Make Your Own Toothpaste

in writing •  9 years ago  (edited)

C C# D- D Eb- Eb E F F#- F# G G# A Bb- Bb B C

1/1 25/24 10/9 9/8 32/27 6/5 5/4 4/3 25/18 45/32 3/2 25/16 5/3 16/9 9/5 15/8 2/1

Numbers are signs that represent.

East Coast! West Coast! The rules that rule outside thought.

Make your own toothpaste. Make sure to use only royalty-free Magnesium Citrate.

Letters are signs that designate, until it's target acquired. And wetter further back.

I saw live lobsters for sale in a bright blue aquarium. It was at a supermarket, and the lobsters were right in front of the magazine stand with all the tasteful boobs.

Perhaps it is their karma for Idolatry in past lives. What is your karma?

Make your own toothpaste as abrasive as you want.

Controlling the options reveals the utter incompetence of life lived on autopilot.

Don't be slow already. Make your own toothpaste.

Make your own toothpaste.

Make your own toothpaste.

Make your own toothpaste.

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