Do you like to write with pen and paper still ?

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

I love writing on paper, there is something about writing on paper that is much more rewarding than a computer.

But you have to have that special pen. Here is mine. A wonderful gift from my hubby in 2015. I have kept the world a float with my ink cartridge purchases since.

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I love writing on paper! For me, it's all about having a comfortable fountain pen and some nice paper texture. I still do most of my writing at the computer, but I have notebooks and notebooks full of hand-written material.

Yes! I like the feel of accomplishment when a written notepad becomes full. Tgere is something wonderful about that.

I envy you your ability to write on paper. Writing on paper has become unwieldy for me. Even holding a pen is difficult. I am totally used to my fingers banging away at my keyboard. I can't even read hard copies of books anymore; they feel so cumbersome. Give me e-books every time. It is affecting my eyes though, but what the heck! i love to read and write.

Oh bless you ! Thats the good thing about modern technology though, we have a choice now :-)

yea but i wish i could go back to those days when i had no choice. I wonder how i will cope if i am to go back to school for a masters program or something?

I not great at reading long text in books as dyslexic. I am studying my second degree and it is hard going I have to say, but enjoyable. Yes I often joke that I would like chalk and a black board.

I only write on paper for shopping lists and notes to remind myself to do something.

I leave note everywhere, I have so many notepads its a bit obsessive!

I love it. I used to write a lot. I noticed unfortunately that as time goes by and as I use more and more keyboards (mobile and computer), my hand is not used to write as much as before... a bit like @warpedpoetic :( Another reason to cut back on our informatic usage probably

Very true @herverisson. its scary really. So many folks with poor handwriting, not just doctors anymore but even writers. Maybe keypads and keyboards should be removed and replaced with the electronic pen. thinkingoutloud

A few years back, I found this news really distressing:
However, they have a point. No one wants to come back really to the hammer and the chisel or the clay tablet of the Mesopotamians.

lol... That is true though but nevertheless, writing should be preserved. There is humanity in it


I developed tennis elbow from typing. My husband thought that was hilarious as he knows what my Tennis playing ability is like. My friend has had carpal tunnel done on both hands too. I love the idea of the electronic pen to write! That would be amazing @warpedpoetic

Yes. At least handwriting experts won't lose their jobs... lol. But on a serious note, it is vital we retain how ability to write. @herverisson, what if one morning we all wake up and the Y2k virus or some other deadly bug has crashed computers worldwide, what will happen then? We would have kids that can't write, can't read writing and find reading hard copy a chore. It is a scary thought.
One other thing too, is the sameness in typing. There is no uniqueness to your writing; no part of you is embedded in the words you type on a computer or a phone. it's clinical, robotic, structured, stiff. When you write, the twist of your hand, the slant of your fingers, the curl of your 'y' makes it easy for people to look at a piece of paper and say @aubreyfox wrote this or @herverisson wrote this.
It might not be comfortable for us to go back to papyrus and scrolls; feather pens, stylus and inkwells but we can preserve the writing skill. We need to leave something behind for those coming to gape at. lol. I think i have started ranting.

Haha you may have started ranting but it's a great rant and I think It's a very important point. I am 41 now and at the risk of sounding like I never wanted to sound in my twenties, I dread to think what young kids are growing into with literature. In some ways it's marvellous, but I feel we may lose the use of our imaginations if things are too easy and, it is a scary thought to think technology could go 'puff' into the air and disappear. Hmmm goodstory line there haha

You are very correct. That is why though i read only e-books and write with keypads and keyboards, i still buy hard copies and once in a while, i exercise my fingers with a pen and a piece of paper.

Wouldn't it be a novel idea to write a book with an electronic pen? I love that idea, it's great.

It would be, i tell you. Save a part of you for posterity.