Chapter 7 - The Love Auction (dystopian sci-fi romance novel)

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Thank you to all of my awesome followers.

As you know, I am a writer, and I write novels. I wanted to start sharing my latest novel with you, chapter by chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Love and light to you all!!

Chapter 7 – I don’t know the first thing about battle

I woke up in a panic, my heart racing, a scream on my lips that I held back so I wouldn’t wake up the house.

The Three Musketeers as I called them were sitting by the window staring off into space. Mr. Lincoln. Ms. Parks. Mr. Gandhi.

I got out of bed, noticing that Daniel was already up and about, his side of the bed was empty. I walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and stared at myself in the mirror. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I don’t know how to fight the Aryans. I have no idea how to go into battle. What works better? Peaceful protests like Mr. Gandhi recommended in the past? Or battling from within the government itself, like Mr. Lincoln did?

I was so confused. I felt like the weight of the entire untouchable community was on my shoulders, and I didn’t know how to bear that burden. I was absolutely clueless. I needed help. More help. I didn’t know how to get it or where to get it.

What should I do?

ASK, came the answer from within me. ASK for what you need and you will receive.

What if I don’t know what I need? I wondered.

Then, ask for that. Just ask. The universe always provides, said The Whisper.

I took a few deep breaths, and attempted again to ask without any boundaries.

I coughed, straightened my pyjamas, and said out loud, “Universe, I mean, almighty Universe, I want to beat the Aryans. I want the untouchables to be an equal part of society, not the dredges. I want a world where equality is a possibility, and your position in society is based on merit, and your hard-work, rather than what your skin colour is. Please help guide me.”

The Whisper started whooshing all around me. It left my body and travelled the realms. Eventually, it came back with someone.

I was standing there in the bathroom of an Aryan, for I don’t know how long. I travelled in my mind, but I was still here.

There was a knocking on the door.

“Hey beautiful. Want some breakfast?”

I yelled out, “Yeah, let me just freshen up. Be out in a few minutes.”

He walked away from the door, and I started focusing out on The Whisper again. What was she doing? Where was she going? Who was she summoning?

Did things usually happen this quickly? You ask, and instantly, the universe delivers?

Maybe in this dimension they did. Or maybe because I was asking not for myself, but for others, the universe cared to give more. I didn’t know the answers.

But an instant later, I knew what the universe was delivering.

Oh boy, this is getting interesting.

I want to say that it looked like an ordinary alien, but what is an ordinary alien exactly? In my mind, I imagined aliens to be a certain way, and this creature was an exact manifestation of my mind’s eye.

It was blue. I mean, blue everywhere. It had the face of a bird, a sparrow perhaps. It had wings, but I don’t know if it could fly. It had no eyes, but I knew it saw more than I could ever see with my eyes. Scales everywhere. Claws on its hands. And two elephant feet completed the ensemble.

It communicated with me through its thoughts.

“Ahem, yes, testing 1, 2, 3. Can you hear me?” I nodded. “Yes, good. Well, here I am. I should introduce myself. Yes. I am Gorzan. Well, that’s just a name I have given myself as it sounds tough. Doesn’t it sound tough? Well, it sounded tough to me, and I was told at the training academy that humans love names. They abide by them. I was told to choose one before meeting you. So, yes, here I am. Gorzan is my name. I am pleased to meet you. Yes, still getting used to this talking business. Oh, yes. And you are Garisha. I chose a name starting with the same letter G, so you would feel more connected to me. I don’t know if that has worked. You don’t seem very connected to me, yet. Ah, yes, okay, it takes time for a human to trust someone. They aren’t like us. Should I bow?” He bowed, and then stood there, waiting for me to bow back, perhaps.

I complied. I bowed in the same manner. Completely to the ground, exposing my neck, and upper back. He seemed pleased.

“Yes, yes, she seems quite intelligent. It will be a pleasure dealing with her. I... I think I’m transmitting all of my thoughts to her, instead of just to the base. Oh well. The better she knows me, the better we get along. It’s only fair as I can hear all of her thoughts without her realizing it. Oops, too much information revealed. I need to be careful, yes, I promise, I will. Thank you, base.”

He looked at me and said, “You requested help. I am here to help. We are the alien species assigned to help Humans whenever they get into trouble. Only certain calls get answered. Apparently, yours is one that is special in a way. You didn’t ask for anything for yourself. Just an ardent desire to help your community and your planet. I like that. Yes, I like that a lot.”

“Let’s go outside this tiny room, shall we? I keep on bumping the top of this body to the roof. Yes, how do we open this door, as you call it? Door. Yes, there is a knob, yes, copy that. I just turn it, clockwise. My claws seem inadequate to this job. I might need to get hands for this purpose.” As it said this, his claws transformed into hands. “Ah, yes, much better. Opposable thumbs. I don’t like what you imagine aliens to look like, Garisha. I have taken on this form from your imagination, but if you permit me, I’m going to take on a human form from your mind.”

Eeek, what human form? I paused as he changed, and thought, Ah, this is beyond perfect.

Sidney Poitier looked back at me. Oh god, I am going to swoon. I swear to God...

He was and is one of my favourite actors from the old movies I used to watch with my family before they died. I still remember the movie, “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?” as one of my favourites. He’s so handsome.

He walked out the door, and Daniel was standing there, making the bed, when he looked up.

His face. Oh man, his face was perfect. Not as perfect as Sidney of course. But to say that Daniel was surprised... he wasn’t just surprised. He was ecstatically surprised.

“Mr. Poitier! Oh man, I’m your fan. Your biggest fan. You... you are just the best actor ever. I have watched all of your movies. I had to get them out of the black market, but they were worth the trouble.” Daniel shook Sidney’s hand several times, pumping up and down with joy.

“Ah, yes. He thinks I’m this character, Sidney Poitier. It came from her imagination, but he’s not fictional. Reading. Reading. Yes, Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner. Seems like a great movie. Appropriate to these times that humans are in right now. Daniel. Yes, one of the good Aryans. Okay. Yes, nice to meet you, Daniel. Daniel. Sorry I’m still getting used to this mouth. This tongue. It seems to move around a lot in my mouth. How do you get used to it? Your friend or girlfriend as you call it, Garisha, asked for help. We are the alien species that first placed human beings on this planet as an experiment of sorts. Even though, it has been going downhill for a while now, we promised ourselves we wouldn’t intervene or interrupt the flow, so that if you killed yourself, it would just be the fallout of the experiment. Ah, I should let your hand go now, I think. But, when Garisha requested the universe for some help, I implored our leaders to send me. I’m a humanitarian back home. I have helped several other planets bring peace back to their lands. I know I can help you as well. This tongue is hard to control. Oh, yes, I forgot one thing.” He stopped talking, stepped back, and started whirring on one spot. A second later, he was gone.

Umm... Both of us looked at each other in shock. The Three Musketeers were standing around looking at each other in shock and glee.

For a second or two, it was quiet.

He popped up again. Sidney was standing in front of us again, with a little toy gun or something like that.

“Ah, yes, I’m back. Sorry it took a while. My planet you see is a distance away. Anyways, I think you were inviting Garisha to breakfast. Are you done with the bed making procedure?” He directed at toy gun at the bed, and it was made. “Yes, all done. Let’s have some breakfast, shall we? I always love trying out the cuisines of new places. Eggs, I think is a breakfast food here. And toast? Marmalade. That’s a hard one to pronounce.” He walked out the door, presumably to the kitchen from where the delicious smells were emanating.

“Uh, yes, let’s follow him, shall we?” I grabbed Daniel’s hand who was still in a bit of a shock, and with my entourage of the Three Musketeers walked out the bedroom, and off to the kitchen.

There were two plates of food set up on the kitchen table, but Sidney was pointing his toy gun at one of the plates. An instant later, a replica of that plate was in front of him. Eggs, toast, jam, and sautéed spinach were on the plates.

I let go of Daniel’s hand, and sat down on the chair, letting him sit opposite Sidney. I could feel his brain whirring, with so many questions.

Sidney, the alien, poked his fork into one of the toasts, and tried to place the entire thing in this mouth.

Daniel stopped him, and showed him how to eat his eggs and toast without poking his eye out with the fork.

“Ah, yes. That is delicious. Although, the food rating of the toast is quite low. Yes, low. The food here used to be much healthier in the past. Much healthier. Not so much anymore. The spinach, yes, the spinach is still pretty high. Not as tasty though. Yes, always the case. Taste vs. health. Lots of questions in your head. Lots of questions. Let’s eat first and then you can ask all of them. Garisha has 28 hours left before she has to leave. Yes, 28 hours. That timer is beeping in her head. Yes, we will answer all questions soon. Time now to eat.”

Daniel’s head swung towards me. 28 hours he mouthed to me. He seemed upset. “Sidney!” I yelled in my head. “Why did you have to tell Daniel about the timer? He’s going to be so upset.”

Sidney looked apologetic. “I’m sorry, Daniel. I didn’t know you didn’t know about the timer. I am still learning. I am sorry to have upset you. Upset you. But she will see you again in the future. Oops, don’t tell them about the future. Yes, base. I will be careful. I can see a lot more than they can. It can be confusing.”

Daniel and I looked at each other. Sidney stopped talking. Even he realized this was one of those moments.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

I wanted him to know that I wished things were different. That we were on the same side, or fighting as if we were one. I wish I didn’t have to leave. I didn’t even know why I had to leave. It was all bullshit, and there’s so much I don’t get.

In reality, I’m as confused as him.

But I loved him. I knew he knew that. At least that is a consolation.

He stepped up to me, and hugged me tight. I took in a deep inhale. Let his pheromones flood me, so I can remember him forever. No matter which dimension I move into in 28 hours, I want to be his in all of them.

“I miss you already.” He said.

Sidney stood there awkwardly. I opened my eyes and saw him standing. He looked around him, and then he looked at me. I saw sadness in his eyes. Can Aliens experience emotions as we do? Are they the same range of emotions? Nothing changes.

Everything is the same no matter who you are.

Daniel let go of me, and walked back to the table to finish eating his breakfast. As did I.

Sidney began again. “Time is a very weird fabric. It comes and goes, in and out. Our species has spent eons trying to figure out what time is all about, and we are still no closer to figuring it out. Not even close to what The Vortex has been able to do. It can move people and things and dimensions around as if it were a piece of cake. Piece of cake. I am excited to experience that with you soon, Garisha. Unfortunately, we are going to a time-space dimension where.... Yes, base. I can’t tell you, but it isn’t going to be nice. That’s all I can say. This food is good. Thank you. Thank you.”

The Three Musketeers stood there staring at Sidney. They seemed in awe of the fact that they were sitting with an Alien at a breakfast nook. Why does this fact not bemuse me as it should? I am so casual about it.

I guess realizing that I have been travelling time-space dimensions for the past few generations have kind of quelled my interest in the process. Also, this time-space stuff always seems to take me away from Daniel for some reason. Why is there such a repelling force there? Why am I always taken away by force?

Why can’t I choose to stay?

If I am the creator of this universe, and this is my simulation, then why am I unable to control the flow of it? Why am I stuck in a loop where I have to follow what this Vortex tells me to do?

So many questions. No answers. I thought this Alien would be able to help me with answers, but he is unwilling or unable to give me answers as well.

I want to believe that the key here is to stay present in the moment. Perhaps, I should spend as much time with Daniel as possible, because who knows how many dimensions or years or eons later I’ll get to experience his company again.

“As Daniel has planned a surprise for you today, I’ll take the Three Musketeers as you call them, and we will spend some time planning on our own. Daniel, you are free to go yonder. Yonder. I like that word.” Sidney said, and ushering the three ghosts, he walked out of the room.

I smiled. I love surprises. “What is the surprise? I’m so excited. I absolutely love surprises.”

“I know.” He said. “I wanted to do something special, so you wouldn’t forget me once you left this dimension and went off on your great adventure of time, space, and aliens.”

I wanted to say I wouldn’t forget him, but the truth of the matter is that I could. That is how this time travel business works. The Vortex sucks out all past memories that are relevant, so you end up in places with people who remember you, but you don’t remember them. If that happens to me again with Daniel, I swear to God.

He took my hand, and started walking towards the front door.

A whoosh of air ruffled up his hair as he walked in front of him. A sliver of his neck showed up above his collared shirt, and I wanted to kiss that special spot, just nuzzle deep into it.

He rubbed his thumb on my hand as he held it in that tender way that just kills me, and I melted on the inside.

We kept on walking around the house to the back, and I had a little heart palpitation. Could it be?

Yes, it was!

A motorbike stood there, shiny, black, and ready to go. I don’t know the make or the model. But I knew it was probably fast, and I knew I couldn’t wait to ride around the world with Daniel, especially if he was wearing one of those motorbike jackets.


He pulled out a bunch of protective gear for us to put on, and once it was all on, we jumped on. Or rather, he jumped on, and I hopped on in an awkward manner. Clumsiness, thy name is Garisha.

The motorbike revved up. And we were off.

With the helmet on my skull, and all of my skin covered up with gloves, pants, boots, and jackets, no one could tell that I’m an untouchable. For the first time, roaming through the cities of Arya, I was free. I didn’t feel like I had to hide myself or who I was.

I could be as I wanted to be.

Ecstatically, I moved through the world.

I’m here, and I’m alive. Thank you, universe, for these moments.

Chapter 1 is here -
Chapter 2 is here -
Chapter 3 is here -
Chapter 4 is here -
Chapter 5 is here -
Chapter 6 is here -


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You sure really know to write.. Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much!! Have a great day.

You too