in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


I have come across beautiful people with low self-esteem, as a matter of fact, I know of a guy who is self-confident, has a lot of charisma and won an award for the most handsome but getting closer to him, he told me that he once struggled with low self-esteem and he still struggles with it from time to time, which reminded me of when I saw him reading an article online on how to overcome self-esteem. Self-esteem is deeper than we think, some people go as far as taking their life, trying to be like someone else, living a fake life and lots more. But what exactly is SELF-ESTEEM.
Self-esteem consists of thoughts and feelings about yourself. Self-esteem can be either positive or negative. When we talk on the negative aspect, we refer to it as low self-esteem, and high self-esteem when it is positive.
I will be giving few steps on how you can move from low self-esteem to self-confidence.

  1. FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGTH- We are all unique and there is something or somethings you can do that others cannot do, there is something you can achieve that others cannot achieve. Focus on your strength, build on it, do not look at the height of the ladder but take a step.
  2. KEEP THE RIGHT COMPANY- The company you keep matters a lot, follow people who encourage you and supports your dreams, not people who put you down or always let you know you cannot achieve anything. Filter your friends and select the ones who are ready to make it work.
  3. LIST YOUR GOALS- There are things you want to achieve, list them and start working on them one by one, you can write them out and start working on them, little by little, you will see yourself achieving them. It is achievable once you set your mind to it.
  4. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF- There are nothing as great as believing in yourself, filter the negative thoughts and let the positive thought rise above it. Self-confidence in achievable if only you are ready.
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See my post and vote my last 3 post and I will upvote you 100% in one hour.... No reply

Hello @arif1 In as much as i appreciate you stopping by to comment, i am sorry i can not do that. I will advise you get involved in the community and not the 'vote me, vote you' stuff. The #newbieresteemday is also a guide i will recommend to you.

Keep the right company is really works @gracefavour this is the right move filtering friends and pick the right company that motivate and communicate to you as well, great post good job dear, worth to upvote and resteem as part of my #newbieresteemday😊


You are right @sweetcha, the right company also matters, Thank you so much dear

much welcome dear, good job😊

It's nice that I learned something from you. I hope that I learn more from you. Thanks.
I already followed you, you can follow me if you want or read my posts, thank you again😊

Wow! thank you dear @winxie, i am glad you learnt something. I just followed you too. I will definately stop by at your blog. You are very much welcome to steemit.

Too many dwell on weaknesses it's a waste of time & life you cant be good at everything nobody can & nobody is. Become opinionated & don't be scared to do it, There are people just like you if you haven't met them yet it is just because you haven't met them yet trust me they are out there & as keen to meet you as you are them.
Love yourself & this is so important, How can anyone else love you if you don't like yourself? I'm not talking about conceit love yourself for who you honestly are. people are so much more interesting than they think they are. In fact if you are as mad as a box of frogs you are more interesting than somebody who isn't.

Exactly @professorhobo, i agree with you. Thank you for the 'Love yourself part' it is of utmost importance. Thank you for the comment.