Aimless journey - A story about a prince in the snow.

in writing •  7 years ago 

While roaming the realm of Steemit I stumbled with this piece of art by @clementinete and it just called for a story. I mean just look at it!


The watercolor mesmerized me, and the following was born from the inspiration. I hope you enjoy it!

Aimless journey

He woke up surrounded by blue. The light that shone inside the snowy cave, the robe that had kept him warm during the gelid night. Even his eyes, reflected on the blue ceiling made of ice.

The prince stretched his limbs, breaking the cold from his muscles. On his elbows, he crawled out of the low cave. He closed his eyes before emerging and then just stood there, two feets from the entrance. The freezing cold air slowly surrounded him while he prepared to open his eyes, not yet ready to face the blazing light. It wasn’t until he had put on his blue hat that he was able to take in the landscape before him. Soft blanket—pure white.

He searched for his friend in the low branches of the trees, even though he hadn’t heard its characteristic greet. It wouldn’t be there. Not this early. Feeling just slightly lonely, he resumed his journey—blue boots easily cutting through the mellow snow.

With the sun high in the sky his lively pace turned to a slower one, melting snow making it harder to advance. In the new rhythm, he thought about his mission. Would he ever find him? He was tired, but he couldn’t back down now. He had to find Raskith.

Thinking about the warlord sent a chill down his spine. Had it been wise? Taking that quest on his own? Would he be attacked? He hoped he didn’t need to use his sword. He disliked violence.

The prince almost laughed at that last thought. He had made the journey all the way from Alge-Cale to wander the depths of those woods in search of a powerful weapon that would give his kingdom a tactical advantage over their neighbours. But he disliked violence. Even with his diplomatic upbringing, he couldn’t escape it. Why was violence so easily sparked whereas peace was so elusive? Peace was anything but the absence of violence. Would it be like that forever? To fight while at war and prepare to fight while at peace. Was there an end to the cycle?

He raised the collar of his robe against his face, protecting it from the chilly wind. An almost unnoticeable rustle in the top of the trees made him smile a little. “Who? Who?” his feathered friend asked, soaring low in the late afternoon, once again keeping him company in those desolated woods. Who, indeed, could find a balance between the two powers?

The mute shadow of the owl sliding over the snow was replaced with one much bigger. Looking up, the prince marveled at the scene before him. Black silhouette covering the red twilight sky.

“Who roams these woods?” Raskith asked as he landed, the whole ground shaking from his words. The calm, golden eyes, three heads above him, radiated authority. So much that the prince felt compelled to answer immediately.

“Kalrich, Prince of Hyroc, My Lord.” He said while bowing. The prince was mesmerized by the black scales that covered the giant body from tail to wings. He focused for a moment where his talons met the snow. A perfect match. An enchanting contrast.

“What business does your kind has with the Northern Dragons, Your Highness?”

“I seek an audience with My Lord... Our kingdom calls for aid.”

For a long moment, there was no answer. It gave the sun enough time to hide completely behind the mountains, turning deep red into dark blue.

“Very well.” Raskith said at last. “Kalrich, Prince of Hyroc. You are welcome to share your concerns with the dragon council.”

Strong, yet serene. Rampaging, yet composed. Violent, yet peaceful. Following the warlord to the Northern Dragon's den, he was surely on the right path to finding an answer.

His search was over, but the journey had just began.

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Dear @isa93, it is as if my prince was just waiting for his story to get a real face and personality! And now you gave it to him in such a poetic and evocative way with your writing! Thank you so much! I have a blog “” Would you mind if I publish it there with the drawing and your name as you prefer it?

I'm glad you liked it! (and a little relieved, to be honest hahaha). It flatters me that you want to publish the story in your blog :) please go on, I just took a peek and it looks gorgeous over there. You should definitely bring more of your work to Steemit!

Thank you @isa93! I’m posting your text :-)!

UGH no ending. What's up with you fantasy-writers setting up ginormous story lines and worlds, only to use them for one small, open-ended piece??
Regardless, this might be one of the best short works of fantasy on Steemit yet. Good job!

Hahahahahaha I've heard that before. Note that is actually an open ending :wink: I might continue it if people keep on liking it. In fact, I might continue it even if they don't. I really enjoyed writing this.

Thanks for reading and for commenting. Your opinion means a lot :)

You should get @clementinete to do more art that could accompany the story as it goes. I think it'd make for a very interesting serial!

I would love to!

Doooo it <3

Only one owl pun? Owl better do something about that ;)

I'm not sure I should be laughing at this hahaha

Why not it is a hoot :)

Your word were so vivid, I watched the all scene even as I read it. This is amazing, do continue it!

Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it :)

Some truly marvelous writing here @isa93. Lovely. And what a tale to spring from the gorgeous watercolor.

Thanks! Now, I'm far from marvelous, but I'll take the compliment graciously :) as for the tale, "spring" is kind of the accurate term, since it mostly wrote itself from the picture.

Thanks for reading!

This was great, I would love to read more of Kalrich and Raskith's tale. I just love that you saw that piece of art and it inspired another piece of art: this one from your 'pen.' It's one of the things I love most at Steemit, that interconnectedness we can find with our creativity.

Well done!

I know right? I'm marveled at how many great artists of so many different disciplines one can find here! It's inspiration. Inspiration everywhere. Also, I'm flattered you call this a piece of art :D

Thanks for reading!

Very good, I thoroughly enjoyed this opening story, I can't wait to read more of it :)

Thanks for reading @tropicalwolf79!