Dream Ward 2
The weather is nice
It wasn't always so
It took a lot of dreaming
Work, toil, and woe
It took a lot of thinking
It took a lot of prayer
It took another witness
To say, something's really there
Oh God above, where are you?
Why is this thing here
Oh what is it I do face
A spirit warrior pure
With sword and rod
In armor platinum
And for a mommies lass
I spread my wings
Like an eagle
Swing with my cuirass
It's shining light
Pierces the darkness
None that can withstand
This blade of light
A handle of truth
To trod forth in my hand
To meet the foe
To vanquish evil
To protect a little girl
It hurts like hell
To fight this fiend
Is it worth it
To save the world?
Copyright 2019 jeff kubitz all rights reserved