Trump Will Be Here, in My Town.

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


This will be the second time in my life, that a United States President I loathe completely will be speaking in the town I live in.

The first time was in 2004. George Dubya Bush, war criminal extroardinaire. I was at work and someone gave me the news. He was at Blaine's International Sport's Center.

I had to go into the back and cry I was so angry. The first person I had ever hated in my 20 years of life was only a couple of miles away.

I entered the military at 17 years of age. It's perfectly legal for military recruiters to set up shop inside of high schools.

When I was 19, I shattered my ankle. And God told Dubya to send us to war. I was a part of the 434th MSB. The Red Bulls. They were over there for over 2 1/2 years. Some of them didn't come back.


There are countries Bush cannot set foot in because he was tried and convicted as a War Criminal.

Now it's Trump. He was going to speak at the DECC but our usually progressive and outspoken community surprised me. The number of tickets requested was quadruple the number of available seats. So it was switched to Amsoil Arena.


I know a few, like myself and a couple of co-workers had requested a pair of tickets with the intent on not going, forcing him to have a few empty seats. But the tickets were a farce. It's first come, first served.

That tactic ended up backfiring on us, but no doubt the majority of people were serious. Minnesota is a blue state, but it's basically cut in half. The small towns and counties in the north are primarily red, while the larger populations in the south are blue.

And since Duluth is in the north... Well, let's just say it brings out the ugliness in people, knowing that he's going to be here. It seems to give them permission to be disgusting human beings.

I've heard a lot of bullshit from co-workers and people talking loudly on the bus about Trump's stance in immigration. And that it is the immigrant's fault for bringing their children with them illegally.

People. 👏 Seeking asylum. 👏 Is legal! 👏

Ironically enough, directly outside of Amsoil Arena stands this lovely Lady Liberty.


A miniature of the original, true, but yes she has this plaque. Will she hear his rhetoric of hate?


Protests are planned. We know he chose Duluth because we are a shipping town at the head of thr Iron Range. Copper Mining is being pushed heavily right now.

There is already enough on our plates with Line 3 and the DAPL plowing it's way in. #waterislife #noline3 #noDAPL


Will he even mention the explosion that rocked our lives at the Husky Enbridge plant in Superior? Does he even know that no one for 30 miles south and 5 miles in every other direction can garden this year due to toxins in the soil?

Please. Trump has made it clear he doesn not care about the little people, or the environment.

How dare he come here after cutting funding to the Great Lakes Restoration Program, helping to clean up after the pollution caused by his generation's rape of the Earth?!

The trio and I will be there come Wednesday, rain or shine we will join the ranks of protesters outside of Amsoil.

Also, almost symbolic. A 1,000 foot ship making it's way out onto the lake ran aground yesterday, just outside of the Arena. Pushed away from the canal by the insane, flood-causing storms we have had the past couple of days.

That ship's name? The American Spirit.


Dark days ahead for Duluth. Let's just hope the crazies can stay sane and not hurt anybody through this.

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The scum has risen to the top, and our grandparents who fought and fled fascists would be horrified to see their children and grandchildren become them.

I'm glad Trump wants to uphold the immigration law, the elite for to long has used immigration for votes and cheap labor, meanwhile, American's middle class was dismantled. I'm a fist generation immigrant, but I came here legally and stay here legally as well. You grant asylum to people from war torn countries, Central and South American do no qualify, furthermore, this is a tactic used by George Soros to destroy the West.
Americans for far too long had to put up with both political parties steered by the same head, perhaps this time will be different that is if more people wake up to the ugly reality that we are the elites' cattle and nothing else.

Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

Go look up the political and economic status of Honduras. I'll wait.

Very few of the criminal illegal aliens qualify for asylum.

Seeking asylum is not what the criminal illegal aliens are doing that results in them being separated from the children they cross the border with who may or may not be theirs.
When you seek asylum in a country you don't hire a coyote and jump the border and then try to evade the authorities, you go directly to the authorities and declare your intention.

How many times did Hillary come to Duluth when she was campaigning?

The "crazies" who you fear hurting people are the attendees to the presidents speech or those protesting it?

Did you miss this article?

He DID immediately turn himself and his family in. He DID immediately ask for asylum.

They still immediately seperated him from his wife and tore his child out of his arms.

The attendees. Too many comments made about "teaching lessons" to those who disagree.

They successfully crossed the Rio Grande together

Is that the legal way to cross the border, across the Rio Grande?
Your article didn't make the claim he turned himself in, why are you claiming that?

I am glad I clicked on that because it didn't say what you said it did.

And I have no idea. I was not in Duluth during the presidential race. That question has absolutely nothing to do with this post.

You may not like the president but you can't say he has forgotten the forgotten people there in Duluth, my guess is that Hillary did.