Chapter XXIII.
Mr. Gilbert chanced to be looking out of the window of Mr. Rockwell's counting-room, when he was unpleasantly surprised by the sudden apparition of Micky Maguire. He was destined to be still more unpleasantly surprised. Micky walked up to the main entrance, and entered with an assured air. Gilbert hastened to meet him, and prevent his entrance.
"Clear out of here, you young rascal!" he said, in a tone of authority. "You're not wanted here."
"I've come on business," said Micky, with a scowl of dislike, showing no intention of retreating.
"I have no business with you," said Gilbert.
"Perhaps you haven't," said Micky, "but Mr. Rockwell has."
"Mr. Rockwell will have nothing to say to a vagabond like you."
"He told me to come," said Micky, resolutely, "and I shan't go till I've seen him."
Gilbert did not believe this, but suspected that Micky intended to betray him, and to this of course he had a decided objection.
"Go out!" he said, imperiously, "or I'll make you."
"I won't then," said Micky, defiantly.
"We'll see about that."
Gilbert seized him by the shoulders; but Micky was accustomed to fighting, and made a vigorous resistance. In the midst of the fracas Mr. Rockwell came up.
"What does this mean?" he demanded, in a quiet but authoritative tone.
"This young rascal has attempted to force his way in," said the book-keeper, desisting, and with a flushed face.
"I asked to see you," said Micky, "and he said I shouldn't."
"I told him to come," said Mr. Rockwell. "You may come into the counting-room, Michael. Mr. Gilbert, I should like your presence also."
In surprise, not unmingled with foreboding, Mr. Gilbert followed his employer and Micky Maguire into the counting-room.
"Mr. Gilbert," commenced Mr. Rockwell, "are you acquainted with this boy?"
"He blacked my boots on one occasion," said the book-keeper; "I know no more of him except that he is a young vagabond and a thief."
"Who hired me to steal?" retorted Micky.
"I don't think you would need any hiring," said Gilbert, with a sneer.
Micky was about to retort in no choice terms, but Mr. Rockwell signed to him to be silent.
"This boy has made a charge against you, Mr. Gilbert," he said, "which you ought to be made aware of."
"He is capable of any falsehood," said the book-keeper; but he began to be nervous.
"I thought your acquaintance with him was very slight."
"So it is; but it is easy to judge from his looks what he is."
"That is not always a safe guide. But to the charge. He asserts that you hired him to fix the charge of theft upon Richard, on account of your dislike to him."
"So he did, and all he give me was a dollar," said Micky, aggrieved. "That was mean."
"Do you believe this story?" asked Gilbert, turning to Mr. Rockwell.
"I know that you dislike Richard, Mr. Gilbert."
"So I do. He's artful and bad; but you'll find him out some day."
"I don't think you do him justice. Artful is the very last word I should apply to him."
"You may be deceived."
"If I am, I shall never put confidence in any boy again. But you haven't answered the charge, Mr. Gilbert."
"It isn't worth answering," said the book-keeper, scornfully.
"Still, I would be glad to have you give an answer one way or the other," persisted Mr. Rockwell.
"Then it's a lie, of course."
"It's true," said Micky.
"I hope you consider my word as of more value than this vagabond's," said Gilbert, contemptuously.
"Why were you so anxious to prevent his entering, Mr. Gilbert?"
"I didn't see what business he could possibly have here."
"Michael, will you give an account of all that has taken place between Mr. Gilbert and yourself? I do not yet feel satisfied."
"Mr. Rockwell," said Gilbert, in a passion, "I do not choose to submit to the insulting investigation you propose. My month is out next Thursday; I beg leave to resign my situation."
"Your resignation is accepted," said Mr. Rockwell, quietly.
"If it is convenient to you, I should like to leave at once," said the book-keeper, livid with passion.
"As you please," said his employer. "Your salary shall be paid up to the end of the month."
To this Gilbert offered no opposition. The balance of his salary was paid him, and he left the warehouse in a very unpleasant frame of mind, much to the gratification of Micky Maguire, who felt that his vengeance was complete.
"Now, Michael," said Mr. Rockwell, "I must see what I can do for you. Do you wish to give up your present business?"
"Yes," said Micky, "I don't like it."
"I can give you a situation as errand-boy in my own employ," said Mr. Rockwell. "My head clerk will explain your duties."
"What wages will I get?" asked Micky, anxiously.
"For the present you shall have a dollar a day, or six dollars a week. I will besides give you a new suit of clothes. Will that suit you?"
"Yes," said Micky, feeling as if he had unexpectedly become heir to a fortune. "When will I begin?"
"To-morrow if you like. Come here this afternoon at three, and I will send Richard with you to a clothing-house."
Just then Dick, who had been to the post-office, entered, and Mr. Rockwell in a few words informed him of the changes that had taken place.
"I believe you and Michael haven't been very good friends," he added; "but I trust you will get over that."
Dick promptly offered his hand to his old enemy.
"I am glad you are coming here, Micky," he said "I'll do all I can to help you on, and if we are not good friends it won't be my fault."
"Do you mean that, Dick?" said Micky, almost incredulous.
"Yes, I do."
"I've acted mean by you more'n once."
"If you have, it's all over now," said Dick. "There's no use in remembering it."
"You're a good fellow, Dick," said Micky, "an' I ought to have known it before."
Dick was gratified by this testimony from one who for years had been his active opponent, and he determined to help Micky to turn over the new leaf which was to bear a very different record from the old one.
When Micky had gone out, Mr. Rockwell said, "Well, Richard, I have lost my book-keeper."
"Yes, sir," said Dick.
"And I can't say I am sorry. I will do Mr. Gilbert the justice to say that he understood his business; but he was personally disagreeable, and I never liked him. Now I suppose I must look out for a successor."
"Yes, sir, I suppose so."
"I know a very competent book-keeper, who is intending to go into business for himself at the expiration of six months. Until that time I can secure his services. Now, I have a plan in view which I think you will approve. You shall at once commence the study of book-keeping in a commercial school in the evening, and during the day I will direct Mr. Haley to employ you as his assistant. I think in that way you will be able to succeed him at the end of his term."
Dick was completely taken by surprise. The thought that he, so recently plying the trade of a boot-black in the public streets, could rise in six months to the responsible post of a book-keeper in a large wholesale house, seemed almost incredible.
"I should like nothing better," he said, his eyes sparkling with delight, "if you really think I could discharge the duties satisfactorily."
"I think you could. I believe you have the ability, and of your fidelity I feel assured."
"Thank you, sir; you are very kind to me," said Dick, gratefully.
"I have reason to be," said Mr. Rockwell, taking his hand. "Under God it is to your courage that I owe the life of my dear boy. I shall never forget it. One thing more. I intend Michael to undertake most of your present duties, such as going to the post-office, etc. Do you think he will answer?"
"I think so," said Dick. "He has been a rough customer, but then he has never had a chance. I believe in giving everybody a chance."
"So do I," said Mr. Rockwell. "Michael shall have his chance. Let us hope he will improve it."
There are many boys, and men too, who, like Micky Maguire, have never had a fair chance in life. Let us remember that, when we judge them, and not be too hasty to condemn. Let us consider also whether it is not in our power to give some one the chance that may redeem him.
That afternoon Micky Maguire was provided with a new suit of clothes, of which he felt very proud. The next morning, on his way to the post-office, he fell in with his old confederate, Limpy Jim, who regarded him with a glance of the most bewildering surprise.
"It aint you, Micky, - is it?" he asked, cautiously, surveying his old comrade's neat appearance. "When did you come back from the Island?"
"Shut up about the Island, Jim," said Micky. "Do I look as if I had been there?"
"You look nobby," said Jim. "Where's your brush?"
"I've give up the blackin' business," said Micky.
"You have? What are you going to do? Sell papers?"
"No," said Micky, consequentially. "I'm in business on Pearl Street."
"Why," said Limpy Jim, surprised, "that's where that upstart Ragged Dick works."
"He aint an upstart, an' he aint ragged," said Micky. "He's a friend of mine, an' if you insult him, I'll lam' ye."
"O my eyes!" ejaculated Jim, opening the organs of vision to a very wide extent; "that's the biggest joke I ever heerd of."
"You'll hear of a bigger one pretty quick," said Micky, rolling up his sleeves, and squaring off scientifically.
Limpy Jim, who had a respect for Micky's prowess, incontinently fled, surveying Micky from a safe distance, with a look in which surprise seemed to mingle with incredulity.
It may seem strange, but, from that time forth, Dick had no firmer friend than Micky Maguire, who, I am glad to say, though occasionally wayward, improved vastly, and became a useful employé of the establishment which he had entered. Of course both in ability and education, though in the last he gained considerably, he was quite inferior to Dick; but he was advanced as he grew older to the position of porter, where his strength stood him in good stead. His pay increased also, and through Dick's influence he was saved from vicious habits, and converted from a vagabond to a useful member of society.
And now, almost with regret, I find myself closing up the record of Dick's chequered career. The past with its trials is over; the future expands before him, a bright vista of merited success. But it remains for me to justify the title of my story, and show how Dick acquired "Fame and Fortune." I can only hint briefly at the steps that led to them.
In six months, at the age of seventeen, Dick succeeded to Mr. Gilbert's place with a salary, to commence with, of one thousand dollars. To this an annual increase was made, making his income at twenty-one, fourteen hundred dollars. Just about that time he had an opportunity to sell his up-town lots, to a gentleman who had taken a great fancy to them, for five times the amount he paid, or five thousand dollars. His savings from his salary amounted to about two thousand dollars more.
Meanwhile Mr. Rockwell's partner, Mr. Cooper, from ill health felt obliged to withdraw from business, and Richard, to his unbounded astonishment and gratification, was admitted to the post of junior partner, embarking the capital he had already accumulated, and receiving a corresponding share of the profits. These were so large that Richard was able to increase his interest yearly by investing his additional savings, and three years later he felt justified in offering his hand to Ida Greyson, whose partiality to Dick had never wavered. He was no longer Ragged Dick now, but Mr. Richard Hunter, junior partner in the large firm of Rockwell & Hunter. Mr. Greyson felt that even in a worldly way Dick was a good match for his daughter; but he knew and valued still more his good heart and conscientious fidelity to duty, and excellent principles, and cheerfully gave his consent. Last week I read Dick's marriage in the papers, and rejoiced in his new hopes of happiness.
So Dick has achieved FAME and FORTUNE, - the fame of an honorable and enterprising man of business, and a fortune which promises to be very large. But I am glad to say that Dick has not been spoiled by prosperity. He never forgets his humble beginnings, and tries to show his sense of God's goodness by extending a helping hand to the poor and needy boys, whose trials and privations he understands well from his own past experience. I propose in my next story to give an account of one of these boys, and shall take the opportunity to give further information in regard to some of the characters introduced in this volume. This story, the third in the Ragged Dick series; will be entitled
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