Inspiration for the week

in writing •  7 years ago 

I had a thought. The thought being; what will be my motivation this week, what is going to excite me to do new things, what would I like to accomplish this week?

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Every Monday I will share with you something that has inspired me, my thoughts and any images, stories or experiences.

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Here is a little quote from me "if you fail to plan you plan to fail" I was told this by a dear friend of mine and he always related a story to this saying.

Often we go through life without planning anything, this generally leads to many things that could be bad. Not having some savings for a rainy day, procrastinating things of importance. These are just a few example of stuff we should all be planning, or at least have in a plan.

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Sometimes plans do not go right, but that is the beauty of it all. When a plan fails a lesson appears, whether we take it and learn from it or not. Life is unexpected and plans you make will not always work, or might even need to get changed, in the moment.

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Always set a goal and provide the plan to accomplish the goal, you only fail once you stop and give up.

Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

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Thx for sharing

So Nice

Thank you for this dragonslayer109. I noticed that you are from South Africa. That reminded me of some inspirational advice I received many years ago... In '92 I had the honour to study African drumming from a master drummer from Ghana, Kwasi Dunyo. ( ) Kwasi told me, "The music you make with the drum should be a conversation between you and your oldest friend - a conversation with no dishonesty, only truth and purity, as only a conversation with your oldest friend can be. Only then will the music you make with the drum be pure and truthful."

I have applied this philosophy to many aspects of my life. If I can strip away the dishonesty in anything I put my mind to I can achieve truth in that task.

Photo of Kwasi and I performing for a CBC program. I was VERY young :) hahaha



Wow this is awesome. I will remember it thank you :)

thanks @dragonslayer109 for always inspiring us .... this is truly a post to remember...
love the assertion that
"When a plan fails a lesson appears"
life is full of lessons... and what we make of it separates us from others.... thanks as always ...

Uplifting! Thanks so much!

You just said all true man, if our plans are not working to achieve our goals, change the plan.
Wonderful post to start the week!

Very good motivation that you share for Us.
Regards from #Aceh

Upvoted this post. I would like to create a post like this too. I'll be following you.

So true man!! We have to have plans and goals!! If they don't work out, well, we get up and readjust our plans :)

Let's slay this week ;)

Boom boom!!

Some great quotes above, I think I like the one by Patton the best. Cheers to some good planning

I wonder if reverse psychology works, Plan to fail but then get it all right. :D

good writing @dragonslayer109 :)


great writing really motivational.

wow. this is a great post. very inspirational. 😊 have a nice day 😊

Well, I said I need inspiration for Monday in my post, and I'm glad I found yours!
Plan and steem on!

Now go conquer the week :)

Excellent as you are always a great

Yeah. Especially the latter is very true.

I like your photo - Do it and wiped out those letters in between. Thanks for the article.

Good work and wonderful wish you more tender

Hi really feeling motivated. My challenge for the week is to be brave. I have done one small act of braveness yesterday by speaking about a social cause that people in my country shy away to speak.

But The reason I am commentating here is that your post motivated me to stick to my plan. I always have plan but most of the time I lack the tenacity to continue and thus stop following my own Plan and hence success kisses me GOODBYE. Thanks. Will be looking forward to your Monday Posts.

Really motivational post !
First image is really nice !!

as you can see when winds goes faster the candle gets off but sometimes it saves it life getting fluctuated so like the candle is our lives sometimes life fluctuate us badly we should try to net get off :)

Always B Positive.... Its the only way out to excel

I really love this idea. Keeps us inspired :)

Love this! Thanks for the Monday motivation!

Great writing. No many people can write like you. I saw your writing is very good and I love it. Thank for shering me.

thank you for your comment :)

Same, i wait your next post. Thanks for upvote me.

I like your style @dragonslayer109 - You have precisely the attitude that the rest of the world needs to adopt! Having and keeping a positive attitude and a clear goal in mind, along with a precise focus on that goal are possibly THE most important steps in achieving things!

I too, am very much self-motivated... which you too appear to be and it is LOVELY to cross paths with people of like mind... "birds, feathers and all that" ;)

I have not seen any of your posts before, but I am a total sucker for motivational stuff and I am so glad that I stumbled across your feed! Keem em coming!!!

My goal here on Steemit is also to try and motivate people, so I thought I would share one of my latest posts with you... I hope it resonates as much as yours did xxx

REALLY looking forward to seeing you in my feed on a regular basis now :)

If you are into self improvement, i'd say you should also look into meditation(not sure if you are already on it). Sometimes slowing down and taking a few quit minutes with deep breaths can improve your mood and keep you focused on what it needs to be done. Keep posting!

Thanks for the motivation,i had always procrastinated on writing my blog post until today.

Always set a goal and provide the plan to accomplish the goal, you only fail once you stop and give up.

Spot on.

This is apt. thanks my leader


Same here
Always hopeful of what wr inspire me everyday
This surely will boost my morale tomorrow

Self Motivation makes us thrive to do more!

Nice, good motivational material

Very inspiring. The memes really add to it

A good read to start a new day, thanks.

i like your post. it is very nice and necessary

Oh pretty good writeup...its very inspiring and motivational..l think everyone needs this.....if not you someone elsewhere...keep useful..steem on