Are you discouraged whenever you come across a little opposition and resistance? Do you fail to achieve your dreams because you always expect and want it to be easy to do so?
Whatever you want to achieve in life, it is very likely that you will run into some resistance. This resistance may come in various forms and at times from unexpected or unusual places.
Overcoming negativity – the laws of nature
It is a natural thing in nature that for every action there is an opposing and equal reaction. If you want to move, you must overcome friction and gravity. This may not seem to be a good state of affairs, until you realise that it is actually the opposition of gravity and friction that strengthens you. In order for you to walk and jump, your muscles have to develop the strength to overcome gravity and friction.
The experience of astronauts shows that when they go to outer space where there is less gravity and friction, their muscles and bones actually become weaker, to an extent where some fail to walk for some time on their return to earth. Without the opposition of gravity and friction their bones and muscles deteriorate.