There are many things that can make a person want to change his character or personality. Experiencing a life trial that shakes the soul, feeling traumatized and not wanting to repeat it again, or obsessing with something or someone is one of the things that drive that desire. Personality is simply the way a person responds with a certain attitude toward his environment. Usually by trying to change his personality, someone will hope his life will run better than ever.
Changing the personality of a person is not a small matter, because in him it has usually formed strongly as part of the journey of his life from birth. Especially if we have grown up, so we have been accustomed to live and interact with a certain attitude. So to change his personality one needs to make breakthroughs and change many things in his life.
Personality Changed It may take a great struggle to change our personality. The most likely thing that can be done to change our personality is to look for a side of the character that may not yet be fully explored to be developed, or alter only part of the personality it possesses.
Do the following steps if you want to change some aspects of personality, one of them is:
Give appreciation for yourself
How to change the nature must be done slowly and gradually, because to change something that has been firmly inherent in us requires a separate struggle. When you achieve success, no matter how small it is to reward yourself to motivate yourself to keep trying.