The voodoo of writing

in writing •  6 years ago 

I am curious how you come up with your content

Do you write every day? You have a daily ritual? Maybe some Voodoo going on to help the success of the post?


I followed a couple of internet people who earned their bread through their emaillists.

Some of them were selling products others made their money with advertising other peoples products.

Nevertheless, they all were writing on a daily basis. To come up with new content.

Before Steemit I had a blog about my poker career. Sometimes I wrote daily updates, sometimes I did not post for months.

So it is save to say I was not really consistent with it.

Most of the time I enjoy writing but I have several articles I started and don`t feel like continuing, at least for now.

One of those email internet people made a very good point

Quantity produces quality

No, that does not mean we should post every random thought our soul pukes out.

But with consistent writing we sometimes write something really good.

Not every article will be our best and sometimes not even good and that is fine.

But with consistent writing, we will get better at it and we will get those original quality content everyone claims to produce all the time.

What is that anyway?

How do you measure that?

The effort I put in? If I try brain surgery I only get sued because I will fail terrible at it even if I tried my hardest.

The engagement it produces? Maybe, I enjoy it a lot if people discuss with each other over a post of mine as it shows to me I produced something of interest.

At the moment we can probably all agree that it is not the payout! To a degree but just because it is in trending does not mean it should be.

In my humble opinion it is only measurable for myself. I know what I like and I know what I think is shit!

And I hope you, too.

I don`t have a problem with a really good picture getting a lot of votes.

Sometimes I am wondering why certain videos getting upvoted by dtbue but that is none of my business.

I am annoyed by dmania and the plagarism which get upvoted by the bot.

Everyone likes different things and has his own agenda.

Peter only like posts that prove the earth is flat while Anna just want make up tips.

Both think their content or the content they consume is valuable. While I think both is shit.

But wait...this is not what I wanted to write about...

Back to writing about writing...

Actually one more thing...

With dtube,dlive, dmania and dsound and other projects I dont`t know about and others that will come in the future we entered a new age.

We evolved

But now back to writing

I am impressed by the people who come up with content everyday.

I have to admit sometimes it is hard for me to get new ideas especially if you post in one niche.

I am all over the place...maybe this is what it makes it harder but I also enjoy it a lot posting about anything I like and not restricting myself.

So let me ask again. How do you write your original quality content?

steem dream.gif

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Its a difficult task, especially if you write within a niche. I like to write my feelings in form of memoirs if I may use that word. My ritual is to lie down and delve into my mind and find a way to express my feelings about some complexities of life and relate them to a simple idea.
Writing every day is mentally challenging but its a challenge I relish, practice makes perfect after all

I think I want to pick that up again. I had kind of a diary once and wrote this way almost everyday but I think it would be a good habit to pick up

Yeah you should, you'll encounter a lot of people having similar/differing mind set from you and eventually pick up some tips from them.

PS: Thanx for the contribution to Comedy Open Mic. We really appreciate it

my pleasure :-)

I hope I come up with at least one entry this week again

You are right, regular writing does produce quality if you get "on a roll"

Sometimes it is the comments or questions on a post which inspires the next post. Some days there are 3 or 4 article ideas bouncing around my head, other times I run dry. For me I have to keep some momentum or it gets harder.

The same with me I often get inspiration from comments and sometimes it feels like I have a hundred ideas but if I don`t write them down I forget them quite easily or feel like it was a stupid idea anyway.

ALso agree with the momentum after a break it is much harder to get back

true! I've gotten inspo from comments before, too! I write the post ideas down actually.

Hi! Thank you for the post!

I would like to write, but I think I have nothing interesting to contribute and what I do is draw is what I always do, I hope that those who write will help you with your question. ;)

You never know until you try.

But your pictures are great so do what works the best for you

Since I mostly write about our travels I only write a new post if I got enough new pictures or after we visited a nice beach or national park. Apart from that I haven´t much to tell!! 😜

It seems you come around enough to make great pictures constantly.

I guess so. But sometimes, like with my latest post, I got the feeling they all look the same!! 😂

Hope all others do not think the same!

Heheheh i know that feeling.

I’ve noticed since I’ve been on Steemit, the topic I write about has changed. I write whatever I am interested about at the moment. I think consistency and writing daily does help a lot in keeping the creative juices going! Practice practice practice!

Yes, me too. But i enjoy it to post about what i want. It is my blog afterall 😀

Interesting, I enjoyed reading this. Respect for those who come up with new ideas every day. Didn't know you had a poker career, will you write more about it?

Maybe. I User it sometimes as an example


This is amazing sir probably the best i have read so far today.


its a muscle. it needs to get worked if it is expected to achieve
writing, video, music... whatever.... the more you do of it...the more you can do of it

I agree

I have been posting everyday about coins, silver or gold. Today will be my 39th post. I use my personal coin collection as the basis for every article. As I have been collecting for around 40 years, I have material for many, many articles. I know that one day, in a not near future, all my coins and its history will be already showed but during my whole life I have followed the numismatic advice : "Buy the book before the coin". So, with my library, I will have material for a few more years of daily content.

Sounds like you are well set up😀

Excellent flipstar the way you have expressed your feelings is so awesome.

My best content (at least in my eyes) usually comes from topics that are on my head for a few days - Then I rethink and rethink the post in my mind before finiding some free time to actually write it :)

I feeling my best contest is the one I write "on the go"

But tbh i dont know atm what I think is my best content...

Something really different today and you shared the best no doubt about it :)

"No, that does not mean we should post every random thought our soul pukes out." Haha maybe that's my secret sauce...writing every thought my soul pukes out hahaha.

I blame it on my ADD brain. I have so many thoughts, I don't think I'll ever run out of things to talk about.

Now, being consistent and feeling like doing it is an entirely different story though.

Yay word vomit!

Hahaha Word vomit I like that. Gonna steal that.

It's really difficult to think of what to post in your blog every new day.
For me, what I do is to observe my day, how it's going, the good things/ bad things I experienced and from there boom! I have something to write about.
Mostly from watching people.

You make that Sound easy

Bro all I do is focus and everything falls in place.

I do not write. I read people's thoughts on the day. How do those days work?

You bring up some interesting points. I have been on Steemit for only about a week but I have blogged before, so it's not my first time. I try to be consistent in writing but sometimes I just face writer's block and cannot produce a single idea to write about. For that reason, I keep a list of topics that I randomly come up with. Every time, I ponder something, even a small and trivial topic, I write it down. When I am out of ideas, I check the list, pick a topic and then just let my writing fingers do the rest...If it's a good article, I have no idea but at least it made me think for a moment :)

In the past few months I've been producing contents based on the photos that I have in my hand, it sounds easy right? Not the case, the difficulty in my photography posts is when I don't have a photo to show. Since, I'm a visual person and my topic is about photography, my day-to-day concerns will be the "subject" for my photos.

But as soon as I produce the photo, then it will be a lot easier to write the description and story of it.

As of now, I created a curation project, it's a daily post that I do. With this, I can be very consistent.

I have to agree on the fact that daily content writing or producing will somehow improve the quality of the work. "Practice makes perfect" :-)

My inside Voodoo is mostly daily working, several times :-))) As for me, I am writing content of my daily life and adventures. No need to copy and content from others, if I do, other will know it very fast and I will lost all my followers and friends here on steemit

Great post you content is very interresting thanks for sharing.

Thats a good topic to read it

Really interesting writing man.👍

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

We need voodoo magic to get visitors to our post.

does it work?

I dont know

no i write after some days
hi friend! your write very nice

This is amazing sir probably the best i have read so far today.

how much did you read today? :-)

thank you

I certainly don't have the skill to write every day, if I do write, I'll spend almost a full day on it - I have other things to do.

I'm the same way though, I'm not limited to one niche, I kinda just do whatever I feel like

I think it is a skill I want to learn though. But yes I also don`t want to limit myself to one niche

Thanks for this great post............////////

This writing very interesting, I like it.
I appreciate your blog. thanks for sharing busy............

Something really different today and you shared the best no doubt about it :)