Words to Learn: Fulminate

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

A little over two weeks ago, @jayna started the #learnwords tag, where folks can share unique and useful words so all of us on the Blockchain can expand our vocabulary and write verbosely (definition: to explain with more words than necessary. Oh wait!).

Today I picked one that is pretty familiar in fiction, but we could all use a refresher and, honestly, I kinda just use words without knowing what they mean, which is an awful habit to take up.

So here it is:


I get these cute pics from Thesaurus.plus

Oooh, ahh, intriguing!

What Does It Mean, Doc?

Fulminate is a verb that means two things! (Ermagerd!)

A) To fulminate is to express "vehement protest."

For example: I fulminated against Jimmy Johns when I found out that their chubby CEO hunts endangered species. (True story.)

Or: I will fulminate if they put frickin' bacon in my salad. It's a salad. C'mon guys.

B) To fulminate also means "To explode violently or flash like lightning."

Like this: The rocks fulminated when they first tried Chipotle's Sofritas. (Because rocks deserve love too.)

Or: I fulminated into a thousand pieces when I realized that I left my keys in my car. (Maybe this example works?)

C) There are a lot of definitions for this word. It's actually ridiculous.


So now you know stuff! If you have words you would also like to share, just tag your post with the #learnwords tag so we can all see it!!

Love and blessings!


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This is wonderful! As always, I love the creative and humorous ways in which you share knowledge!

Thank you :)

I love learning new words. I knew this one but only thought of it as explosive. Wasn't aware of the vehement protest part. (Wait until I order a salad at a restaurant next!)

XD Nice! I'm glad I taught you a little something new ;)