Improve your Writing (Battling Writer's Block)

in writing •  7 years ago 

We all get that "stuck" or that mental blank where we don't know what to do. Here are some tips that may help you with this.

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We have so much distraction around us that often we can fall into the writer's block, but do not worry many professional writers also battle with this problem.

Eliminate Distractions

Get rid of distractions, clear your mind and physical work space. If you have to, try putting your phone in a different room. If you are like me and listen to music, turn it down just a little. Let your family know that they can not disturb you while you are busy.

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One thing that is really important is to have your desk clean and clutter free. Also don't try write when you are hungry or tired.


This is like a writing brainstorm. Best way to do this is give yourself a few minutes and keep writing whatever comes to mind. Be creative and just keep writing during this time limit you give yourself.

It is important to ask certain questions:

  • Why did I choose this topic?
  • What does it mean to me?
  • Why does it matter?
  • How have I come to believe the way I do?

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This will help you get a better perspective of your topic, or at least, more of a perspective on your topic. Your lists should be:

  • on possible topics
  • on the general topic
  • on sequence of events or argument

This will help you pick a topic and you will also see which topics you can write more on as you expand your lists.


You will not get everything perfect the first time. These are only ideas to keep you going or to get you started, or to keep you from the writer's block. Try each idea out, remember that they might not work right now but could work better in the future. You can always go back and pick things from these brainstorms and lists whenever you feel like it.

Walk Away

Now it doesn't help you getting super frustrated and angry while trying to write. So walk a way, give yourself a break and clear your mind. Do something enjoyable for a while to help your mind relax.

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Perfect. I liked the last video to show ourself get super frustrated 😂

If you like that one you would love this one

Nice post @dragonslayer109

Great tips ..i will follow these tips to improve.

Hope you enjoy them

I have a special writing space with a micro computer where I only write (the longer fictions). I may use the browser to look something up, but that is all I do there. The "slowness" of the computer and the small screen help there.
Also it is in one corner of the bed room. Placing is important. No access to emails (well, I could using the browser and weblogin - but going to the main computer is faster then logging in), no interesting steem articles or news pages.

But the first thing, the most valuable tip I can give you, the ultimate weapon in fighting writers block is:
Sit down and write.
Tell yourself you don't have to write full all of that scary white page. You are just going to write 100 words. 5 minutes of moving fingers. You can afford 5 minutes, right?
And if the result is bullshit, just delete it. It's just 100 words, so nothing lost.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I haven't had real trouble with getting the writer's block, I think it is because I don't write books or any really huge articles/ blogs.

It is a whole world different to sit down for the first words of a month long project :D

Great post! Exactly what I need. Followed

The clutter free desk is essential for me, in writing, editing, anything! Thanks for the cool tips!

I tested how a cluttered desk can influence writing and I was really shocked with the results

It might even be best to clean up the whole room. Many traditions advise to clean the room before meditating, quantum science seems to say that everything is emitting energy and all is connected. The walls might be doing as much of the writing as you....

Wow I actually never thought of that. Thank you

Walking away -- and doing something physical and relatively routine, like hiking or gardening, is my go-to. Letting my mind wander works wonders against writer's block.

Hiking really helps me and often inspires me to write more.