
in writing •  7 years ago 


Say What do you know about Women,
Pretty Figure?
Weak? Need to be protected?
Multi tasking?
Baby Machine maker?
Everything about Tears
Objects of Lust Passers?

Then I say about women
If you know about women
maybe you want to be a woman with all her glory
Or you do not want to be a woman because it's so hard to be us.

You said Woman is a warehouse of sorrow, Galau, Blue and sadness.
Tears felt so easy to flow like we had a spring, tears only.
That's why you say the tears of a man are more valuable.
You think What are our tears?
Sadness, yes ... we cry when we are sad.
But you must know that we are crying when we are happy.
I think you're aware of that.

The woman is a nag and complaining creature,
Even you are always looking for us, to complain, to boast about your success.

Do you know.
I am female.
Although I always envy a man who can achieve freedom.
Though I always ask why I should be a Woman.
Although my tears are so stifling my heart. squeezing my heart. I lost my breath a fraction of a second.
Although I look smiling but I am still a woman who is too sorry.

which always strengthens us
which weakens us.

Then I ask you guys.
What do you know about us, Woman ??
Just an overflow of heart because it woke up this afternoon.

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bereh that lago nyan ? :D

Cit bereh hai