RE: All Those Thousands of Words! A Morning Reflection...

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All Those Thousands of Words! A Morning Reflection...

in writing •  8 years ago 

Thanks @wecanbesublime, and a slightly belated welcome to Steemit!

Clearly, you're a writer, as well... and this part really resonates:

I must have written enough content for 10 books over the last 10 years on my blog site about success, and it's good stuff. I just never took the time and the discipline to do something more with it.

So far, the only authentically helpful suggestion I've have had came from a friend who's an editor, who suggested I simply pick my 30 best/most popular pieces and publish them as "A collection of Essays" in book form, instead of worrying about "writing a book." The material is already there, so why write it all over again?

I'll go read your intro... hopefully I can keep inspiring!

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Hi @denmarkguy. You words keep inspiring me. Thanks for the affirmation about my writing and the helpful hint. I have published on Amazon on the Kindle platform, and I know that we have to be careful about just taking blog entries and republishing them in that format, but I love the idea of the collection of essays. I could do that in Create space, in paper format.

This morning I was planning a blog post here, and got some ideas of how I could bring some of the content here, just saying it in a different way.

My brother suggested that I do video posts from my work on other sites. I'm thinking about that too.

Another Idea I have is creating an ecourse with the material and actually generating some income, what a novel idea.

I';m taking this month and next month to meditate on how I would like to live the rest of my life. What do I want to be doing it, what are the essentials that I want in my life. It shall be an interesting summer. All of these ideas just swarming on my poor HSP body and personality (LOL). Is't it a wonderful problem to have?