The Terror Manifesto

in writing •  7 years ago 


Terrorists across the globe following the same rule book. Strike fear into the hearts of the men by any means necessary. I don’t care what religion or ideology they killing in the name of, it’s murder all the same. These psychos hate themselves as much as they hate the world. They all subscribe to the same insanity.

2017 shaping up to be another murderous year. On new year’s day I reckon a lot of us had high expectations for less chaos than the year before. Now we know better. 2016 was just a harbinger to what was coming. The psychopaths have stepped up their murder game. Every other day new recruits joining the fold emboldened by what they have witnessed. What kind of person gets all tingly from the killing they see in the news? A total nutjob no doubt. No doubt they belong to the same sick network. They might be separated by geography but the network is unbroken. It’s not even about the evil connections they make on the Internet, like some seem to think that’s all that matters. Theresa May actually wants to regulate the web after the most recent terror attacks in England. unfortunately It is something much more sinister. The murderous rage network is a lot more robust than TCPIP.

People tend to react with shock and sadness when tragedy happens. I do hurt too but never shocked. I expect nothing less from humans. Hate and intolerance is the human condition. We hate the other. We want the other to be like us. Either conform or die. We should worship the same god, wear the same clothes, dig the same music or you don’t belong. This is the sickness of the human race, feeling the need to cram everyone into the nest.

I know am really sick and tired of the terror. And I know the politics will respond accordingly by restricting freedoms. Eventually everyone will be a suspect. You will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are a good citizen. We all getting caught in the trap. I have no doubt about that. Forget big brother. It will be much worse. And the terrorists will get even more brutal. Crackdowns will bring out the beasts in the worse of them.

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If you try to mix a 13th Century value system into an modern 21st Century culture, bad things will happen. It really is that simple. The problem is that in certain circles, reality must not allowed to be acknowledged as reality. And these circles are perfectly willing to let their entire culture vanish into history so that their "feels" are not hurt by their massively incorrect social theories. If you throw away your culture, the barbarians will arrive. And here they are, right on time.

With "real men" having been ostracized, made fun of and devalued in most Western countries for the past generation or so, the men who would have been able to handle the problem, as they have done for thousands of years, have either been bred out of the gene pool, or have figured out that they are no longer wanted in the world, so have quietly walked away. And now that the West needs defending...well why bother? And that's a huge problem. The only thing that will save the UK is men of action. And they are not wanted.

powerful statement my friend.

Nice artwork on your article. Are you the artist? I would like to do some writing here on Steemit, but I'd like some good graphics to compliment it. Also, keep writing. I like what you're doing.

Thanks. No I go it off pixabay. Most times I use my own photos. But sometimes I use Yea definitely start writing. It is a good platform for self expression.