It catches on.
Joshua had called and asked Cody if he wanted to do coffee. Cody was a youngster but he had already discovered the magic of coffee. When he got to their table in Ernie’s he noticed that Joshua was agitated. Apparently he wasn’t the only one who noticed.
“What’s the matter?” Yvette asked.
“I’m not sure. It’s like I have an itch that I can’t scratch.” he said.
“Care to talk about it?” Yvette said “Perhaps I can help you.?”
“Um...is there something I need to know?” Cody asked. “Your robot puppet is acting as if it’s real.”
“What? You thought only Shelby and Chad had Daemons? I didn’t realize that. I thought you knew. Let me tell you a little story,” Joshua grinned, and he did.
Some time later Cody looked at the little dragon sitting on Joshua’s shoulder with a whole new understanding. “ Actually I didn’t know about Elvira and Akatsuki either. I wonder if I’m the only one? I apologize.”
“Apologize for what?” Yvette, said.
“For disrespecting you and Elvira and Akatsuki. I thought ya’ll were puppets, like mine. Just like the one I have here” He nodded toward the animatronic puppet that sat on his own shoulder. The little tele-operated avatars were so damn handy for acting as a second set of eyes or hands and for fetching things that almost all of the crew had them, even kids like him. He thought nothing of seeing them anymore.
“That’s Ok Cody. You’re sweet.” Yvette, replied.
“Don’t lay it on too thick” Joshua said “I still have that itch.”
“Itch about what?” Cody asked
“It came to me in a dream” Joshua grinned. “I kept hearing a MEME, or perhaps it was a political slogan.”
“What was it?” Yvette, was alarmed. Anything to do with politics should be treated with extreme caution. It might be toxic.
“ Something kept saying It’s the Economy Stupid Joshua said “ I keep hearing that in my dreams, over and over. What does it all mean?”
“Well the economy is certainly stupid.” Cody said, knowledgeable far beyond his age “the poor thing has been lobotomized by regulations, special interests and corrupt politicians to the point that it has to be. Market signals are garbage. They no longer mean anything. If the economy was a person it would be a babbling incoherent derelict picking it’s nose, drooling down it’s chin and peeing in an alley.”
“Us being cut off from the rest of the economy isn’t helping any is it?” Cody asked. Joshua shook his head.
“Maybe that’s the point.” Yvette, said “Do either of you think life will ever return to normal?”
“TEOTWAWKI began with the long rain, and the fog.” Cody said. “It’ll never be the same. Momma is having a hard time coming to grips with that. Lucky thing that Chad is willing to console her.”
Joshua and Yvette, were both silent for a few minutes. Was Cody being sarcastic?
“Perhaps we should build our own economy? “Joshua wondered.
“From what I’ve read, and I’ve read a lot, economies don’t need to be built. They just happen whenever there are people. In fact that’s generally the problem. Someone has delusions of God hood and thinks that they can control an economy. It hasn’t worked yet. Economies can take care of themselves.” Cody said.” Currencies are nice though. Otherwise it’s Barter. Barter is clumsy.”
“Then maybe we should make our own currency?” Yvette, said “We no longer have any kind of financial system. No checks. No banks. We only have so much paper money. Paper money wears out. We need some kind of currency of our own or things will get awkward. Like you said, Barter.”
“Maybe that’s what’s interrupting my sleep.” Joshua said “hmmmmm”
“Uh oh” Cody said. He faked alarm. “Duck and Cover. He’s having an idea. Stand back, this calls for a trained professional. Don’t try this at home. I recognize the symptoms. I know how to handle this situation. Look OUT! It’s gonna BLOW!”
CryptoCurrency Joshua said shaking his head and grinning at Cody’s antics.
“Whew” Cody said. “We were lucky that time. It could have been much worse. That’s a good plan actually. Easy to do since we have zillions of computers in the SSmoke and the QE communication is unhackable. Talk about a broadly distributed network! Its just perfect for a crypto currency.”
“It is isn’t it?” Yvette, said in dawning understanding. “It definitely is. We could use the same concept as Bit Coin. Satoshi Nakamoto did all the heavy lifting back in 2008. All we have to do is design an Algorithm that provides the coin that meets our specific requirements.”
“We’ll have to name it something. We need a sexy name. I just checked. Do you have any IDEA how many different currencies there are? Almost two hundred government currencies is how many and that’s not counting almost as many that are historical and no longer in use PLUS there are private currencies. PLUS there are a growing number of cryptocurrencies.” Joshua muttered.
“I guess we’re not the first one to come up with the idea?” Cody asked innocently.
Uh no.” Joshua said.”but seriously. This WILL work. For us anyway. We’re in unique circumstances. Everyone has the equivalent of a supercomputer hanging around their neck. Hell, in the air around us.”
Yvette, said “Oh MUCH more powerful than than a mere supercomputer. When you consider the massively parallel........”
“AHEM” Cody said “ The idea will work. Right? That’s what’s important.”
“Well yeah. It’ll work all right. ” Joshua replied. “Un Hackable, Counterfeit Proof Currencies without banks. Imagine that.”
“Ok” Cody said “ it’s up to us to get it started.”
“Shouldn’t we ask permission or something?” Joshua asked.
“I am asking permission” Cody said in his little boy voice. “From a Grump.”
Joshua winced. Yvette, grinned with a very impressive mouth full of needle teeth.
“I know I’m going to regret asking this” Joshua said “What’s a Grump?”
“I’m surprised that you don’t know” Cody said “ That would be a Grown Up Mature Person.”
“That would NOT be me” the voice of a much older man spoke up. ”Would you guys mind if I join you? I hate eating alone. Well I hate to eat alone when there are people around that I know.“
The three of them looked up to see the drifter, Wilbur, standing nearby.
“Certainly” Cody said “We be honored. Pull up a seat.”
Wilbur did that.
“ Morning Ma’am” He tipped his non existent hat at Yvette,. She flapped her wings back at him.” So what are ya’ll in such deep discussion about if you don’t mind my asking?”
“Currency” Joshua said “We’re running out of money”.
“That’s nothing new” Wilbur said “I’ve had that problem my entire lifetime. It always seemed that if I had any money then I didn’t have any time to enjoy it because I spent so much time working to earn it.”
“That’s not what we mean silly. The whole Tribe is running out.” Yvette, said “ We mean the currency is wearing out. The paper bills are ripped and taped together, etc.”
“You got that right” Ernie said. He moved silently, like a ghost in his own territory. He didn’t make a sound . “Would you like coffee also Wilbur? How ‘bout you Cody? Want a refill? Oh by the way. I have Cookies.”
!!PERK!! All conversation was suspended for a short while until everyone got Cookies.
Ah!” Wilbur said “Chocolate Chip, with Coconuts and other nutz and oatmeal. Gotta love it.”
For a few seconds there was only the sound of chewing and contentment.
“You’re right about the worn out currency “ Ernie said as he topped off all their cups. “Even some of the coins are showing serious signs of wear.”
“I have a new kind of coin.” Yvette, said to Ernie. “I call it a Groat. At the moment this is the only one like it. It’s unique. There are exactly one million more possible, that’s all, no more. There WILL be no more, ever. They are currently undiscovered, or ‘un-mined’, if you will. It’s impossible to counterfeit. What would you give me for it?”
“Hmmm.” Ernie said “ Let’s see that Groat as you call it.”
“It’s a mathematical construct” Yvette, replied “you can see it in Artificial Reality. Here you go.”

She handed him ‘something’, in Virtual Reality. Ernie took it under examination. Ernie was a MUCH more educated and knowledgeable person than he let on. He knew all about Crypto-Currency.
“Ah yes, a bitcoin derivative. Only one million, you say?” Ernie grinned at him. “I’d say this will pay for the cookies and coffee. How’s that?”
“I’d say you’re ripping me off horribly” Yvette, told him. “but considering that you’re going to act as the point of injection I’ll accept. But WAIT! Since you ARE going to be the first point of injection, I’ll even throw in a bonus. Here’s the Algorithm from which it was derived. Now all you need to mine more Groats is a block of processors and some time. SSmoke is all about processors, have you got the time?”
“You know” Ernie was suddenly serious” I’m going to do that. If I’d thought of it first I would have done it anyway. Good move. I owe you guys. This meal’s on the house. For you too Wilbur.“
Ernie walked away. True to his word he kept them fed with cookies and coffee all day. He’d not told them that he was ALSO going to pay for their bill for a long, long , long time. As they say “you’re money’s not any good in here.” The shortage of currency had begun to adversely impact on his business. The Young Mage, the Dragon and the young boy had potentially fixed that. They had provided Ernie with a very valuable service to offer, VERY valuable. He wasn’t one to welch on his debts. Even though he might be the only one to know he was indebted or to whom. Perhaps ESPECIALLY then.
“What just happened?” Wilbur asked, mildly curious. He reached for another cookie. “I have the feeling I missed something.”
“SEE! Cody.” Joshua laughed “That’s the way you do it!”
“I see now.” Cody laughed to “Just do it. Then let the chips fall where they may.”
“Yup.” Yvette, agreed “Cody just asked a Grump. Two of them actually. Ernie and you.”
“ME?” Joshua said
“Yup. You. You agreed. Even better with Ernie’s acceptance as an injection point. The Groats shouldn’t take very long to catch on. Especially since the Algorithm is open source and I noticed that Ernie just posted it. It shouldn’t be long before everyone has some. It’ll start off small just for coffee and meals because it’s so easy to use. It’ll gradually grow.” Yvette, replied “With a million Groats and only three hundred or so Water Tribe and Islanders there won’t be a problem with deflation for some time.”
“Of course the first five hundred are the easiest. After that finding them get’s harder. It takes some serious mining.” Drones didn’t eat cookies, but she wanted to.
“Good cookies.” Wilbur said unconsciously rubbing it in. Perhaps one day he’d find out the details of what just happened. Right now he’d settle for free food.
Carl notices that Joshua and Cody have been extremely busy lately. Curious as a cat he goes looking for them.
“Whatcha’ doing?” he asks.
“sigh Do you know the reward for a ‘job well done’ Carl? “ Cody asked. He was pretending to be grumpy but not pulling it off very well. He was actually kind of proud.
“No? What is it? A bowl of cookies? Milk? Bacon?” Carl was in a CalorieCentric part of his life.
“No silly.” Joshua said “ The reward for a ‘job well done’ is another job.”
“Sounds more like punishment to me.’ Carl said, looking over his shoulder. “Say, shouldn’t the Merkel root be hashed indirectly? Are you encoding 3 bytes mantissa?”
“Ah! I hear a volunteer!” Joshua said.
“No. Really! I don’t have any idea. I was just curious about what you were doing.” Carl backed away quickly.
“It’s like this.” Joshua said “We have unbreakable copy protection. The ArchMage, bless his heart, has decided that we should install a new, optional section, in the MagLib.”
“I thought the MagLib was auto-magic” Carl said.
“giggle not to Mages or Daemons it isn’t” Cody replied. “They can make it do what they want it to do.”
“And the thing his munificence want’s us to make it do,” Yvette said “ bless his hairy bottom, is to put a ‘For Sale’ section in the MageLib”.
“Yup.” Joshua said “From now on, writers like that fat old fart, what’s his name, can write an e-book, post it to the appropriate section of the MageLib and people can pay to download it. Every time it’s copied he get’s a fee. The BlockChain is useful in a number of activities, not just money but contracts and copyright protection. One you pay for something you can do almost anything you want to with it but stealing it is almost impossible.”
“Like a program for SSmoke for a new fantasy sword?” Carl asked.
“Seriously Carl? A fantasy sword? But yes, that or a new interior for a Manta, or any of a number of things” Yvette said.
“If you have enough SSmoke” Joshua said
“Cain’t never have too much SSmoke” they all four repeated in unison.
Very cool, working in the crypto theme. I need to read the rest. Steem on! Check out my fiction, if you get the chance.
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Post a link and I'll give it a gander.
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Here is the latest post. http://bit.ly/2dunEB5
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thank you.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Really enjoying catching up with this story, good stuff. Reminds me a little of my own fiction. Thanks for posting. Slainte.
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you're welcome.
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