Day 914 (Daily Post)

in writing •  5 years ago 

Day 914. I am up early on what appears to be another cloudy day in what now seems like an endless procession of cloudy days and dreary weather that has spanned the last month. Of course I am slightly exaggerating there because I keenly recall very distinctly at least two days that there was really good sunshine and there might have actually been more but the memory of them has assuredly been overshadowed by the days of clouds, rain and frequent thunderstorms.

Folks are probably about as tired of reading about the weather as I am tired of writing about it but unfortunately it plays a vital role in how my days go not just because of my dependence on solar power but also because it determines my daily activities and with the thunderstorms and their subsequent affect upon some of the dogs it can really get a bit frustrating especially since I am not generating enough electricity to play some loud music and even mildly sooth them during their distress.

In those moments I just kind of feel a bit helpless and like yesterday when the thunder rumbled for the better part of six hours I daydream about having a soundproof building/room or even an underground bunker to block out the noise and accommodate them some peace of mind or at least some relief from the onslaught. For me that is how goals are born though because I notice some difficult to solve problem and my brain starts it's 'puzzle solving' routine until a viable solution presents itself.

Unfortunately my solutions often entail a larger supply of resources than I have but that never quite stops my mind from thinking about stuff anyway so I just do my best not to get frustrated by the lack of resources to see my ideas through. Like I have said numerous times before 'if I can ever successfully marry my ideas to the resources required to implement them my life would be very different indeed' but hell as things are I am content if I have enough resources to keep the dogs and me fed and keep the phone service on so that I can even marginally interact with the world.

As far as my 'interactions with the world' go I often feel that they are incredibly one-sided which is not all that surprising given my tendency to avoid all the knee-jerk, circle jerking outrage topics that seem to spawn interactions much the way a pile of poop in the sun spawns bacteria but hey I actually find my life much more satisfying without engaging in those things because there are fortunately much more interesting things in the world that are actually worth the time and attention put into them.

Anyway I have rambled on enough for one morning and should probably just wrap this up, give my regards to other living creatures that I hope they have a nice day/night and wish them wellness in their lives because that is the best way I can think to start my day. Ta ta for now.

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Today's Obligatory Picture: Slowly Ripening Apples!

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