romantic manner to go watch the stars together and how I thought that would be awesome.

I did watch some of Joe Rogan's interview with Bob Lazar and it was interesting, then watched a video by... Ummm.. DankNet I think is the name who did a pretty good job debunking Bob Lazar and showed me a lot into his history and personality that makes me question his claims MUCH more than I used to, but ultimately.. Who really knows? Maybe he's telling the truth and just a bit fuzzy on some of the details, maybe he's a clever psyop to lead people in a certain direction of thinking. I have no idea.

Thanks for appreciating the story! Glad you found it interesting. :)

you really think he's debunkable? I want to get some info on that debunking cause I listen to both sides of the story. keep an open mind, feel me?

I suppose it's possible, though I don't think anyone has debunked him 100% yet.
It's very difficult to debunk a testimonial sort of story where someone claims amazing secretive things that they witnessed or were a part of, yet he hasn't proved his claims either so I think it's sort of up in the air and probably only a small amount of people know what really happened there.

Here's a link to the video I mentioned where Bob's credibility is seriously questioned though if you'd like to check it out.

heyooo.. awesome, will check it out when I get back

Word. Hope you find something interesting or useful!

An interesting post. I love to read about aliens, I think they certainly are. In August, the starfall begins and at this time you can see a lot of falling stars and make a wish.

Thanks for the feedback and for thinking it was an interesting post.
August is my birthday so that's cool! I'll be looking forward to that and definitely be out looking at the stars! Also, sometimes I wonder if there's more to shooting stars than just being meteors or space junk entering the atmosphere... Hmmm...

It makes me wonder, maybe some of the aliens eat us like so many humans eat the animals? As above, so below?

I have taken to believing we are being farmed by beings who view us as food based on the control systems being put in place coupled with the systems of destruction being foisted upon us all. It makes no sense to destroy/altar the ecosphere do drastically unless the rulers were not dependent on it in the same way we are.

I do believe that the telepathic encounters are probably real, based on technology which is able to do it, such as voice to skull. I suspect EMF plays a huge role in this, which is partially why they are forcing the 5G grid on us all. EMF waves are proven to produce shifts in awareness and I suspect it is used to manipulate realities via perception. Ghost hunters always check EMF first although I am unsure I can agree with them that it rules anything out, as how do we know it isn't a door to a deeper intent?

Great post, thank you for taking the time to share so much detail as you raise questions.

I have taken to believing we are being farmed by beings who view us as food based on the control systems being put in place coupled with the systems of destruction being foisted upon us all. It makes no sense to destroy/altar the ecosphere do drastically unless the rulers were not dependent on it in the same way we are.

That's an interesting point that I think about from time to time, though I've rationalized it in that the people in power have seed banks and everything they need in their underground bunkers and could probably wipe out the surface for a couple hundred or thousand years and then come up and start over, or perhaps they are even so advanced in space that they have installations on the moon or other planets in a similar manner? Though admittedly I don't know and your theory is intriguing, I'm certainly open minded to that possibility as well.

I do believe that the telepathic encounters are probably real, based on technology which is able to do it, such as voice to skull. I suspect EMF plays a huge role in this, which is partially why they are forcing the 5G grid on us all. EMF waves are proven to produce shifts in awareness and I suspect it is used to manipulate realities via perception. Ghost hunters always check EMF first although I am unsure I can agree with them that it rules anything out, as how do we know it isn't a door to a deeper intent?

I've done some research on those technologies as well and I absolutely think that's possible, our brains do seem to be able to transmit data in a similar way that WIFI does and we even have little crystals in our brain which might be responsible for such things, which is why I often think that maybe when people and dark and depressed and wanna kill themselves or when they actually kill others and report that voices in their head told them to do it that it maybe this kind of technology that is the cause. So... Yeah, it could totally be a human technology involved, however sometimes when it happens I get the feeling it's not evil? Like it's some benevolent force? Some kind of spiritual thing? Yet I realize I can be tricked, I used to think I could spot a lie a mile away but have learned in recent years I'm not as good as I thought I was in regards to such... So who knows... I don't really know what's going on there... But it does seem like something is going on! Heh.

Not sure what you mean by deeper intent in regards to the ghost hunter stuff? Perhaps you mean something similar in regards to how do we know if aliens are really benevolent or not when they could be being deceptive?

Great post, thank you for taking the time to share so much detail as you raise questions.

Thanks for appreciating it's always nice to hear from you! And you're welcome for sharing. :)