Content is King! - but most importantly we should build a following first...

in writing •  8 years ago  (edited)

Content is king! I think we have all heard this statement at some point. It cannot be more true in the new blogging sphere, which most of us only entered recently. Most of us are using the platform on a more frequent basis. I am now at the point where I do at least two posts a day, and also started featuring new authors and bloggers, to ensure that I add value to our ever growing community.

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So I have been writing on various subjects, firstly - it was all about reputation and how important it is to build a reputation on the platform. I am now focussing on content. What content is the content which people would like to see? I think it is still too early to be specific about exactly which content people on Steemit would like to see. I am happy to see a more diverse list of topics that reaches the trending lists. We are also seeing some big names with a lot of followers joining on a more frequent basis. The likes of @dollarvigilante which has the ability to get the word out to literally thousands of people. This is just wonderful for the platform and will hope fully assist to push the platform over the tipping point for the masses to join. I found the interview with @dan and @ned extremely interesting and exciting. The future of the platform is in good hands! I am glad they mentioned that the follow feature will be released in a new version of the software soon.

Back to building online reputation and content

You do not have to look very far to see that building a good online reputation will be turn into a reward at some stage. A while ago blogging was something that people did to show their passion for specific interest. This changed into blogger's earning a reputation and turned into superstars.

After a lot of reading today, I decided to write a series of posts, about great blogger in the world, What they've done to make it. I learnt so much in the past few weeks and we can all apply these aspects to this great platform. The Series will be posts that interlink back to each other and will include links to various sources, which can assist all to create better blogs. The posts will start from tomorrow. So if you are interested in these please follow me @jacor. The good thing about the platform is that it will be here for future joiners of the platform.

What I have found that worked for me from a content perspective can be summarized as follow. I read this on a blog a while ago, and started to use the advice. And the three tips below is what directed me on the correct path. Remember we are selling a brand - ourselves -* to the audience of the platform.

Informative content

This type of posts should contain valuable and useful information. A least teach your audience a couple of things. It should always aim to answer questions people have. Obviously you cannot please everybody's taste, but as the platform grows more and more people will be interested in the same topics, hence the importance of building a like-minded community around you. The information can be of strategic information or just general information.

Interesting content

Although information is definitely a key factor of good content, it by itself will not always hit the sweet spot. Always keep in mind that real people are actually reading the content. Not Always though, I had comments on some of my posts before that is totally missing the point of the post. Fact: I have mentioned in previous posts before that I am in business development and therefor develop a lot of proposals on a daily basis, I always include an arbitrary statement hidden in my proposals, to see if people actually read them. I will throw something in the middle of any paragraph like : My wife took our dog to the kennel today!

Difficult to believe but if I have had 20 people asking me about the dog in the kennel thing it is a lot and I have written hundreds of proposals in my life before. However in every case where they did ask me we won the deal. Anyway, we should still assume that everybody reach the detail of all your content. So, it should be interesting to ensure you keep their attention throughout the post. Statistics, facts, metaphors etc. is a good way to keep people's attention. You also don't want be too technical as it can become boring very easily.

Relevant content

I currently write about where I believe we are in the growth stage of this platform. I wrote a lot about building a reputation, as Steemit is a reputation economy I wrote about this because I believed and still believe it is relevant to our audience. This is also the reason why I will be featuring the series of posts on How to create a good blog, as I believe it is relevant. The fact of the matter is we should all write about relevant stuff, why … because that is what people want to read. I know it is stating the obvious, but it sometimes help to read it somewhere.

So my take on this is create interesting and informative posts and most importantly ensure that the content is relative. Also write on a diverse topics for two reasons, to create a wider diversity of content on the platform and secondly to test what your audience and your followers want to read. Read a lot of posts to see what works and make friends with those around you.

Time to put the kids to bed … Chat soon

Happy Steeming

*** Please follow me on my blog @jacor if you enjoy my topics and content.***

@jacor features authors to promote a diversity of content and new authors. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.

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Another well thought out post @jacor. Keep up the good work!

Thanks @cryptobro . Just folowed you by the way. I love comments like this!

I completely agree with this, my follow list is slowly increasing in time

Yip, mine too @warrensteem . We just have to keep adding value to others!

Building a following is what I am trying to do. It just takes time and dedication, and of course treating others with respect.

Already following you @justtryme90 :)

And I you good sir :)

Anyone else unable to submit new posts?

I have steem, steem power and dollars.

I was in the middle of editing a post and my mouse slipped. When I hit the back button, submit.html will no longer load.

Clicking on "Submit a Story" causes the webpage to blink/flash once and then it sits there and does nothing. Hitting re-fresh brings up the submit.html page to the 'loading' icon. The avatar icon spins endlessly.

I'm unable to even post that I have an issue to @support

I have not had that issue, I am sorry that things aren't working out for you. I will upvote you for additional visibility.

I appreciate that.

You Also Write Excellent Content

Appreciate you posting this. :)

I can't respond to your other post but thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me, I didn't expect as positive a response as I have gotten to my posts. I am quite humbled by the complements!

I have the same problem on Firefox, but posting works on Chrome.

Oh, that's interesting.

I personally have no wish to use chrome with crypto, for security purposes, but I'll see if I can clear the issue using chrome.

Thank You!

I agree. In order to share our work and reach a wider audience, building a follow list is important. If someone has good content, they should not overtly worry about earning money as it will come in time. Good job!

Thanks @kajalpats , I think of all social media platforms, Steemit will be the most important one to have a large amount of followers. Unlike Twitter, yo have a real voice on this platform. You can actually make a difference in somebody's life of this platform

So many interesting information...

Making people follow you is the most important thing, not only in steemit but generally, in show-business and social-media.
You cannot get money from advertising, if not enough people know about you.

That is why im fighting every day, hoping that maybe someday i will get more people following me- not for profit, for sharing my ideas. I think they will be helpful for others :)

thanks for the comment @hrottie - Consider yourself followed :)

I agree that content is absolutely key along with building your brand from the ground up. As exciting as a $300 comment is, if you don't have many people interested in your personal blog, that might be the only real money you see.

I also love the interesting content paragraph where you snuck in "My wife took our dog to the kennel today!"
It is quite fun to call BS on people if you asked if you read some sort of paper where you inserted the occasional intentional oddity.

The only minor thing I disagree with you on, is about writing about what people want to see. I could try to write an article about anarchy, as it is a very popular topic, but I don't believe it would be the right step for me to do.

I personally think it is more important and enjoyable to write whatever you are passionate about. I'd rather receive a smaller reward telling people about something I love, than crafting content for the sole sake of a larger reward.

I think that's why people who may make less money doing a job they love tend to be happier than the person whose main goal is to chase a dollar.

Now I'm pretty sure you may have meant it as a warning to some people (for example there was someone writing dental articles that were very good, but had almost no upvotes because nobody was reading them).

I think we would be on the same page then if we agreed that you should write about something people are interested in that you are also passionate about. I enjoyed this article and will follow you now.

Thank you for your comments. It is always insightfull @bendjmiller222 and definitely . I am now offically follwing you :)

Those who continue to be create inspired content and follow like-minded people are destined for success in life

This is a helpful and motivating post. Thank you.

It's also about finding new niches for what you do. I'm trying to build a following around my art and bodypaint. I've grown from nothing to 40 followers in the last few weeks. Hope I can use your tips to get to 200+

Great post @jacor. This is essentially a new outlet for bloggers to develop their presence writing in their niche they are passionate about. That is what I tend to do in the financial education realm. Though some of my posts will stray outside of that. I love talking and teaching people how to be financially intelligent! I am definitely following you.

great post

Hi All, Thank you very much for all the comments. Apologies but unfortunately my Voting power is sitting at below 60 % and I will not be upvoting your comments at the moment. I will come back and upote your posts when I have build up a bit more Voting power again.

Great post mate glad i found your blog through a vote you did on one of my comments:)..Going through and reading some of your content now:)..awesome...Followed.

Excellent news , thanks for the follow. Followed you back :) I heard on the Interview that we will have the functionality of the follow button very soon. This is good news.

oh? that will be you have a link for the interview?

Yup, here you go

Awesome interview, it helps understand a lot more when you hear it directly from the founders.

Thank you for sharing. Yes. Content is a king or queen :)

Great post as always. I'm looking forward to hearing more about how to build a following.

Thank you @jasonstaggers . We will speak soon :)

My content has been quite... diverse. In topics and in quality. :P
Don't know if someones following me.
They are in for an eccentric ride.

I totally agree with you. It makes me sad to see my art getting no attention. Sure I am the greatest artist, writer or scientist in the world, but when you put effort and live into your work and no one cares, well that hurts. But I won't complain, I will try to do better :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Valuable idea - to learn from Youtube stars. I'm sure they have something to say :)

What I most agree - you cannot please everyone. A community of like-minded people - that's the goal. In the end, to communicate with those who see the world like you - it's great pleasure and a great fortune by itself!

Thank you, @jacor!

I agree with you 100% - community building must happen to build a reputation. I've committed to writing at least one post a day. It takes a couple of hours for each one. My spare time is spent trying to find good articles to curate and comment on. Can you believe I received an email saying Candy Crush misses me? LOL Well, I'm only on FB to see whose birthday it is anymore because Steemit is KING.

Content is what will help this platform explode in value. failed because people were posting crap content.

This is a great post and your idea of series is very interesting. :) Good luck!

it's a chicken or egg situation. no content then who will follow me?
I'm still working of my content.
this post is almost 1K. all the best.

Content is king. Those coming to the platform, generally already produce good content, hence their following. It will be good to see popular social media people join the platform and bring more eyeballs here. But, Steemit is still small enough, that everyone has a pretty good chance at creating their own followings by catering content here. Nice post.

i like that

Patience is a virtue and you really have to focus on quality not quantity. Hopefully I can find that patience.