A few little 'wins' to start the day.
Well I'll take anything that's going right now.
Even though the timing did slip a little bit moving from one task to the next.
I looked through Dave Chesson's Kindlepreneur course emails first thing, clicked through to some of his articles, and made copious notes
Especially on using Kindle keywords and phrases to attract potential buyers
Some very informative and actionable content there to (hopefully) boost my books' rankings
Here's the link to the article for those of you publishing on Kindle: https://kindlepreneur.com/kindle-keywords-fiction-author-strategy/
He also offers great advice on using Goodreads: https://kindlepreneur.com/how-to-use-goodreads-for-authors/
I'll be studying that in more depth tomorrow as it's a sight I've only toyed with so far - and that was years ago
If Simplicity Is The Key
I know I certainly have
And it finally sunk in this morning
Hopefully in a way that will work
I've been struggling for weeks withe the design for the latest cover in my time travel series
It centres round a man living in an apartment in a converted mill who contracts a plague
I couldn't find suitable mill images, or medieval village ones to juxtapose against modern life
And couldn't even figure out how I might do it in a pleasing succinct way
So I figured; why not just go for a Biohazard symbol on to of my clocks background?

I've actually settled on a slightly more colourful one, and will replace the black with a transparent layer
Things continued looking up when I started my writing session (a little late)
I typed the final word just as the countdown timer sounded
Talk about being 'spot on'
It wasn't a brilliantly original story , but it has a twist that I quite like
The WIP moves forward slightly, and I (pleasently) surprised myself with the development of one character
I hope to start publishing this here in the next 3 - 4 weeks, so stay tuned