White Rabbit, The Princess and Easter Eggs

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

A far, far away from our solar system there is a planet is similar with our earth. It is beautiful and still pure, there is no pollution and the air very fresh, sky looks blue and clearly river everywhere. The inhabitant of this planet called it with name “Breith”, there are many kingdoms on the planet. One of the kingdom is called “Ibi”. The King of Ibi has one daughter, the name this princess is Kayla.

There is an event on this kingdom celebrate by their people this day. They have own easter event, you can believe it or not, they have own Jesus like us on earth. Citizen in the kingdom very happy to prepare this celebration, they collect many chicken eggs even duck eggs. Those eggs are colored and painted with beautiful color, also they share it to all children in this around kindom. Happiness is felt at every corner Ibi kingdom.

Including Princess Kayla have given two boiled chicken eggs by King and Queen. King said to her, “Here Kayla, me and your mother give you these two boiled chiken eggs, go get it dan have fun !”. Princess Kayla is very exicited and said “Oh…. Wonderful, thank you, I wil keep it for a while in safe place.” . Then those eggs is saved in the own her cabinet laid at the corner bed room, and she is leaved those eggs inside. She goes to another room to get a brush and paint for coloring those eggs.


She goes back into her bed room and open her cabinet where boiled chicken eggs were saved. “Oh, my God ! Where is my chicken eggs ?” Princess Kayla cried. Her face turn out pale, and feel surprise to know her two boiled eggs missing. She search every corner her bed room and could not find it, suddenly a noise sound come up from under bed. A small round white tail appear at the corner edge of under bed, she walks slowly near to that tail and look down then, “Whoaaa!!!” a little rabbit shouted with surprised face. A small white rabbit come out from under bed with look feel guilty.

He said, “I am really sorry, Princess !” . He stand up beside bed with two hands hold on two boiled chicken eggs. “These are my boiled chicken eggs, why do you take it ?”, Princess Kayla ask to the rabbit with curious manner. The rabbit step up near Princess Kayla to tell the reason he take that boiled egg, “Princess, I am sorry but these boiled egg for my pizza. I have been searching eggs every where but could not find it.” . With hand oh her hips, She tell to the rabbit, “Hmm… you know this day is easter event, of course you could not find an egg, most people in this kingdom save it for celebrate it.”

“I have an idea for you.”, and pointed to those two boiled eggs. She come nearly to the rabbit and take one of that boiled eggs, “You can have one, I know in this kingdom everyone should celebrate easter event including you rabbit !”. The rabbit feel exicited and said, “Thank you very much, my princess ! You are very kind.”. He jump and kiss Princess Kayle on her cheek then go outside from bed room.


I make this story for task on Coursera course.


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Beautiful work dear friend @happyphoenix thank you very much for sharing

Thank you !;)

Good story) @happyphoenix

Thank you ! :)