Tips for Writers: Great Writing Is About... Observing

in writing •  7 years ago 

One of the things I've noticed over the years is that great writers are generally great observers. They notice and remember lots of things the rest of the world often overlooks.

If you think about it, what is writing, but a bunch of "observations" about something: A person or people... or events, or "things?"

The Practice of Observing

Red Admiral butterfly

For me-- and for a large number of other writers I know-- writing has typically grown out of "looking DEEPLY" at the world and what's in it. It's about seeing things and remembering them... and then perhaps finding an unconventional way to put what you just saw next to something else you saw a long time ago. 

What you come up with isn't necessarily a "new idea," but a new way of looking at existing ideas. 

Maybe that all sounds overly simplistic... but even though we may feel like we're looking at what's in front of us, we often aren't really seeing what's there. For me-- even though I have often been called an "observer" and "watcher" in life-- it was a practice to learn to truly "see." 

What do I mean by that?

Details, Details...

It's one thing to look at an unfolding scene and say "Yeah, it's a red sunset.

"Red Hot Poker"

It's quite another to be aware and awake to everything that's actually happening, in front of you. What did it smell like-- was there a bonfire? Or the smell of rain on hot pavement? 

Did something "move" out in the edge of the picture? What was it? A flock of birds? A bus, on a distant road? A dog crossing the street?

How did you feel while standing there? Did you feel joyful? Wistful? Cold?

Were other people present? Did they say something... or do something strange? Was there a sound? Birds? A lawnmower in the background?

We often think we're really "paying attention," yet I've found that our attention tends to often be very "flat..." unless we actively practice paying attention. And that means being a lot more engaged in your environment than merely observing "that's a red sunset.

My own writing improved considerably after someone taught me the value of truly seeing what's in front of me... although I was helped somewhat by my life-long interest in macro photography, another field which requires you to pay close attention, in order to find the best images.

So next time you're out and about... take a few extra seconds to appreciate what's really there!

How about you? Do you consider yourself a good observer? Do you tend to notice small details and nuances other people miss? Have you found that "paying attention" gives you ideas for writing, later on? Leave a comment-- share your experiences and feedback-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170925 17:59 PDT

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I must say that Red Hot Poker is amazing. Looks like you could just twist it and I would spiral open like an apple that’s been cut with a spinning blade.
It really stands out even more so then the patch of yellow flowers in the background and the forest of greens its surrounded by.

That lonely topper on it make the top look like a fancy winter hat with the frills and fancy wool strings.

What I find most interesting is how it appears this plant is growing from the top down. You have very large section at the top of one color that fades into light almost budding orange and then into white. As if its taking the whole summer to slowly transform into a hot poker. I really can see how it gets its name.

The stock of the plant almost looks wood in nature like its being held up by a wooden spike.

The effects of gravity can be seen greatly the lower you look on the plant. Almost as if a strong wind came by form one direction and rearranged things a bit

Attention-paying duly noted @enjar!

And you saw something I hadn't noticed before... that it does look like it's growing from the top down. They are strange looking plants, very popular with the hummingbirds, earlier in the year.

One of the reasons I majored in Sociology was because it was a field all about observing the world around us. I've always been a quiet introvert who just enjoys people watching. I think my personality definitely has inspired a lot of things I write. I once wrote an paper on peoples' mannerisms while crossing at busy crosswalks. I sat on the ground and watched people cross the street for hours to get my data. Boring to most people but interesting to me.

And that raises an interesting point... observing is often associated with introversion, and I have to say that most (not all!) of the people I know who are really good at observing and absorbing things... tend to be introverts who can just get absorbed in whatever they are watching.

I do like to observe things quite closely. Its when you really see something that you can describe it in an unusual or memorable way

Precisely! And it's also when you notice attributes you'd never actually noticed before.

It is, totally agree!

Yes, as an introvert, observing is the easy part of writing for me. During my recent road trip, I had the opportunity to rent bicycles in the cities I visited, but I preferred to walk around for miles, so I wouldn't overlook any detail. I can't imagine ever lacking ideas for writing.

The downside is that hard for me to stop observing and thinking, and to start writing.

I can certainly relate... and I always have far more ideas than time to actually write them out, which can be a problem sometimes.

It is useful for the people who want to increasing the quality of writing. And I will use this article as a template when I write an article.
Actually, it is a nice post. Thanks for sharing @denmarkguy

Thanks @biodivo, glad you found it useful.

I always enjoy your pieces on writing...
It all comes down to being present in the present moment.
Be here now.


That's right... be here now.

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way :)

You're welcome, and thanks for the comment!

Good post i like it.

Thank you.

great one !


Perfectly put together, enjoyed the reading and also got me thinking a bit.