Chapter 5 - The Love Auction (dystopian sci-fi romance novel)

in writing •  7 years ago 

love auction.png

Thank you to all of my awesome followers.

As you know, I am a writer, and I write novels. I wanted to start sharing my latest novel with you, chapter by chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Love and light to you all!!

Chapter 5 – Glass boxes are fun

I woke up in a glass box, with drool on my face. I wiped off the drool quickly and looked around to make sure no one noticed.

My instinct was telling me that this wasn’t the first time I was in the glass box. When was the last time? I don’t remember, but that isn’t important. I am here to get a lesson, and I need to be consciously aware. The universe is trying to teach me something, and if I can stay aware, I’ll be able to get that lesson quickly.

So, I looked around intently. It was dark all around me. There was no one around as far as I could tell, but it could be that the glass box is absolutely sound proof. Maybe, maybe not? Again, not important.

Why am I here?

Why do these things happen over and over again?


What lesson?

I got up off the tiled floor, my butt protesting at sitting on such a hard floor all night long. It seemed that my body realized how long I’ve been here, even if my mind didn’t. Good. At least my body is smarter than I am.

Tapping my butt gently, I got the blood flowing again. I stood up and realized the glass box was exactly as tall as a human. I guess, they are engineering specifically for us. What a weird thing to build – glass boxes to store human beings?

Not enough information for me to do anything with it. Was I abducted? No, that doesn’t make any sense. I have no money, connections, or beauty. Maybe I am dead? This could be heaven or the afterlife, but I expected more from it. A lot more.

Damn, if this is truly the afterlife, we are all screwed. Is this what we are all working so hard at during our lives? So, we can sit in glass boxes for an eternity after. Horrendous.

As I said that, the lights came on.

Well, a spotlight came upon me, and upon a man a bit away from me standing on some sort of stage.

I couldn’t see his face, but he was there muttering away to a man besides him. The man besides him had a red hearted tie, that clarified at least where I was.

The Love Auction.

Ha. I thought it was a damn myth. Apparently not.

I should believe all myths as having a source in reality. Okay, lesson learned, universe.

I knocked at the glass door, and waved at him. He looked at me, and smiled.

I gestured, “What the hell is going on here?” as best I could. He didn’t get it. Or he pretended like he didn’t. He pointed at his ears, and mimed, “I can’t hear you.”

At that point, the glass box started moving, and the whole auditorium of sorts got illuminated with light. There were so many women in so many glass boxes. Some were crying and some were laughing. Some were listlessly sitting on the ground.

My glass box stopped in front of the man, and as soon as it stopped, it disappeared, so that I literally fell to the ground in front the man. I would never bow down to an Aryan, but these glass boxes made sure our first gesture to an Aryan is always one of submission. Damn them.

I got up quickly from the ground and looked the man straight in the eye.

Who is this random... person? All of a sudden, an insight flashed into my brain. “You know this man.”

I do?

“You’ve known him for generations. You are intertwined.”

The thought as fleeting as it was left an imprint on my brain. I could feel that thought swirling around and inside of me. What is going on here?

As soon as I had that thought, another swirl of thoughts and emotions went through me. The glass box and I went through several different iterations. A lady in a red dress appeared, yelling, and unhappy. I could see her aura - it was black. More feelings came through me. My senses on alert. Everything seemed magnified. I was looking at him throughout the process, and suddenly a name appeared in my mind.


This is Daniel.

We’ve met in past iterations. Why is this moment in time being repeated over and over again? We end up meeting at this point in time and space again and again and again. What is the lesson that I’m supposed to gather?

I don’t want to go through these iterations anymore. I don’t want the Vortex to get me. I want to stay. I want to experience. I want to be with Daniel, and here.

“If the Vortex comes, just tell them you don’t want to go anywhere. You are powerful enough to make anything happen.” A whisper in my mind.

Who is it?

I held my head in my hands, closed my eyes, and tried to feel everything as thoroughly as possible, even though I was so scared. Fear is just excitement without the breath, I reminded myself from all the ancient teachings. Come back to the breath, I told myself. Breath. Deep breath in, deep breath in.

As I felt myself calming down, I felt myself realizing the truth.

I am here, and there is no need for me to go anywhere. I’m also on this journey to free the untouchables from these demonic times.

All of it will happen as it should.

I looked at Daniel, who was holding my shoulders in concern, and said, “My love. I’m sorry I left so often. I’m here now. And never ever leaving again. The Vortex can just go to hell.”

His eyes widened, as he realized the truth of the matter. “You know?!”

Ecstatically, he lifted me off the ground, swirled me around, and hugged me tight. “You know who you are. And what’s going on??! I have waited for this moment. For so long! You have no idea how hard it was for me going through these moments over and over again, seeing you and realizing you have no idea who I am. I’m so happy.” He kissed me on the forehead, on my eyes, and on my nose.

“Welcome back!” He said, hugging me once more.

This was just the beginning, though. It was just the beginning.

The battle, it was just starting. The Aryans have a lot to contend with yet. Daniel is one of the few that I’ll spare. There are too many Aryans who have gotten cruel in their power. They have been treating untouchables like they are dirt, dirtier than dirt, and they are holier than holy. All of it is bullshit, obviously.

I’ll use Daniel’s impartial nature to make sure I don’t go overboard by annihilating all of them. For now, I just snuggled into his arms, and felt his embrace seep deep into my heart. For now, I was home.

The peace lasted two seconds, before which I heard the familiar shriek. “Zara is here,” Daniel said into my ears. His shoulders slumped and I could feel him tensing up. “Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of her.” I whispered back, with a smile in my heart.

Oh, I’m so excited for this, I said, gleefully to myself.

I turned around, and saw Zara approaching in a lemon-yellow ensemble. Lemon yellow dress, shoes, purse, and hair accessories. Wow, it was as if a lemon threw up on her. What is wrong with her? She has more money than she knows what to do with, but she has no idea how to use that money to dress well.


“Will you please stop yelling and disrupting the peace around this place? God, you are so loud. I don’t want to hear another peep out of you, unless you have something nice to say and you are going to say it in a quiet dignified manner.” Boom! The torpedo has launched.

It was actually hilarious to see all the different iterations her face went through while she figured out who I was (an untouchable) and what I said to her. Disbelief, anger, and more disbelief showed up on her face.

“Who the hell are you? How dare an untouchable touch my boyfriend, or speak to me in that manner? You must have a death wish.”

I tsked, and said, “I warned you not to be loud, and you did exactly that. I think someone needs to be taught a lesson.”

She got ready for a catfight.

And I got ready to kill her.

Thankfully for her, the representative stepped in between us, probably on Daniel’s request, and he took her away somewhere.

“Aww, no fair. I wasn’t going to hurt her. You didn’t need to intervene.” I said to Daniel.

He laughed.

“Yeah right. You were about ready to murder her and I cannot spend the first day you are back in jail. Now let’s go. I have so much to talk to you about.”

“Fine.” I said, ready to spend some time with him.

In the car, we sat down next to each other, and looked at each other as if seeing each other for the first time. It was like falling in love all over again, but realizing that it is probably the last time things would be like this. Wanting this moment to last forever.

It also was a bit awkward because even though we have known each other for generations, we still didn’t know each other at all.

“What is your favourite food?” I asked, eager to get started.

He laughed. “Chicken wings.” I made a face at him, as he ruffled my hair, and pulled me onto his lap. “Yours?” He asked, rubbing his hands up and down on my back.

“I love grapes. We never get them in the untouchable community, so when I do get to eat them, I love them.”

I could see him already planning to fill his house with grapes so I would never go without. I could also see myself becoming sick of grapes faster than I could imagine before.

These weren’t random images based on my imagination. These were real premonitions. I could see the future, I realized. Is this just my role in this time-space continuum? Or have I always been like this?

“Daniel, I predict the future in this lifetime. Or was I always able to do this?”

“What do you see in our battle against the Aryans? Do the untouchables triumph?” I loved how eager he was for our triumph.

He must know that our triumph, the untouchable’s triumph means the Aryans’ demise.

He was basically going to be fighting against his own kind. Even that didn’t deter him. Fairness and justice was all he cared about. His dark hair tumbled a bit as the air from the slightly open windows came into the SUV.

“I don’t know. I am not really sure. There are so many parameters. So many permutations and combinations. Hehe…” The fact is that I was torn between Daniel and my love for him, vs. the triumph of the untouchables.

“You are such a terrible liar,” He said. “That’s why I love you. Well, one of the reasons.”

Daniel laid one of his hands on the back of my neck, and the other on my face. Grasping my neck and face firmly, he leaned in and kissed me.

It was worth it to me to be here next to him, aware and conscious, just for this kiss.

Oh kisses. I love kissing. I could kiss all day and all night. Especially with someone you love so much.

When the kiss ended, we didn’t look at each other. Instead, I gave him a bear hug. It was necessary. We had been apart for far too long, and soon, we would be apart for much longer. I didn’t want to break his heart and tell him that we were only together for a few days. I wanted to savour each moment with him.

The Whisper would come for me soon, and I was prepared. But until that point, I wanted Daniel to receive as much love as possible from me. My eyes filled up with tears at this point.

“Aww, why are you crying?” Daniel said as he felt my tears on his shirt. “Did I kiss you too hard?”

“No, no. It’s just that I’m so happy to be here with you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Daniel smiled sadly at me. “Gar, I know we aren’t going to be together forever. We might have a few days together. I know you have to go out to fight against the Aryans and I can’t come with you. You don’t need to lie to me. Let’s just spend the last few days together as deeply and happily as possible. One day, you might have to kill me in the battle you will be fighting.”

That was actually the truth.

I couldn’t see that far, or I didn’t want to see. But maybe I would end up killing him. Or he would end up hurting me. Either way, here is here. We are here right now. Both of us together. How often does that happen – two people in love find each other and live together for a few days?

I’m here right now. With him. Alive, and breathing. I snuggled in closer to his body and resolved to smell, and feel him as deeply as possible for the next few days.

A countdown lit up in my mind. 36 hours, it blinked. The Whisper said to me, I’ll give you 36 hours. Enjoy them well, my child.

36 hours.

Chapter 1 is here -
Chapter 2 is here -
Chapter 3 is here -
Chapter 4 is here -


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If you are ever Udon Thani, let me know!

Ah, is that where you live??

for the last 8 months - a couple of years down south before that.
I have lived in Thailand, on and off, for 9/10 years probably, in total.
Where are from ?- Are youThai?

I'm from India originally. Not Thai, although lots of people here think I am, and start speaking to me in fluent Thai, and I have to stop them! :) What do you do here in Thailand?

Thai is not an easy language, is it? -
I kinda learned 30 words in the first few weeks I was here, and have now increased my vocabulary to a full 50 words.
It's only taken me 8 or 9 years. - I kind of stopped trying, to be honest.

I try do do as little as possible, in fairness. (as in work, I mean)

Over the years I have had a beach resort, dive school ( well, shares ina dive school. I find diving incredibly...well ...boring. - except for when i dived off the barrier reef with 7 reef sharks - that wasn't boring)
I have a restaurant here, and a girly bar to. (down south, in the islands)

So - chilling is my main occupation! - And steemit - I'm loving this. - It really is a great community.
So going with the flow, at the moment, working out which direction I want to head in.
I loved your 'love auction' story btw!

What are you doing here? - do you live full time in Chiang Mai?, or holiday/business?

I have only just started writing, ( non fictional style) -but had very favorable responses. - enough for me to keep going.
My material is all genuine - It's a real life story for me. So the material is there. Its getting my story across, in the right the way - that I am still trying to find.
I am learning .

How Long have you been here?

It makes a change writing posts on here, with the respondent in the same time Zone!

I actually find Thai really really easy to learn. I'm learning a lot and I am going to be fluent I think in six months or close to it. I am a writer, and video course creator and that's what I do here. I loveeee it here. :) I have been here since October 2016. :)

Really? - wow.- What is your first language?- it it tonal also?

  • I picked up French and German on my travels, quite easily.
    (forgotten in the mists of time, however)
    The quality of life in Thailand suits me - I keep coming back, no matter where I travel to. (traveling since I was 22 -more than 20 years now.)

My first language is Hindi and it isn't tonal. But for some reason, I really like the musical quality of the Thai language and so I am picking it up really fast.

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