Opposision is a person or group of people opposing, criticizing, or protesting something, someone, or another group. (sometimes initial capital letter) the major political party opposed to the party in power and seeking to replace it. 5. the act of placing opposite, or the state or position of being placed opposite.
Define opposition: a configuration in which one celestial body is opposite another (such as the sun) in the sky or opposition in a sentence.
Opposition is something that goes against or disagrees with something or someone else.
Just about any political view has opposition.
Chances are you know the word opposite: this means something similar.
The opposition to something goes in the opposite direction.
Parliamentary opposition is a form of political opposition to a designated government, particularly in a Westminster-based parliamentary system. Note that this article uses the term government as it is used in Parliamentary systems, i.e. meaning the administration or the cabinet rather than the state.
The title of "Official Opposition" usually goes to the largest of the parties sitting in opposition with its leader being given the title "Leader of the Opposition".
In First Past the Post assemblies, where the tendency to gravitate into two major parties or party groupings operates strongly, government and opposition roles can go to the two main groupings serially in alternation. In this context, the opposition forms a recognised, even semi-official "government-in-waiting". Its "opposing" can degenerate into a charade pending the eventual exchange of roles and occupation, or reoccupation, of the Treasury benches. The more proportional a representative system, the greater the likelihood of multiple political parties appearing in the parliamentary debating chamber. Such systems can foster multiple "opposition" parties which may have little in common and minimal desire to form a united bloc opposed to the government of the day