I'm so bored.
Desperately, I look vainly at nothing,
Searching deep for that which I sought to do,
Craving for a bit of mischief,
Deep longing for the sweet taste of activity.
A state of unrest,
My throat quivers with dry thirst of the water of busy,
A deep hole is being bored in my heart,
My body stench of bore,
My mind, the devil’s new playing ground,
Thoughts of doing and undoing.
The loud whispers of silence plays in my ears in an unrhythmic pattern,
Tick-tock, the sound of time passing by and I standing by,
No one to share my faith with,
I'm being driven to the brink of insanity,
I wait for the emptiness of my hourglass.
Boredom can be a destructive feeling, leading people to zone out in meetings.
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