The Codex VI

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)



Consciousness drives reality. Everything that we can create on this Earth has its origins within the thought construct. It takes consciousness to create a thought as far as we can determine, and this relationship is easy to visualize given that everything that is man-made, was thought out before it was created. We reshape matter to configure it in a manner to add value which is determined by the physical cost associated with its creation mixed with perceived worth which we collectively agree upon.

If it takes consciousness to create something out of seemingly nothing, then what does that say about the creation seen within the universe? If the template we must work from shows us that we create, and our creation originates in a thought, which is virtual space, then is it hard to see that this relationship between thought and creation exists in all examples of manifestation? In the beginning, there was thought and this thought created everything in existence. Thought drives creation.

What is consciousness? To my understanding, consciousness is derived in the operating center of the body which is the brain. Bio-chemical reactions take place producing an electromagnetic field. I believe that the consciousness that runs your body exists within this field. This field cannot be seen with the naked eye, but does exist. Electromagnetic energy is quantifiable in my opinion, and represents streamed data.

Our existence is a collection of information or data for which we derive our understanding of this reality. Our bodies use sophisticated processes of lower life forms which work in unison to enable the bodily construct. Electromagnetic energy is produced through biochemical processes produced by the bodily system. This “virtual” space is where thoughts originate. Thoughts that shape the world around you.

We are all coded along this path we call life. We ingest information for the world that surrounds us on a constant basis. We adapt to our surroundings and the person you identify with today, will change as time passes. This is inevitable. The present concept is always fleeting from the perspective of the self. Even our conscious thoughts are playing catch up to the true operating system of that of the subconscious mind. The subconscious runs the show, and the conscious mind gives us the illusion of control.


This is a daily writing segment for The Codex Primum. These writings are created on this platform and I intend on publishing the finished product somewhere in the future. I am a writer by trade, but these beliefs are where I have found myself. I hope you enjoyed the mental exercise this hopefully evoked, and hopefully this provoked a new train of thought, if even for just a moment. Look for more to come in the following days, and follow me. I want to share this journey with whoever is willing to listen...


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" We are all coded along this path we call life " this is very interesting lines and i believe in that. and example of that we are coded that our BodyGraph is a map of genetic code that shows how our energy is here to correctly engage in the world. Have you ever wondered if you are using your energy, your life force correctly? When you look at your BodyGraph, you see how your energy is designed to “mechanically” navigate the world. Understanding your chart—in other words, understanding your own makeup—does not require that you believe in any other presence.

Wow, that is spot on.... Can't wait to read more of your ideas. Not to far off from my reality :)

This post is great

Awesome post!

It reminds me of something Alan Watts would say or Zen philosophy. The idea that the universal mind is the true nature of all things and the ego is just the illusion you mention.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow! To even be compared to Alan Watts is an honor. I was just recently introduced to a video where he spoke about his version of the "collective organism". He was a profound speaker, and I am not as talented at writing as he was. This video is what inspired this writing.

Thanks for your reply. I will keep on course and add to the novel on a daily basis.


Pahahaha. Love the sound effects when we nuke everything.

He certainly had a way of speaking that entranced his audience, as well as a playful cheekiness.

I will keep an eye out for the additions to the novel.


It's been 20 incredible years of psychedelic sound surfing with Shpongle and now we finally arrive at the magical maestros' 6th studio album, a visionary volume entitled CODEX VI

CODEX VI is a cosmic collection of mystical music from Simon Posford and co pilot Raja Ram in which their elucidation of hallucination reveals once again, a seemingly effortless mastery of inter-dimensional audio.

I enjoyed reading your novel. You managed to stay 2 steps ahead of everyone else. Shpongle is a favorite of mine. Enjoy!

