The Reason I Chose To Be Inactive And The Story About The Amazing Yet Terrifying Decision.

in writing •  7 years ago 

Fellow Steemians,

I haven't been active on Steemit for almost 2 weeks now. - Don't think for a second that I've given up or something like that. - The reason I haven't been active is simple. Even though it's still kind of heartbreaking at the same time.

I truly love Steemit.

I love the outstanding community and the endless possibilities I've been given on a silver platter. - Steemit is something incredible and I feel blessed over the fact that I've been able to be part of this amazing community. - I am a Steemian.

Not only have I made some great friends. I have also managed to reach more than 1100 followers, I have earned a decent amount of money and I feel that I've become a better person because of Steemit. I've been able to improve my writing skills and I've been blessed with continuous support from @teamsteem, just to mention one of all the fantastic supporters I have.

I have been able to encourage minnows. I have been able to inspire, motivate and help other people around me. I have been acting as a support pillar of Steemit and I have shared tons of content in various niches, even though I've been focusing on content to help minnows. - I am here to stay and I will never turn my back on Steemit.

The truth is...

That if I could, I would spend all my time on Steemit but I can't. It's impossible.

I have to work, I have to take care of things in my personal life and I need to spend time outside of Steemit. - Steemit is like a second home to me and Steemians are all my family members, but I need to focus on my real life.

Steemit have given me so much so I feel obligated to help, support and guide others around me. I feel like I am in debt. I owe Steemit.

I share because I care, and I owe you nothing.

That's the reality. - I don't owe you and I don't owe Steemit. In fact, Steemit should thank me for being here. Steemit should appreciate my work and the time I spend here... - And Steemit does exactly that!

I have all the tools and the opportunities to make something out of all of this. - And I am trying.

I have focused on minnows. I have tried to motivate and encourage people around me. I have tried to help and support everyone I can... - I have also shared tons of articles about Steemit around the web. In various internet marketing forums, in blogs on twitter and on Facebook. - I have tried to discuss things with as many people as I can and I almost feel like an ambassador of Steemit.

I have given away Steemit merchandise in Sweden. - I have given away SBD to encourage and motivate my readers. - I have given away SBD to personal causes. - I give.

I don't charge you a single cent for the work I do. - I work for free.

That being said...

I do get paid. - In terms of followers. In terms of readers. In terms of comments and also, in terms of money. - Each day is like a present. - Each day is like a gift as I never can predict the outcome.

Some posts of mine won't reach more than a few cents... - That's how things are and I'm okay with that.

However, some of my posts, might, can and will, reach way more than that. - At some point.

No matter how much money I earn, I will never get enough or too little for that matter. - Because money comes last on my list. - Sure, I wouldn't mind being rewarded hundreds or thousands of dollars... - But I'm perfectly fine with the reality of me being rewarded just a few bucks for several hours of hard work. - I'm fine with that... And you should be grateful for that too!

You have the opportunity to do something for the greater good. - Meanwhile you can earn by doing that. - I will not mass-produce articles anymore.

I know that I'm not having a huge impact on the reward pool and the rewards I earn on average are just a fraction of the amount others are reaping on all their posts... - But I can't feel good about myself, my journey on Steemit or the rewards I earn, if I produce tons of articles each day. - I'd rather leave my portion of rewards to others.

That's why I will publish less articles than before. - I will still focus on minnows and to be the support pillar I want to be, but I cannot keep writing multiple articles per day, because that doesn't benefit me, you or Steemit in the long haul.

  • So, why is this terrifying...?
    Frankly speaking, I want to publish articles, and I probably will and decline payouts on some of them. - And I want to publish articles because that's a way for me to give back to the community. - The terrifying thing about this, is that I will give up rewards I could truly need. Especially in desperate times like this.

I'm about to go on a 24 hour- "mini-vacation" where I'll give away Steemit merchandise. - I will also spread the word about Steemit with tons of new people and I will bring many more bloggers to Steemit in the upcoming weeks. - And this is rather expensive.

  • Have I ever asked you for money?

The answer is no and I would never do that. - I would obviously appreciate any type of contribution or donation. - But I would never ask because I don't beg. - I don't ask for help because I want to help Steemit and not the other way around.

  • So what do I do?
    I power down the money I've earned so far. To cover all the expenses. - I use the money I've earned, from my hard work, to give back to Steemit.

That's how I will continue to do things..

Because I truly believe that Steemit deserves it.

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I like what you are doing. Posting less than several times a day is in my opinion good. I read several articles a day but don't want all I read to be from the same author. You might get more rewards overall with more posts but I think in this case less is more. Not more money but more value.

Just thought we would share some STEEM Power Love.

Thank you very much! - I truly appreciate your kindness. :)

I was going to take a voting break to recharge power, but this is worth an extra wait. Even though my vote itself isn't worth much more than some encouragement at this point... lol.

Thank you very much for your kindness. Things like this, are what matters to me. The gesture is of great value!

This is an amazing mindset...especially for me to read as a new steemit user as of 2 weeks ago.

I feel like I got on this platform for the wrong reasons but I love writing and reaching out to the community. I was constantly trying to figure out how the hell can I churn high quality content a few times everyday and I've come to the conclusion that for my sanity...I better start slow and not focus on the money...or I will eventually burn out and quit.

If writing less and not worrying about getting paid can keep ones sanity in check...I'm all for it!

Great article! Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you, I appreciate it :)

Great read, I'm doing everything I can to avoid a power down, and throwing what little I can into SP. Only time will tell?
Cheers my friend 😎
Best wishes to You

Thank you. I hear you and I had the same thoughts too. - I had to power down in the past and I said to myself "never again". - However, it's the best option I have and it's logical to use my earnings from Steemit for Steemit, so I just had to do it! :)

I full well understand money needs. People with any kind of savings account are far and few between, Anywhere.
SP is the best savings that I can have right now, Plus I can live very cheap when need be :-)

Well I am glad that you popped you head out for a minute to share where you have been hiding the last few weeks. LOL

Well, I'm here, even though I'm not. ;)

You're still here. Like the block chain those articles are still available, I went and read a few!

Thank you :)

Thanks for being a supporter of the community!

I understand taking time away from here. I'm still new, but I've found myself becoming slightly too addicted to being on the platform and trying to grow my presence.

Going forward, I'm planning on removing all of the Steemit tabs from my chrome browsers on my phone, and only opening them when I actively have time to participate in the community while I'm on my phone, or computer.

After-all, real life (where my family is), is the most important part of my life. Steemit is an amazing community, and I love being here, but I need to share my time properly with my family too :)

Best of luck with your new path on Steemit!

Thank you very much and yeah, I know the feeling of being addicted to Steemit. - Steemit is awesome but it's also very time consuming. However, I don't mind spending time on Steemit and I don't mind spending hours writing articles either. After all, I work as an online freelancer from home so I have time... - But I just can't allow myself to mass-produce articles anymore. It doesn't feel right.

I wish you the best of luck too! :)

good info

You are probably one of the fastest readers I've ever heard of. - I know that this post ain't super-long, but you replied after approximately 45 seconds, so you've got some reading skills, I tell you that.

Heartfelt post man. You got to do what you got to do!

Soon you are more up :)

This post received a 4.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @hitmeasap! For more information, click here!

I have voted for you can voted my comment please. Thank you dear in advence.

I know that feeling. Currently I try to support my family 100% with my Steemit income. That is a a few Dollars each day and I cannot pay my rent this month without lending me some money from my mom. It sucks but I keep on Steeming. I will not do some other shitty job ever again in my life. I'd rather die.

Maybe i missed something, but if youre creatingvalue ln steemit why post less. I can understand not having time, but tp say to youre doing it so othere can make more thats selfish in its own way. Your witholding your value from this great platform so others who create less value can have more. Be greedy! You get what you deserve for the value you create and the more value you create the better off theentire world is!

I had the understanding that you helping others ends up helping you if not by upvotes then by resteeming or commenting and well just by being there being your friend not that I count myself among those friends I don't feel I've been round long enough or truly contributed enough to be a one. I wish you much luck in all you do and I hope with the few hours I spend during the week to have such a following as you one day like a year or two as I'm still learning :D you do what makes you happy and what feels right to you

Hi, I am @sophiamaria nice intro here and welcome to Steemit family. Follow and upvote. :)

Great article, very insightful. The idea of steem really changes the public blogsphere, so much so, some people can become consumed by it. I know myself, I've only been on this platform a week and I''ve spent a shitload of hours on here. Well written.

I agree with you. Good choice.

Thank you so much for all your help.

I will still focus on minnows and to be the support pillar I want to be, but I cannot keep writing multiple articles per day, because that doesn't benefit me, you or Steemit in the long haul.

I'm glad you feel that way, and I think multiple articles per day actually isn't a good thing. you have to keep something extra for days you can't write... and also your readers will be better reading one article daily than check their steemit account every 5 hours..... That's what I think

But I'm perfectly fine with the reality of me being rewarded just a few bucks for several hours of hard work.

I'm like that too, but I really wish I get more comments on my posts. these make me feel I wrote something worth reading. this doesn't happen often here as much as it happens on reddit (which I treat as lower-quality steemit).

~and finally, thanks for the article, it was a great read~

Great post!

well said steemit is second home.I am here to improve writing skill and meet new people around the world hows their life spend everyday.