The age of the thief

in writing •  2 years ago 

Not so long ago, only 10-15 years before I was born, that is, in the eighties, there was a problem with thieves in the village. There have been enough break-ins in our house. When I was a child, I heard that our house was robbed by most of the fifty or ten neighboring villages. There used to be a lot of theft.

Especially on dark nights, Sindhket used to break into the house and steal things. At that time 90% of the houses in the village were made of clay. In the past, thieves could cut rivers very easily. Do you know Sindhkata? Thieves build tunnels by digging the rough foundations of houses. They use long sticks like sticks to dig the ground.

At that time, most of the villagers were poor farmers. In his house, there is no chest, no iron safe. In the old days, the inhabitants of the bourgeois countryside had large tin chests in their homes. In most cases, this suitcase is under the cotton duvet pillows, and if not, it's under the bed. This chest contains gems - cash, expensive saris, gems, and land documents.

The thieves did not touch land titles or other important documents. Only expensive clothes, saris, jewelery, and money are shared. Apart from sneaky thieves, there are sneaky thieves too. The villagers were confused by his appearance. Because it's not expensive, but wash your hands immediately. Buckets, pots, bowls, towels, shoes, clothes left to dry on ropes, straws, twigs, and whatever was available were shared. The village owner was furious when much-needed small items were stolen.

Then there was another group of thieves. They just stole fish from the lake. Late at night, he cleaned the lake by smearing his whole body with mustard oil and quietly casting nets. And there's a bunch of bird thieves. They just steal poultry from local houses and don't even touch anything. Finally, let's talk about another group of deadly thieves. If you can catch them, they will give you bamboo sticks in the previous days.

Since almost all the families in the village are farmers, almost all household members cultivate rice. And during the rice-carrying season, these thieves are annoying. A group of thieves used to steal the fields in the fields of newly planted fields. Another group stole cows. Cows and goats were stolen from the cowshed at night. This group of cows did the most damage. A cow was very valuable to the farmer at that time.

Now let's get into today's thief's words. This thief is an early 21st-century nuisance. This thief is not an illiterate thief, half-naked like the thieves of the past. They steal at all hours of the day and night. Mustard oil does not need to be applied.

You are highly educated. And very talented. They only use their talents to steal. They drain people's bank accounts as they sit in cold rooms eating pizza, burgers and black coffee. In the past when thieves stole they had to calculate the loss of thousands of rupees but when they stole they stole thousands of millions of rupees.

Yes, you are right about that. These are hackers. cybercriminals. Your target group is not just the general public. Large financial institutions – such as banks, central banks, the Reserve Bank, and even the World Bank. They spread black nets everywhere. Recently.

Most of the Bangladesh Bank's dollar reserves are held in the US central bank. Issuance of dollar transactions is managed from a highly secure room in the Bangladesh Bank building. Since this is done via Swift, the dollar transfer command is first printed on a printer connected to the internet. The same is then sent to the bank's SWIFT server. And it runs dynamically.

Because dollar transfer messages are printed and sent via a secure telegraphic route, there is no way they could be intercepted or processed midway. It is 100% hack proof. However, an attempt was made to steal $100 million from the reserve dollars of the Central Bank of Bangladesh and the thieves managed to steal $100 million.

But how could he steal that $10 million? It is 100% hack proof. Hmmm, thieves aren't that stupid these days. They are impossible experts. A famous North Korean hacker made this knife. It's a very big gang. Many people were involved in this theft. But the actual work, ie. The knife was made by one person. Mysterious hacker.

For a long time, the hacker team entered the field, gathering information and gathering information. Their main target is this printer. Its located in the most secret and secure room in the Bangladesh Central Bank building. The printer is used to print dollar transfer orders.

Since the printer is connected to the Internet, the rule is that the Internet connection must be hack-resistant. It's a Bangladesh Bank blob. The security company contracted to maintain firewall protection was only 1 day late in the update. Because it's Friday. Bangladesh government weekend. And just waiting for that day, the hacker team had to adapt for three years. A single cyber attack. Successfully executed. Printer control is now in the hands of hackers. The new Fireball update doesn't help either.

Printer with the
thief. However, hackers will have to wait another week. Because I want a chance. next line

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