
in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

He promised to treat you as a Queen, He promised to lay down his life for you even to his own detriment, He promised you the good life, He was Tall, Dark and Handsome, He was good with words, He was caring, He was fun to be with and all of a sudden it seems that this soft spoken, caring, cheerful fresh dude has become a monster. Ever bothered to ask the ultimate question? Why?
As a guy, I would tell you guys are good and all that has being mentioned above, but that sister sitting just down the corner who has had her heart smashed by so many guys would most vehemently have a totally different opinion of guys. Why?
She is as pretty as Agbani Darego, at least, that’s what you think, She claims to love you beyond all, She is ready to give her all to you, She is willing to respect, Understand, trust and Love you whole heartedly, She screams day and Night that you are her Mr. Right, then suddenly you call her on the phone, and her first response is “what do you want from me” Bro, don’t fret, ask yourself. Why?
Relationships more than anything has proven to be the leading challenge among we youths of today. We wonder is it that we do not make good partners ourselves or are we always making the wrong choices? Could it be that we are not just cut out for a good life or Fun was not wired into our existence? Then Why?
You should know, no relationship is perfect, all have issues, identify the issue in yours, it could be something you are doing wrong, or it could be the that you overlook certain things, No detail is too minute to be overlook especially when it comes to committing people to your heart, Relationships are good, Guys are Awesome, Ladies are wonderful, appreciate the one in your life, Take care of them, like gold, and reduce the whys we ask.tears-small_trans%2B%2BpJliwavx4coWFCaEkEsb3kvxIt-lGGWCWqwLa_RXJU8.jpg

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