Lift a finger for change: Publish your first practice "knowledge tree"steemCreated with Sketch.

in writing •  6 years ago  (edited)

My web site is now a "free speech zone" for "knowledge tree" writings. A "knowledge tree" literally takes writing to a new level. Using knowledge trees, you can quickly generate a directory filled with hundreds, or even hundreds of thousands, of html files, all from a single source file. Such a directory can then be uploaded into a Rackspace Cloud Files container to be served as a static web site worldwide via their Content Delivery Network.

If you keep reading, within five minutes you will know how to write a knowledge tree source file, using a plain-text editor with a fixed-width font. You will need the font to be fixed width because each sentence of your writing is placed on a separate line (called a branch), and the number of characters that it is indented determines what level (above the root branch) the sentence will appear in the knowledge tree.

Blank lines are ignored, and you don't need to provide any control information if I am going to publish it for you on my web site. Here's a simple example of a four level knowledge tree:


Knowledge trees (like real trees) grow upward from a single "root branch". Only relative indentation matters. In the example, "root" is indented four spaces. Rule 1: All other branches must be indented by more than the root branch. Rule 2: Reading upward, indentation may decrease by any amount, but may only increase by one space per line.

The publication software automatically capitalizes the first nonblank character in each line and appends a period. The root page of the resulting web site would display "Root." in a title line. One paragraph would be displayed, beginning with "A." in italics, which is called the thesis sentence of the paragraph. That would be followed by "Aa.", called a "detail sentence". "Aaa." would not be visible; it is like a footnote in conventional writing.

In the resulting root page, some of these "branches" would be clickable, which would take the viewer to the page for that branch.

That's all there is to writing a knowledge tree. There is no limit to the length of each line, to the number of lines, or to the level of nesting. Advanced formatting is done using escape characters and html tags. (For example, beginning a line with "\r" suppresses capitalization of the first character as well as the postfixed period.)

You can try this right now. In your reply, use three back apostrophes (`) to "fence" your knowledge tree practice text. (Click "Markdown Styling Guide" for instructions.) I will copy your source text and paste it into the source text for the Practice Area on my web site, and within minutes you will be able to see your first knowledge tree, published there.

By trying this, you will be helping me to introduce my new invention and to get traction for its launch. Knowledge trees are a fundamentally new way to write and are a very easy way to create a web site.

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