Chapter 6 - The Love Auction (dystopian sci-fi romance novel)

in writing •  7 years ago 

love auction.png

Thank you to all of my awesome followers.

As you know, I am a writer, and I write novels. I wanted to start sharing my latest novel with you, chapter by chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Love and light to you all!!

Chapter 6 – The battle of the wits

“Gar, will you stop being such a pansy and just do it?!” Daniel was getting impatient and that was so unlike him, I actually stopped and stared.

“Stop dilly-dallying, will ya? Just do it.”

Ugh, I took a deep breath, and plunged my face into the water.

I took it out as soon as it was in, and looked up at him, triumphant. “See, I did it!” Daniel looked at me incredulously.

“That was not ten seconds. Now do it again. For ten seconds, this time, please.” He was such a tough task master. I loved it. It was so sexy. I stared at him a bit. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and it was just the best sight ever. While I daydreamed about him a bit, he swam towards me.

“Hey, you said, you would concentrate, and not let your mind wander towards dirty deeds or anything like that.” He leaned into me, and kissed me. I was still holding onto the sides of the pool, which I let go of, to hug him tight. As soon as I did that, he plunged me into the water.

My mouth was filled with water, and I panicked.

He appeared besides me in the water, and gestured me to calm down.

I tried to. God, I hated the water. Why did I have to learn how to swim anyways?

As Daniel explained, most Aryans knew that untouchables cannot swim. So, they use water to scare them and gain control. He wanted me to have the upper hand. I got that. But still, it was not fair. Not fair at all.

Ten seconds passed by seeming like an eternity. Finally, he let me up.

But I hadn’t realized by the end of the ten seconds, I was actually getting more comfortable with the water. Wow. That’s awesome.

Not that I would let Daniel know that his tricks were working.

“Don’t pretend like I’m not the coolest boyfriend on the planet. I am helping you annihilate my own kind. I mean, c’mon. Can I get an appreciative kiss, at least?”

Ha. As if... Actually, maybe just a tiny baby kiss.

Which turned into a full-blown session in the water. I have never had sex in water, considering I hated water. But it can be quite an experience. For one, he was light as a feather in the water, so I could push him around as I wished. That in itself was an interesting experience.

I could try and be the dominant one, not that he would ever let me.

Finally, as I was pinned down under him on one of the lounge chairs by the pool, I stopped resisting, and let him do his thing.
He just loved taking his time. I loved him for it.

28 hours buzzed the countdown timer in my head. Gosh, why does time move so fast when I am with him?

Thank God, there was water all over my face. A tear could roll down and nothing would be remiss.

He was quite focused on my boobs at the moment, so I could cry about missing him without any issues.

Eeek, I screamed. “Sorry! Was that too hard of a bite?” Daniel said, smiling.

Hahaha. He does love to use his perfect teeth.

A telephone rang next to us. Daniel ignored it for a few moments while he tied up my bathing suit top for me.

He picked up the headset, standing there in his black speedo, and I took a mental picture. Click! May this memory stay with me forever!

The Vortex chose to appear right at that moment next to the pool.

Oh, man. I have already told you, I have work to do here, please stop coming back over and over again. But apparently, the Vortex wasn’t there to take me away. It was there to bring someone in.

It looked like... Oh wow... It was Abraham Lincoln. Well, if Abraham Lincoln had stayed exactly the same for hundreds of years, but had some modern touches added to him. He didn’t have a thick beard anymore, but a coiffed moustache and sideburns set, quite dashing actually. He also was wearing a set of white Elvis Priestley style pantsuit. A bright neon orange umbrella completed his outfit. The umbrella wasn’t for the rain, I don’t think. But that was just my intuition telling me that.


I bowed down to him. I mean, he was one of the greatest Presidents of our time. He had done some cool stuff in his time. He was admired, by the untouchables for the abolition of slavery.

“What are you doing here, Mr. President?”

“Ah, I see, I have interrupted you. I am here to help you in your fight against slavery and racism. I have some practice at it, you see.” He smiled humbly.

Wow. I have Abraham Lincoln on my side. I don’t need anyone else. Besides, Daniel, of course.

The Vortex wasn’t done spitting out people though. It beamed red for a second, and two more people popped out.

Mahatma Gandhi. Rosa Parks.

Oh boy, the party is just getting started. This is going to be so much fun. I’m going to kill the Aryans dead in their tracks. No more racism, no more classism, and no more untouchables. We are all going to be able to live where we want, how we want, and do what we want with our lives. No more freaking divide.

Let the revolution begin.

The problem was that no one else could see them. I asked Daniel over and over again, and no matter how much he tried, they were invisible to him.

They were standing around discussing strategy and the afterlife with each other, while Daniel stood there trying to see.

This is annoying. I’m the only one who can see these dead delegates, and that means, either I’m going crazy, or I’m on some kind of drugs, or that these individuals are a creation of my imagination in this particular simulation.

I knew my thoughts could create my reality, but this was a bit too weird even for me. Daniel tried to console me, but I felt a little bit like an outsider for the moment.

Oh well. If no one can see them, maybe that’s actually a good thing. An advantage for me. I have all of this manpower behind me, but no one is actually aware of it.

The only thing is that this meant Daniel couldn’t be included in our pow-wows. Somehow, he had always known that I would be fighting against him and his people. But he had wanted to be involved as much as possible. As he walked away looking defeated and sad, I wanted to cry.

Mr. Lincoln walked up to me, patted me on the back, and told me to buck up. Even though he was not real to anyone else, I felt his pat on my back to be as real as possible. Is it because it is my creation? Only I will be able to react and interact with my creations?

We all sat down in the garden next to the pool. I had been dripping wet, but a towel fixed that quick. I sat there half-naked in front of these dignitaries, but not feeling self-conscious at all. They were all focused on the task at hand.

“I think our main priority should be to divide and conquer, peacefully, of course.” Mr. Gandhi said, smiling. He had told us that he always felt bad that he hadn’t done more to abolish the caste system when he was in power before India’s independence.

Perhaps, if he had done more, the world wouldn’t be as divided as it was right now, he said to us. I disagreed with him. I think this division between humans based on status and class is always going to exist in some form or another. The only thing is that right now the divide is especially wide, and tumultuous.

“The main guy we are fighting against is this man called Dominic Trump. He is the leader of the Aryans, and he wants to keep the untouchables under strict control.”

“Yes, we’ve heard of him up there. He seems like a real piece of work.” Ms. Parks said, sucking her teeth.

“Hmm, you have 28 hours left with Daniel. You probably want to spend those hours with him, but I think we should spend at least a couple of hours planning tomorrow morning together. Meanwhile, the three of us will strategize and come up with some stuff for you.” Mr. Lincoln said, ushering me out of there.

I wrapped the towel around me tightly and gratefully, walked over to where I imagined Daniel was. In the kitchen. Cooking.

That’s the way he detoxed, and released any and all stress.

I walked into the back of the kitchen, and saw him shirtless cooking up a storm. He was banging the pots and pans rather aggressively. He was upset, but I didn’t know about what exactly. There were so many things to be upset about.

I stood there and watched his back muscles dancing underneath his skin. So, beautiful a man’s back is. It is to me their best feature. I turned around and left after a few minutes. I had to change out of this wet swimsuit, and into something comfortable, so we could sit down and fight or talk. Whatever is needed to calm him down.

I put on one of his favorite things on me. A Mickey Mouse t-shirt and skinny jeans. Weird combination, but he liked it best.

I combed my hair, put on some eyeliner, and adjusting my boobs in their bra, I walked into battle. The first of many.

In the kitchen, all the banging was done for now. There were two plates of salads, and spaghetti sitting on the counter, and

Daniel was standing there, looking spent.

I walked around to him, and gave him a tight hug.

“What’s wrong? I mean, besides the fact that we have to go into battle soon? And there are random ghosts from the past that you can’t see but I can?” Humour might diffuse the situation.

He turned around, and looked at me, his hands on my waist. Pulling me into a hug, we just stood there. I guess, there was no need for words. Everything was a complete mess, and there was nothing we could do about it. Nothing at all.

I patted him on the back. That’s how my mother used to console me when I was younger. It seemed to help me. I don’t know why.

He seemed to get the hint. He started patting my back too. Ah, that felt good.

We just stood there patting each other on the back for what seemed like a long time.

The inevitable would come. For now, we stood there in the present moment being. Just being with each other and being here.

Right now. That’s the only moment that matters. So, we are here. Together for now.

“Life is so odd, isn’t it?” I said.

“In so many ways, I can’t even count.”

In so many ways. I could have been a normal untouchable, and lived my life quietly. Or he could have been a normal Aryan and not fallen in love with an untouchable.

Or we could have been of similar castes and we could have fallen in love, had children, and lived a quiet, and normal life.

But, no.

That’s not how it is.

“You remember the first time we met?” I asked. I loved having him tell the story of our first meeting. For some reason, it gave me peace and strength knowing that the universe wanted us to meet so badly. If the universe wanted this to happen, it must want me to fight the system as well. I mean, the universe isn’t stupid. If it wants something badly, it must mean there is a necessity for that to happen. I want to believe this badly.

“Yes, I remember. You want me to tell the story again, don’t you?” He whispered into my ear. I nodded against his chest, and he began...

“I was on one of my daily sojourns into the untouchable community. I was dressed up like a homeless man. I liked to go into the untouchable city to see how you lived, and if there was anyone in dire need that I could help. I carried a bit of cash with me, and a bit of gold to give away. I did this once every week. This time around, I was walking around, and I saw this untouchable female walking home. She was pretty. Actually, she looked exactly like you. Wait a minute, I think it was you.” I smacked him in the head, and he went on, “Right, so I saw you walking, and I thought to myself, I wish I could talk to her and ask her about her life. Then, I decided, why not? All you can say is no. So, I was walking towards you, when I noticed a couple of Aryans on motorbikes speeding towards you. You looked up, noticed who they were, and started running in the opposite direction. I didn’t understand at first, but then I realized that you were used to these Aryans coming to your community and harassing you. I ran after you both, and noticed you were cornered by them. They had had some other friends of theirs on the other end of the street. They had you surrounded.”

I remember that moment. I was usually able to escape these idiots, but this time around they were smart. Having sentries on the other end of the street meant that I was surrounded.

I turned around and saw the two leaders get off their bikes, and walk towards me. My heart was beating fast. If I was raped by them, I would have to commit suicide. I am not bearing any Aryan children. That would be the ultimate disgrace to me. I looked up at them trying to be brave.

But I was tiny and they were all giants compared to me. There is no way I would be able to fight them.

All I had was some keys and a tiny knife.

They were called Jack and Sam. Stupid names. Jack was the more aggressive and mean one. He was not one I wanted to mess with.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a homeless man hiding behind one of the trees. What was that about?

I focused. I had to escape. But how?

As soon as they neighbours knew this was happening, the cops would show up, but they cannot beat up or arrest Aryans. They had to be careful with them, so they would stand back until the Aryans were done with me, and then take me to the hospital.

Jack walked towards me, put his hands on my waist, and lifted me off the ground.

“You are such a tiny little thing, aren’t you? I could probably lift you up with one arm. That’s what I love about you dirty untouchables. You are so small, and easy to manipulate.” My legs were high above the ground. All of the power Aryans had, and they almost always used it for evil. What is wrong with them?

“Jack. I have told you before, I’m not interested in you or your stupid friends. I have work to do, so let me go.”

“Stupid friends? You think we are stupid? An untouchable thinks us Aryans are stupid? Just because you are a doctor?” He shook me a bit at that point, and I felt dizzy. My teeth were rattling, and my bones were shaken up.

He threw me to the ground at that point, and I felt a bone crack in my ankle. Oh shit. Let it be just a sprain, please universe.

Sam picked me up off the ground, and said to Jack, “Let’s take her home. I want some more time to play with her.”

At that point, the homeless man started walking towards us. He stood very close to Jack and Sam, staring at them, and making them feel uncomfortable. He was way too tall for an untouchable, but there are no homeless Aryans.

Jack yelled at him to go away. Go away you dirty untouchable, he said over and over again.

The homeless man didn’t listen, so I spoke up, “Sir, don’t get involved here. Just go home, I’ll be fine.” I tried to be soothing, in case he was mentally challenged. His eyes locked with mine, and I saw intelligence there, and anger. Why was he so angry?

The next few minutes were a blur, as the homeless man started attacking the Aryans with brute force. He seemed to know how to fight, and he was able to get a few of them down. But there were too many of them, and I was worried. With my ankle, I couldn’t fight with him.

He scared them enough though that they all got on their motorbikes, and left.

His face was a bloody mess, as was his leg. They had slashed him with their knives a couple of times.

I tried to get up and stand on my ankle, but it gave out.

He walked towards me, and helped me up.

“I’m sorry you had to get involved. You are hurt because of me. I’m sorry, but thankful you showed up. I would have been taken away by them for sure.”

He nodded, not saying anything.

“I’m a doctor at the hospital nearby, Ram Hospital. I would love to bandage you up there. Free of charge.” I said, in case he was worried about money.

He shook his head no. Then, the cops showed up, and he let go of my hand and ran for the trees. He waved goodbye from behind one of the trees, while the cops helped me get to the hospital and get bandaged up.

I didn’t know who he was at the moment, but apparently Daniel knew who I was. He had done the appropriate research. He came to visit me at Ram Hospital as a visiting Aryan dignitary once. That’s another story.

Chapter 1 is here -
Chapter 2 is here -
Chapter 3 is here -
Chapter 4 is here -
Chapter 5 is here -


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EY! Love the story! XD Dystopia's are my shizzle! I'm gonna upvote you fuh sure.

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Thanksss!! I am glad you are enjoying this stuff. :)