10 Gangs & Their Initiation Rituals Around The World

in writing •  7 years ago 


La Cosa Nostra

Gangs is an organized group of crime. Mainly doing business with drugs, guns, prostitution, human trafficking and many more illegal activities. There are thousands of gang identified, as every each country in the world have have an estimated 30 - 40 gangs identified. Many individual joining a gang, because of poverty and searching for fast money, as they become immune on doing such criminal activities, even if they had to kill someone in order to get and achieve what they want. But in order to join a gang, the individual have to go through and initiation rituals. Some of them, might not dare or stand long enough to go through the initiation. Without further a due, here's the top 10 gangs and their rituals around the world that you might want to think twice before joining any of them.

1. Hells Angels

The Hells Angels are one of the best known gangs around the world. They've created a gruesome name and look for themselves over the years with multiple run-ins with the law, despite this, they continue to claim that they're nothing more than a motorcycle club. If you're thinking of joining them, new member must go through an initiation ritual which consist of being given a brand new set of Hells Angels' leather jacket, now that's not bad, but here's the catch, each members of the chapter first urinates and shits on the jacket while you're wearing it. Further after going through the initiation, you can never wash their jacket, essentially, you will forever be wearing and walking around, smelling like a walking toilet.

2. Bloods

One of the largest known prison gangs in the world are the United Blood Nation, also known by many as simply, Bloods. Bloods were started in 1993 , in Rikers Island Prison in order to form protection against the other gangs like the Latin Kings, who were targeting African American gang members. Members of the Bloods, consist of 9 - 40 years old, committing multitude of crimes from murder, prostitution, firearm trafficking and most predominantly, drug trafficking. This kind of criminal activities has led to them taking over entire neighborhoods. In order to join the Bloods, new members must show loyalty to the gang by what they called "Buck 50". Now what does "Buck 50" stands for? It stands for 150 stitches, which is what new recruits must do to random strangers by slashing their face with a box cutter knife. This is an attempt to make sure that anyone that ever comes into contact with a Blood, will always remember them through their scars.

3. Mara Salvatrucha 13

The Mara Salvatrucha 13, more commonly known as simply, MS-13. The gang believed to have started in El Salvador with a reputation of being extremely violent. They've spread fast throughout North America and have grown to a high number of about 50,000 members, 10,000 members of which are in the United States alone. Initiation into the gang can come into two ways and requires two steps, you are required either jumped in or sex in. A male wanting to join the MS-13 is initiated by being jumped in, where five of the stronger members will beat the individual until he is unconscious. If he survived the jumped in, then he must proved that he have no heart by walking the line, meaning, he must rape, beat, or kill someone else in a brutal fashion. If you think that's bad, female who wanting to join the MS-13 may actually have it more worse, they will go through the sex in, what this means is that six members within the gang force themselves onto the girl and proceeded to rape or one at a time while holding her down.

4. The Numbers

The Numbers is a gang that incredibly dates back as far as the late 1800s in Johannesburg. Uniquely, this gang is split into 3 groups. The 2060s, whose duty is to accumulate wealth for all the Numbers members. The 27s, where the bloodline under generally career criminals who are the most violent in the gang. And the 28s, who are often a sex offenders and are raped in command. Each of these groups have their own duties and required to fulfill all of them at all costs. The initiation process involves separating all the new recruits, they are then individually asks what they would do if they had one umbrella and it was raining heavily, if their response is to share the umbrella, they are designated into the 28s as a sex slave. If the response is to step out in the rain with a fellow gang member, they are 27s and must attack a prison guard, and then not make a sound while being beaten by prison guard.

5. Aryan Brotherhood

In the 1960s, the civil rights movement that spread across America cause desegregation within prisons, this means that every prisoners of any race served their sentence together within the same prison. This quickly began to cause problems, members claimed that the initial members were fed up with being victimized by both black and Latin Americans within the prisons system, and that's what brings the Aryan Brotherhood. Started in 1964 in San Quentin Prison, this group is only made up of only white members, today that fact remains. There's only one way to enter this group with no exceptions, you must kill a black or hispanic prisoner and it must be in an extreme fashion. Once in, they enforce a "Blood-In, Blood-Out" rule, meaning you kill to get in, and the only way to get out is to be killed.

6. Los Caballeros Templarios

Much of the horrific organized crime coming from the Mexico can be linked to this game, notoriously one of the most gruesome gang in the world, they are Los Caballeros Templarios, which means The Knight Templar and they are a cartel gang which operating out of Mexico's Michoacan State. They've been known to boil, decapitate and dismember while still alive. Based of that alone, you can imagine the initiation process of this gang would be horrified. It was recently discovered that the gang members, who rips apart living enemies, forced their new recruits to eat the hearts of their enemies. If anything can make that worse, it would be that the hearts of these victims are those children. This sparked rumors across the nations of organ trafficking within the gang. Recently, police rescued a refrigerator in the back of a pickup truck, full of kidnapped children, waiting to be murder.

7. Junky Funky Kids

While Cape Town, Africa is one of the most beautiful cities you'll find around the world, it has some dark problem. It is one of the most concentrated area for meth, rape, murder and therefore gangs. Among this gangs is the Junky Funky Kids. This gang is specifically recruits children, many of those young boys turn to the gang as a means of escaping difficult family living situation. Recruitment into the J.F.K, requires new members to endure what is called being aligned in. This is where existing members, line up into two lines then the new recruit must run in between the two lines while being beaten with baseball bat, planks, iron bar and clubs for two minutes straight in attempt to make it to the end. That's proving their strength and dedication to the gang. This is such a brutal event and many children are left unconscious and have even died.

8. Chinese Triads

The Chinese triads rule much of the black market in China and countries all over the world, usually with large Chinese population. Criminal activities consist of counterfeiting goods, extortion, drug trafficking and prostitution. Like many gangs around the world, to enter as a new member of the triads, you must commit to an initiation ceremony. The sacrificing of an animal, often the chicken, is common. As a new recruit, you will walk through an altar of swords while reciting 36 oaths. While that itself is not too bad, this is where it gets worse. You are then also cut and given a cup of your very own blood, blood of fellow members and the animal being sacrificed, all mixed together with a white wine. You must then drink it before being officially member of the triads.

9. Latin Kings

Considered to be one of the most dangerous gangs in the United States, the Latin Kings started in 1940s on the street of Chicago. Since that time, they've grown to be a dominant force in most major American cities. Known to be heavily involved in drug, theft and murder for money. This gang is even known to have feasted on a fellow gang member, that's right, cannibalism. The Latin Kings have a deep rivalry and hate for the Gangster Disciples, a rival gang. In order to be initiated into the gang, recruits often track down gang members by a flashing rival hand gestures, and if anybody responds, they know that they're a rival gang member. They are then targeted and the recruit must then partake in a drive-by shooting and be involve in the killing of an enemy gang member.

10. Mac Baller Brim

New York gangs present have been strong for a number of years now. A fairly new gang has emerged recently and has gained a significant presence on the streets of the upper city. This gang is known as the Mac Baller Brims, who have close ties with the Bloods. An NYPD officer was quoted by saying that, "The Mac Baller Brims outnumbered any other Bloods gang in New York and are feared by all as they are highly organized and extremely violent". Initiation into this gang is required being jumped in and on top of that, recruits must also prove their worth , this can often mean performing the assassination of a rival gang members. In 2013, a 14 years old boy was told to do just that, however, he missed his target which resulting him being chased by law officials. He was later shot and killed by the police.

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