< rant >
We live in an era where getting offended seems to be a global sport. And oh boy isn’t the competition tough out there! First someone gets offended by getting paid less for the same job as the next person, fine, that’s fair. Next one gets butt hurt by a guy checking her out in the office because he thought her ass looked fine as fuck in those tight jeans. Come one, we are sexual beings and if he is not a superhero with lasers shooting from his eyes, bitch you fine, take the compliment!
Now it’s an everyday life to hear someone getting offended by being referred to as he/she instead of it. Actually, I don’t know what you are supposed to call someone who doesn’t want to be a boy or a girl. Alien? Do they look like barbies or moomins between the legs? Beside the point. I'm just saying, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck... We actually don’t have this made up problem in the Finnish language because we don’t have feminine and masculine versions of words and sayings.
Don't we have real problems in this world? Like an energy crisis, wars and famine?
Are we so bored that we need to try and find nonexistent racist, inequality and chauvinistic meanings from every little thing?
Sometimes a shirt is just a shirt
I have a BOY London shirt with a huge eagle logo of theirs that closely resembles the Third Reich eagle. The brand is from the 70s punk scene in London, and they surfaced again in 2007, only then causing controversy because it’s in style to be butt hurt about everything. It’s an eagle, a fucking bird, a strong, regal and powerful bird, but still just a bird, it’s not going to hurt you.
I also have a cool retro inspired shirt with a rainbow of colours across the chest and arms, and it has absolutely nothing to do with LGBTjslfldbekdbs movement. It’s just a shirt I like. I snapped at my father when he implied my shirt had something to do with the movement. So thanks for ruining COLOURS for us LGBTQdnslsnsbk community.
Words vs. actions
Representing something in a shirt, liking a post on social media, or wearing a pin for some organisation means jack shit to me. Because that is all it is, something superficial. I only care about the action part. The real day to day actions of a person, at work, in social gatherings, at the grocery store, human to human contact. I’m stopping this here because this topic of standing for something in social media needs it’s own post, it will be a rant too, I’m sure of it.
If someone had tattooed a swastika on their forehead, but treated everyone as equals and was nice to the black bartender and even left a big tip, is he a racist? I know it’s an extreme example, but think about that one for a while. Which one matters, something stamped on a shirt or even skin, or the real life actions of the person? I know people that look scary as hell, tattooed head to toe, but are puppy dogs inside. I also know people who look all sweet and nice but are fucking monsters inside.
For me what matters are actions, not words. I know that words can hurt too, but if you get offended and butt hurt by a simple logo, a picture, or a joke, you need to check yourself. Pussy. Save the getting offended for when someone treats you like shit. Don’t use your butt hurt reserves for something that shouldn’t have any effect on your life. Especially if you try to be butt hurt for someone else. It’s more than a few times I have heard of a case where a middle aged white women complains about something being racist, when the black man hasn’t even noticed anything racist about the same subject. @escapist, you wanna tell this story in the comments?
Grow a pair, pull that stick out of your ass and get a sense of humour. Or you can’t sit with us!
< /rant >
Take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Le Negre, classical dessert cake. The rolls royce of chocolate cakes. Ofc this delicate treat was in our menu with it’s rightful name, ”Le Negre”.
Until middle aged woman complained it being racist. Several times. Now we serve same treat by name ”chocolate cake” because of that butthurt fucker.
There are plenty of variety in our workplace, everything from south africa, asia, states and europa, and no one no matter what skincolor was offended by CAKE! So thank you middle aged white lady for hurting your butt, nobody needed it.
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Oh in Austria there is a similar thing with a chocolate cake that is called "Mohr im Hemd" (Negre in a shirt) but fortunately we can still use the name ;)
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O thank yoiu for pointing everything out that I had in my mind for ages but did not know how to put in words. I'll save your post as a favorite one!
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No, thank you! It took me ages to write this and I kept changing the order of everything a million times, I'm so happy to hear I didn't waste my time and someone liked it :)
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This post just reminded me that I have to write an article about a similar topic but, for whatever reason, each time I remember about what's going on in this first world of ours, I wanna puke my brains out so I can forget because it's goddamn stupid.
You've got these butthurt offended millennials destroying free speech because words hurt them too much and they can't take it up anymore, blah, blah, blah, soy boy drama. I'm not even going to mention about feminists and the so-called men that support their fucked up movement
I don't even get LGBT and their pride shit. I don't have anything against them, I dated bisexual chicks before, and I go drinking with this kind of people on Fridays but, there's no need to pride yourself that you're fucking somebody else, it's just normal.
It's a fucked up situation, and the truth is that everything they are doing is fucking pointless. Moreover, there are bigger issues that nobody's even talking about because everyone is too focused on their bullshit excuses and complaints. Just a generation of men raised by women.
Looks like we might have more in common than thought.
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I really hope you can get your gag reflex under control and write about the subject, would love to read it! If you do, make sure I see it, drop a link in the chat or something :)
It seems that we have very similar views in this matter, so now I don't have to lie when I say that I'm looking forwards to meeting you too! ;)
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I should be able to do it sometime soon, yeah, I probably got this. That's a permission for me to spam you, watch out, I'm a world-class spammer.
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Mic drop...
Ah, the brave new world (not) we live in.
"So what do YOU do for a living?"
Oh, I get butthurt...
I didn't realize it was a profession. But apparently it IS. And sometimes you can even spot the people in the crowd; at a gathering; at a party... "scanning the horizon" for something to be offended by.
I kinda got off the mainstream when I realized that complimenting a woman had become de-facto sexual harrassment. Here in the US, everyone is very lawsuit happy.
Really hot woman walking down the street, wearing hooker heels and yoga pants with the word "JUICY" emblazoned across her ass... and gets offended when ANYone "dares" to look. WTF? You've got WORDS on your butt and I'm just "reading the signs" and THAT sign screams "I'm just itching to pick a fight, and I'm making ALL MEN collectively accountable for the fact that my Uncle Bob was a pedophile."
Sorry about the side-rant...
So yeah, good rant.
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Come on, let it all out. There you go..... feel better? :)
I despise women who act like that. It's beyond my comprehension how some people think a single glance is somehow disrespectful. Sure everyone would only want their hot future husband to look at them like that, but you can not criminalise people just for looking at something that walks by.
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"Fuck a needle, here s a sword, body-pierce with this!"
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Fuck yeah, havent heard this in a whileeeeee
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dont forget "As the world turns" too ;)
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hahahah i will
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I'm highly offended by this rant... not! =)
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Don't worry, I'm sure many others will be ;)
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Nice rant. you hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree more ..
So many people have to much free time on their hand these days and with little or no imagination to go do something positive.
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"Don't we have real problems in this world? Like an energy crisis, wars and famine?"
In Lithuania one genius politician recently came up with idea that barking dogs should be taken away to a shelter... So no bigger problems.
Some of my pieces and to a lesser extent comments are driven by lust. I am proud of that lust because it inspires me but others might consider it inappropriate or shameful. For example I would imagine that many girls would start calling me an asshole/ pig/... and/or screaming about assault after reading my last piece. Probably even more so after seeing and reading my current piece( once it will be completed). But I believe that your reaction would be completely different. a weirdo like you might even like that raw side of me. So thank you for being my kind of weirdo😉
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I'm quite sure my looks might offend someone, as I'm trying to keep my hair extremely short because I'm balding even though I'm only 30.
I can look a bit mean too, so at some point I might look like a neonazi.
I'm really worried how people get offended by their own assumptions and might turn really aggressive, as I've been called a wife beater and a nazi just because I disagreed on some topic.
Ffs, how can't people disagree without flipping out at them.
People suck.
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People suck, but you don't!
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I'm trying to suck but people just tell me I'm gay and run off.
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one of the good article I'm reading on steemit, continue uploading. Great work.
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YESSSSS! Its actually nice someone put their thoughts to words. I am mostly active on twitter and boyyy the society is becoming so intolerant always ready to get triggered for no fucking reason. sadly mainstream social media is plagued by such people. I love how people on steemit are chill AF. Had this post been on fb it would have been WW3 started by snowflakes in the comments.
Have a nice day. :3
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I do have a facebook, which I don't use, should I copy-paste this to there 😝 😂
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hahah yes and then watch it burn xD
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I have no sense of humour and I find this offensive!
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Knew it, it's the cat I tell you, cat people don't have a sense of humour!
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Haha, a mean one again! Nice :D
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I always am 😈
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Yay!!!! I couldn't agree more!
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Are we supposed to ignore the glaring social signal ? not many things in life are black or white and as much as we like to say " I don't judge" we are constantly scanning for signals to understand the world around us.
Emblems/Icons are signals used by people to beam their world view without actually saying anything , that exists , humans understand that.
For positive association :
Like many things in life , it is about applying context to information at hand. If you are wearing a rainbow anything , I am going to think you support LGBT , unless new information is provided to contrary.
For negative association:
For an eagle on shirt which somewhat "closely resembles the Third Reich eagle" I am going to NOT assume the worst outcome that someone is a Nazi unless new information is provided. But if they have a swastika on forehead , I am going to assume that they have strong Nazi convictions to the extent that they had a permanent tattoo done.
That's just me though

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Of course we judge the world around us, as we should, but getting offended and having your feelings hurt over nothing is just stupid and a waste of everyones time, and often money too. Companies have to pull products and change letterings because someone somewhere got a little hurt by a simple logo or a joke.
Like I said myself, the swastika was an extreme example.
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A lot of time it helps to estalish a baseline of what you consider SJW outrage and I may see otherwise...do you mind sharing such example from real life where companies had to adjust their branding due to fake outrage ?
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For example the Boy London shirts I was talking about, many big retailers stopped selling their products after customers complained, or just moved the products to the back of the store. And not too long ago, H&M got huge backlash for selling a childrens shirt that said "coolest monkey in the jungle", and the boy who modelled it was black.
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Re: the H&M episode
As evolution theory will tell us , humans evolved from simpler life form, ape being the closest ( I think) or monkeys in general. Juxtaposing a human to a monkey is not the objectionable part of the clothing , I call my son cutie monkey all the times.
When you put that information in context of the fact that black people were abused and regarding sub human with comparisons to monkey/apes for centuries , it take a different form. Why is comparing a female to a bitch offensive ? female dog is a life form , not any less or more than a dog/cat .It is the context in which it has been used to degrade females is the objectionable part .
I do not consider pulling off of such clothing as fake outrage.
I will stop my rant here as I am clearly a SJW ..

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I couldn't agree more!
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giggle, I love when you are angry, but this time you are right 😄
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What do you mean "this time"? I'm always right!
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Hate it when dudes complain about everything and get offended by stupid shit. It's like man, man up!
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Girls too!
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A lot of your commenter have left serious thought provoking replies. I could add my voice to the chorus of agreement.

Instead, I will just say you look hot as a domme. Some guy (or girl) can consider themselves lucky to submit to you and your implements.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica
oh, do stop by and check out a story or two
this is what it's all about
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I may wear the domme-look well but I am just an innocent pussycat 😇
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Uh huh, I see. "innocent pussycat". Yes, of course.
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Gimme more of that Domme-Look... .COOKIIIIES
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I'm slightly offended that the pic above
is not of my bedroom. EU, that's a very
nice power strip you have there! (ツ)_/¯
A toxic male, or an electricity geek?
Wouldn't you like to know! ; -)
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Never underestimate the importance of a power strip, you can never have too many.
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Two words...Outrage Culture.
'It is not a rant if you are just telling the truth.' ~Me
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Kinky pic! I loved it!
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Hi @eveuncovered Next it'll come to the point, where one can't joke at themselves, without someone being offended.. society needs to push forwards, instead of reinventing old. Else everything will turn into mass hysteria not that it's already happening in some places..
true life values are dissipating at a heavy rate, more than a few years ago..
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Totally agree! It's difficult to even joke nowadays without offending someone. A bit exaggerated sometimes!
Posted using Partiko Android
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Sometimes I like to rock my pink shirts! Oh well, I’m just a boss like that 😂
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