The riddles of time

in writing •  7 years ago 


Peering through history it would be hard to refute that all that’s being said and done in our present moment has not already come into existence at some moment through the ages . The ignorant will claim this cannot be with all our “new” and innovative technology. The ignorant also lay claim to our day in age being much more intelligent then our ancestors. That as we “evolve” we get smarter and wiser. However, this theory is highly contradictory if you are an advocate of history and the lessons that come from it. From politics to war to the awareness of the masses, great minds from history have predicted the state we as humanity stand at this very moment.

Yet to a person who does not revise history the vision of what is happening on our earth presently will seem brand new. The most comical issue today is the use of mass media to implement an agenda against the people to clearly take away liberties from people thereby deeming them into singularity. The biggest problem with people today is they seem to always want things to stay the same. Without seeing that nothing ever stays the same. To be adaptable and let go of things is imperative to thriving in any life. It is completely necessary in the natural world. So why as humans did we learn it was right to settle and be comfortable? Or is it merely a social construct of certain cultures?

The great minds that have transcended history whose ideals still seem so prominent in our world today are telling us something. Their words and work seem to break the fabric of time to teach us a lesson still even centuries after they graced us with their energy on this earth.

Newton, Da vinci, Tesla, Einstein, Bohr, Muhammad, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Martin Luther King, Emerson, Thomas Jefferson, Ghandi, John F. Kennedy, Walter Russel, Galileo. The list of great minds is endless. They each represent different factions of greatness as well. Serving a lesson to be learned in various topics. But it is also crucial to learn from the not so greats of our history. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Napoleon etc. To then study how empires rose and fell. To study the atrocities against minorities, health systems and every other topic that spans the spectrum that builds our world as we see it today on a collective whole. As you piece the pieces to the puzzle together it is impossible to form the whole puzzle. But it is enough to see that this world is not as it appears to be. That wrong doings that happened in our past are still very much alive and much more organized today. But to also note that the potential to rise above all that is also there. It just requires every person to take time out of what they think is their “busy” life to read up on such matters.

The great minds were not lying. Instinctively we must know that or why would their words live on through the ages? Their thoughts are there to take them, apply and help add to their ideals. Why is it that we love quotes and sayings so much. This proves that words are powerful. How a simple sentence can ignite wakefulness in the ignorant. It is baffling to wonder sometimes why so many cliche quotes we hear today are not heeded more seriously. Because it is obvious the words being said must have truth or why would it stand the test of time. But still we get caught in our day to day meanderings that will come of no use when the truth makes it’s way through the cracks of your sleeping mind.

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