It was through the hands of man that I am beautifully trimmed and perfectly planted in this magnificent landscape. I am just a bush but I give fresh-looking green color leaves to beautify the surroundings. I am perfectly paired with the violet bush and that makes us both even more beautiful to behold and displays a wonderful landscape that pleased the human vision.
We are only here for a certain span of time, share something beautiful before you leave and that would definitely leave an eternal remembrance of what and who you are.
It is indeed my nature to be here and give beauty to this world. Thus, this is the purpose of my existence that I need to fulfill. All other creatures as well has their own purpose in their existence. Above all else there is nothing more noble than to share the beauty within us to others and to this transient world. For as long as you have shared something beautiful to others and to this Universe you 'll surely have no regrets when time came for you to bid farewell to this passing world.
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