My Life as a Writer

in writing •  7 years ago 

This past Saturday I was up in Denver getting a 6 year old tattoo reworked. (I LOVE it, pictures coming when it's healed). My tattoo artist is also a fantastic friend I've been lucky enough to know for somewhere around twelve years now. I was telling her about the children's book I just published a few months ago, and the plans I have for the next year and a half as far as writing goes. She asked me what my marketing strategy for my upcoming novel is.

I winced and told her I didn't have one yet, and that I suck at marketing. I kind of skated by it with the children's book cause it was holiday themed, so I listed it and it sold better than I thought it would.

Needless to say, that's not gonna work for my novel.

So she was giving me tips and explaining what she does as far as her social media presence goes. And I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and follow her lead.

So, part of that, is showing my life as a writer. The struggles, the triumphs, the quirks, all of it.

So, first up, is this.


I've already posted this last night on Instagram and Facebook, and essentially what I said with this pic was, for me, on my writing journey, means I always carry a notebook and at least three pens with me at all times. I also usually carry a book with me as well, sometimes two. Such as:



(sorry for the blurriness, though it does kind of look cool. My hands are shaking today.)

I am sad to say that even though I know I had an idea last night I was excited to work on, as soon as I picked up my pen, it vanished from my mind, and has been frustrating me ever since. sighs So no writing work got done, but that's alright. Yesterday, from a writing perspective, wasn't a total waste. I typed up the first edits for a sequel to my children's novel, and made some rough illustration notes for my illustrator so we can start estimating cost and what not for a Kickstarter campaign in the second half of this year.


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That sucks when you have an idea and then go to do it and it just vanishes into thin air....then comes back a few weeks later lol keep it up and im sure you will get it done sooner than you think! :-)

That happens to me!! Although lately it's been opposite. Too many ideas!! N trying to keep up with them all. That's what I like about blogging

Oh n Colorado here too! Montrose

I often will jot down my ideas and ergo have notes all over my table and in my notebook. I try and put them in the notebook, but it doesn't always work out...

If I'm actually at my laptop and get an idea, I'll actually grab a sticky note and jot it down on that. I have a window covered with them, and the edges of my laptop screen. :p