I do believe with you that there is a higher power within us that we should order our life around. However, humans basically relate to the world and to others from what they think or believe on who they are, consciously or not. And more likely than not, there is a huge gap between our self identity and that perceived higher power within us. Very much in the same way that most of us think that God is apart and a different being from what we are.
Yet the bible provides that man was created in the image of God and it is in God that humans live, move and have their being. Without God, man is null and inanimate or nothing and inexistent. It is therefore God that animates, enlivens and empowers every human alive. Dare we say then we are individuated parcels of God? Believing in this should make all our concerns fall into their proper places and would make a more peaceful you, me and the whole world?
Would like to add herein that scientific experiments were done that led to the conclusion that it is man’s feelings and emotions that physically create reality and not his thoughts, ideas or any other human attribute. Reference: https://www.lifecoachcode.com/2017/02/26/emotion-shapes-reality/ Consequently this leds to the fact, therefore, that man is solely responsible and the creator of his own reality.
RE: The higher force in our lives, the darkness and the light
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The higher force in our lives, the darkness and the light