The substance - A NextColony based sci-fi story, part 2

in writing •  5 years ago 

I actually did not want to participate in the next sci-fi writing contest by @art-universe to give others a chance too.
But so far no-one stepped in. So I am composing some more lines now, for my and your fun. Enjoy reading it.

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After some discussion, Heather and Simon had been sent to the suite where the scientists had been brought. The guards were informed and let them enter after they had been signed a digital paper stating they would not reveal any details about the location to anybody.

When they were at the inner door, they rang the bell. The classical way was still very convenient.

Lily walked to the screen.
"Hi, who's there?"
The faces of the two young people showed up.
"Heather Wilson and Simon Martin from the criminal investigation agency. We're enrolled in the team investigating the fire in your home. We have some questions and would like to talk to you. Can we come in?"
Lily was surprised to see something who was not even their age yet in such a responsible position. Esra and she considered themselves young. What were those kids doing?
But she accepted and the guard opened the door.

It was just the moment that Esra walked towards their direction when they entered. The guard was there also and he spoke first.
"Mr Werner, these are Ms Wilson and Mr Martin from the criminal investigation agency. They have some questions for you."
"Yeah, I heard that", Esra replied, a little impatient.
"You are allowed not to answer their question if you don't feel like it."
"We do know that, thanks, sir", said Lily.
The guard turned to the door and left the room. He would not listen but Roland and Kyle, who took turns on the CCTV screen, did.

"Tell me your names first", Heather asked.
"Esra Werner."
"Liliana Privalova."
"Thank you." Heather made a note on her handheld device.
"Tell me about your profession."
"I'm a research fellow in chemistry."
"I'm a lecturer on solid state physics."
"You are working together?"
"Partially, "Lily answered, "There are not many people doing research on material science, so we help each other from time to time."
"What was your topic of research, ma'am?"
"We are studying the chemistry and physics of minerals from the other planets. Currently we focus on minerals from Tartaros, but we still examine some minerals from Lightsaber too."
"Tell me some more, " Heather suggested, "we will ask if something is unclear."

They explained it to a whole. The minerals, their characteristics. how they looked like. The apparatus they used. Heather and Simon saw formulas and charts they had not seen before. After 3 hours their heads were spinning. They had ordered some food to have a break and distraction but basically it was a never-ending lecture for someone who had not majored in any material science.

At last, Esra handed a small chip to Simon.
"This is a copy of the database with all our findings. We usually keep the data in our lab and office only but for some reason we decided to take one with us. We had some strange feelings something might happen. You wil also find some talks we gave on it."
"Err ... thank you, " Simon replied, "are you trying to say you are having some intuition of what happens in the near future?"
"Sometimes, yes, "Esra admitted, "it's just a subjective feeling, nothing too clear."

Meanwhile Lily and Heather had walked to the kitchen again, getting some more tea.
"One of you had this single mineral stone on the bedside table. Or that's what we assume. We found traces of it all over the bedroom but the largest quantity was on the left bedside table."
"That was mine, " Lily easily answered without any suspicion. "It was a compound of minerals from Lightsaber. Most samples come in small quantities. This one was unbroken and of some strange beauty. It used to shine from inside from time to time. We left it the way it is, no examinations have been made."
"But you trusted it to have it with you in your living rooms?" Heather asked, looking sceptical.
"Well, yes. You must understand, we love our work. Maybe we are a little incautious at times. But why did it happen exactly yesterday?"
"That's what we are trying to find out." Heather had finished the tea and turned towards the door where Simon and Esra were already waiting.
"Thanks for your hospitality and patience. We will let you know if we have more questions."
"Thanks to you both for coming around and giving us some distraction. We hope you will find out the cause of this incident soon."
The guard opened the door and Heather and Simon slipped out.
"Thank you", they said him too.
"You're welcome", the guard replied before he turned to his handheld device again."

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To be continued

Thanks to @art-universe for hosting another sci-fi writing contest based on the @nextcolony game's background story.

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