In the middle of the 21st century, crisis after crisis, conflicts after conflicts hit the humanity until a world war bursts. However the confrontation went hand in hand as viruses, bacteria and substances that affected the mind, were released by invisible hands.
Millions of people died, there were famines, diseases, and without anyone attending the victims many lives were lost. Many countries disappeared in the process. After about 30 years, only a handful of millions of people survived the time of tribulation.
In this post-apocalyptic scenario, a group of young girls try to survive in the middle of nowhere in a small community called Girl Land, their mothers disappeared mysteriously 13 years ago, forcing them to survive on their own.
In this small city women rule and men are treated like animals, forced to live in stables and to do hard work.
Avril rules with an iron fist while her cousin Nicole believes the animals; men, have equal rights, this will lead to a confrontation between the two young women who will pervert the established order by the invisible hands.
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