Guild or No Guild ! (Ikut Komunitas Guild atau Tidak)

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


English Version

After following some of the guilds in the steemit community, I felt a bit of awkwardness from their members. The irregularity is that the community is only as a promotional event of writing or artwork each their members.

Some guilds have deviated from their original purpose, which should provide support to their members. That support can be suggestions, positive criticism, commenting and upvoted, however eventually become only a promotion event only.

The members of the guild usually just leave the link page in order to be able to be upvoted by members. This type of member is only part of the opportunistic group that only wants the written works or artwork to be upvoted without contributing to other members.

So for newbies should be selective in choosing guilds. The good guild characteristic features are:

  1. The members are active in providing support and give input to others;
  2. Having clear vision and mission;
  3. Having rolel in providing support to other steemians who are not members of the guild;
  4. Not to distinguish the origin of member states. Whether a native speaker is in English or not a native English speaker;
  5. Do not use the guild for the benefit of some members only.

Be careful when choosing a guild, don’t let you be exploited. Do not focus on the number of members, but more on the quality of its members and the guild's board. If you do not get support you should stop or move the guild. Love your voting power (vote power), use it appropriately and wisely.


Dari Sabang sampai Merauke kita Satu Indonesia tanpa memandang Suku, Ras dan Agama.

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Setelah mengikuti beberapa perkumpulan (Guild) di komunitas steemit, saya merasakan sedikit kejanggalan dari para anggotanya. Kejanggalan tersebut adalah komunitas tersebut hanya menjadi ajang promosi karya tulis atau karya seninya.

Beberapa guild telah melenceng dari tujuan awalnya, yang mana seharusnya memberikan dukungan kepada para anggotanya. Dukungan itu bisa berupa saran, kritikan positif, memberikan komentar dan melakukan upvoted, akan tetapi akhirnya hanya menjadi ajang promosi saja.

Para anggota guild biasanya hanya meninggalkan tautan halamannya dengan tujuan agar dapat diupvoted oleh anggotanya. Tipe anggota seperti ini hanyalah bagian kelompok oportunitis yang hanya menginginkan karya tulis atau karya seninya diupvoted tanpa memberikan kontribusi kepada anggota lainnya.

Jadi bagi para pendatang baru sebaiknya selektif dalam memilih guild. Adapun ciri-ciri guild yang baik adalah :

  1. Para anggotanya aktif dalam memberikan dukungan dan masukan kepada sesamanya;
  2. Mempunyai visi dan misi yang jelas;
  3. Ikut berperan dalam memberikan dukungan kepada steemian lainnya yang merupakan bukan anggota guildnya;
  4. Tidak membedakan asal negara anggotanya. Apakah itu pembicara asli berbahasa Inggris atau bukan bukan pembicara asli berbahasa Inggris;
  5. Tidak memanfaatkan guild tersebut untuk kepentingan beberapa anggotanya saja.

Catatan :
Hati-hati bila memilih guild, jangan sampai anda dimanfaatkan. Jangan terpaku pada jumlah anggota banyak, tetapi lebih pada kualitas anggotanya dan pengurus guild tersebut. Bila anda tidak mendapatkan dukungan sebaiknya hentikan atau pindah guild. Sayangilah kekuatan memilih anda (vote power), gunakan secara tepat dan bijak.

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This is why I haven't joined a guild, I forfeit some profit and notarity, however I have my freedom to vote as I wish without having to worry about the guilds guidelines and rules.

Yes... I agree with you. :)

Excellent work dear friend @happyphoenix very good advice thank you very much

you are welcome ! :)

thanks for sharing
I read a nice story you may enjoy check it out
heres the link

Perfect post

Makasih mas.....nanti komentarnya pake bahasa Indonesia ya! Haa.....ha... Nanti saya juga begitu, kasih komentar di komunitas Aceh pakai bahasa Indonesia. Biar nanti terbiasa komunikasi baik bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. :)

Do what you want to do.
For me.
I won't join a guild.

Ha...ha. that is okay. I just give a warning for newbies. I am so sad because they have high expectation by joining guild. :)

Having rolel in providing support to other steemians who are not members of the guild;

I'm guessing its supposed to say "rolemodel" there.

But I agree with all your points! And I think more active curators should start creating their own trails and guilds to be able to support more people. I am positive that communities will help a lot in providing a more balanced and fair support among all members, new and old.

Yes, That is the point... ! :)

eh.. We have guilds?

Yes... we have but non formal manner just like a club !

Got it! :)

I agree 100%
Happy steeming :)