In the scriptures times, the primary duty of the disciples of our creator was to be with the master. They had regular communion with the good shepherd before sent out to preach and heal the sick. This is confirmed then he appointed twelve, that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach. Did not call the disciples to be with religious leaders arguing about the scriptures.
He never called them to intimidate people, he simply called them to be with him and follow in his steps. You cannot give what you do not have! If you do not stay in creator presence to have regular and consistent fellowship with him, your life can not yield the expected fruit.
The more you stay in his presence, the more your life will radiate the beauty of his glory. Moses tarried in creator’s presence and his face became radiantly shinning. When you are constantly in his presence, your life will noted for divine direction.
Thus Moses became the creator’s emissary and an intimate friend of creator because he had time to be alone with him will always preach outdated messages. Creator gives word for the season to only those who always create time out of their busy schedules to stay in his presence.
There is power in his presence; power to carry your cross and follow the creator daily, strength to overcome challenges, temptation, attacks, fears and other forms of evil. Little wonder, creator was praying alone in the garden of gethsemane before his trial and crucifixion.
Meanwhile, his disciples were busy sleeping while he was trading away his weakness for divine strength.