in writing •  7 years ago 

Hello guys, it's your boy Jay and am here with something crazy this time, I call this one ILLMIND. It was a write up I created 2 years ago, when I was still soul searching. I actually did this in class, I will really appreciate yours thoughts on it, so please keep the comments coming.
Am just writing what's going through my head, hope you understand the picture that I paint. I just witnessed a lecturer insulting a lady for wearing a mini gown, but just because he doesn't approve of what she wears doesn't make it wrong. But in truth, it isn't any different from me insulting gay people just because I can't comprehend their decision. If God is a spiritual being, who doesn't judge you then why is there a judgement day?, If we were all made in his image, then is killing someone or being gay wrong?, Because obviously God doesn't have a physical form and God is neither Gay or straight and he kills alot of people, if you doubt me, just ask the Israelites or their enemies. Do Muslims or Buddists who die go to hell ?, Is it their fault for not believing in my religion or am I just a follower of the wrong religion. I am pretty sure I wouldn't want to convert to thier religion because I don't resonate with their concept of love and hate and they also do not agree with mine. So whose fault is it, God ?, Man ?, Religion?.
Sometimes the Bible gets me thinking in circles, if God never changes, how come was it okay for the Israelites to kill people and make burnt offerings? then when Christ came it was changed. Christ died for our sins, so why didn't life just go back to normal after that, I mean like talking to God without the holy spirit and having fun in the garden of Eden, running around naked and shit. Quick thinking, does God really care if I write his name or spell his name with the small letter "g" or big letter "G" or is it just the misconception of man trying to interpret the spiritual in his own understanding, therefore setting a path for more men to follow. I'm just writing what's going through my head, hope you understand the picture I paint.
If Adam and Eve were the first persons on Earth, how come we have black people, Asians, white people, dwarves and Giants ?. Did Adams children mate with each other, how did they produce more offsprings?. The question of How and Why seems to be infinite. Why do we even have emotions, why is it that in some places a man can love and marry more than one woman and they all live happily together and in some places it's called "Cheating"?. Does the generation of people decide wrong and right?, Did God create man?, Did man create God?, Do animals have their own hell and heaven?.
How come most religious people don't or may believe in the "Theory of Evolution" and they still get to study science courses, I mean you don't even believe or agree with the own stuff you are studying, I think I have a word for this scenario, Hypocrisy, surely, no word explains it better. So what is the essence?, Money ?, Who even invented such a thing, sure money makes the world go round but money makes the world go down too, I mean people do a lot of terrible things just to get money. I just believe life is a gift and we should enjoy it by doing whatever the fuck makes you happy. I know this doesn't even make sense but am just writing what's going through my head, hope you get the picture that I paint.

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Wow.. You write a whole Lotta things

Yeah, thanks, did any questions come to your mind.

I was once in this kind of reflection when I wrote flawed logic. A lot of things man do is questionable but society justifies it because it makes things easier. I just concluded that what makes the "statues quo" in society are the few it favours and man's continuous search for something to depend on.

Man is the author of all, sadly people who know this, exploit others

Okay.. I must admit have so many questions and things going through your head..

Nice, questions like ?

I like your thoughts. How ever, my understanding of how God hasn't change is that His standards are the same from the beginning. Scriptures says He is a loving God but a consuming fire.

That's standard.

Basically that's the standard of a human being

God has his standards which is written in his word. But alot of stuff in our society today is man made

Ooh I read this when you dropped it last week but had and still have so many confusing mazes of rambling thoughts

I don't like religion.

I still can't deny being powerless with the mysteries that have danced around my existence

I do best when I shut it all out.

Quite the response, but Don't shut it out thewanderingwench-20170101-0003.jpg

We'll see.